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Everything posted by andy67

  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hartke-LH-500-bass-amp-Hartke-Hydrive-4x10-and-1x15-Bass-Cabinets-/363486749433?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  2. Their returns policy is really good. Given the low weight of the TC cab, I decided to buy the BH250 because it fits in my gig bag pocket meaning I can travel by bus with the light cab and gig bag only, to any city gig.
  3. Cool 😎 learn something new everyday 👍
  4. The HB FRFR is a a guitar DSP, unsure if it’ll be any good for bass? Another easy remedy is, get a TC BH250 or Bam 200 to go with your cabs and just slip em into your gig bag or case.👍
  5. That is a lot of bass for no money! GLWTS, Andy
  6. I have one and adore it. It is perfect for home practice and small gigs. I have it paired with following amps: Hotone Thunder bass (5w), Ampeg PF50t, TC BH250 & Bugera BV1001t. It is perfectly fine with all of them and easily deals with the lower output amps. It is superb with the Bugera but I need to be careful as the Bugera is a monster and potential cab killer so, I keep it turned down. The BC208 sounds great, very clear with enough bottom end to ensure you have enough bass filtering through. 10/10 cab for me 👍😎👍
  7. Why would someone pay £1900 for a bass the could buy new for £899? Am I missing something?
  8. Sucks big time mate! Es macht mich sehr traurig! Ich komme aus Schottland.
  9. It will be my next purchase providing I can get it past the missus 🤭
  10. I haven't as yet but very interested. I like the look, layout and YouTube vids lol
  11. I sold the 1600 on BC to an Irish fella who was collecting BBs, be interesting to see if the admins could track that sale down to ascertain if the fella is still a member or not. My feedback seems much less now than it used to be so, I can’t locate it there unfortunately.
  12. On the 424 I had, I found either pup, selected individually, awful but were fine together. The 424 didn’t last long with me and unfortunately I sold the BB1600 too soon after. The 1600 was a far superior beast with no mud mush when selecting individual pups. But you all know what opinions are like …
  13. andy67

    About time!

    Ha ha typical, I’m always behind the curve at the moment 😂 I’ll delete the thread.
  14. https://www.music-man.com.mx/instruments/basses/cliff-williams Cannot believe it’s taken this long for MM to do this.
  15. This was my collection of Yams until a couple of car incidents intervened. I still have the Att LTD 2 and BB714.
  16. Oops! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-BB-404F-Rare-Fretless-Bass-Guitar-/324708824373?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  17. If that is the Frank I think it is and his age allowing? I’m certain I saw him live, demonstrating Dynacord amplification, 35 years ago at Sound Control in Edinburgh. Devastatingly awesome!!
  18. Depends entirely on your own preferences regarding tubes. I like both JJ an EH tubes but do not feel the need to change the tubes in the Veyron.
  19. If you’re talking about a tube hybrid? You’ll notice 👍
  20. It is 👍 but it doesn’t take away from the fact that it is an awesome hybrid amplifier 🥰
  21. It’s a stunner of a little bugger lol 😂 👍🍻
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