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Everything posted by andy67

  1. For sale in Scotland:
  2. Might be but what a player huh!!
  3. Think Suzi might be playing a BB here:
  4. Yeah the strings are close to the pups on my Spector. The Barts with the Darkglass will absolutely thrill you when you get used to them - Amazing tone and growl! Mr Bartolini passed yesterday https://www.guitarworld.com/news/bill-bartolini-has-died
  5. I have the 4 string version and what a bass it is!! The Barts coupled with the Darkglass preamp is amazing!
  6. Nice one, cheers 👍
  7. Firstly, my apologies for putting this here because it might be more suited to the weird and wonderful eBay section. However, I cannot fathom this bass at all, can’t locate a Schecter headless and going by the crown style inlays, Spector is out too. So, what is it? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256163864371?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LueLmidJTMK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=PGq_huysSd-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. https://www.btnmusic.co.uk/product/yamaha-bass-machine-head-assy/ Good luck AP.
  9. Yep I think they are. My BB714 has a 40mm nut, jazz is 38mm, pbass is 42mm unless is a vintage reissue of sorts, & Billy Sheehans attitude is a baseball bat at 45mm at the nut.
  10. I have a Euro 4 LT P/J but I do fancy one of these: https://www.spectorbass.com/product/euro4-lt-rudy-sarzo/ Actually, this version: https://www.spectorbass.com/product/euro4-lx-rudy-sarzo/
  11. A hazmat suit and gardening gloves to, just to ensure it left no marks or stains!
  12. This BB404f going for sale in Pathhead a few miles south of Edinburgh: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/230548806292596/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Aeb55e048-8fa6-47eb-b1f9-f53fc8f8e2af
  13. That is a cracking price for your combo! Superb quality gear from TC. Good luck with the sale, Andy
  14. Maybe worth trying a new set of strings, I always find RotoSound RS66 give me the power and tone I require.
  15. Taiwan is/was their custom shop where a very limited run of Ltd 1s came from 👍
  16. Real workhorses those basses and given you won't get a Ltd for any less than £3k these days, yours is great value for money! Edit: Made in Japan too if memory serves
  17. Billy Sheehan just posted this on FB:
  18. I am so looking forward to seeing this complete given I saw the original.
  19. How’s the BS hollow bass coming on?
  20. In my view, the best 5 string out there and the one that set the standard!! I so miss my TRB 5 Best of luck mate, Andy
  21. I totally adore my BV1001T and it is all you say and more The 'Chinese pap' thing is an olde joke from a previous thread between AgedHorse and I regarding Hartke.
  22. Chinese pap? lol 😂
  23. I'm sure the Bugera BV1001T is a copy of the Streamliner, @agedhorse will definitely know
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