Sent Billy Sheehan my Yamaha Attitude scratch plate to sign, he did so and sent back quite a lot of other merchandise too. It was my 40th then and I’ll be forever grateful 👍😎
This is exactly the same as the BB1600 I had but it’s badged as a BBX:
That is a lot of bass for no money at all!
PS, £287 inc postage, is still no money at all for the quality of that bass! £200 new for the pups alone, ex preamp!
I had a TRBX505 and as good as it was, I couldn’t get on with the string spacing. It was either 16 or 17mm. The RBX 375 looks more like the old style Yams that had a much comfier 19mm spacing. Check em both put to see what fits you 👍
From my experience last night, all precautions were adhered to until in the hall with the band and then masks were removed. Was a more mature crowd in last night so , no madness but still freaky nonetheless. Must admit to feeling uncomfortable.
Went to Bannermans rock bar in Edinburgh tonight to see a band called Blackwater Conspiracy who were supported by ‘These Wicked Rivers’.
Both bands were tremendous and I’d recommend going to see them. In Glasgow Cathouse tomorrow and Trillions in Newcastle on Sunday.