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Everything posted by andy67

  1. The replacement arrived yesterday. It's much better than the last one but still has distinct traces of distortion/phasing artefacts after a note is played. These artefacts are more noticeable when playing an harmonic. I cannot in good conscience recommend the Chines built Ampeg SVT-3pro so my advice is, steer clear and buy a used US or Korean model for half the price.
  2. Daft question but did you check neck relief?
  3. Yeah remember now and I had cloth front V4 head. Must be nearly 10 years now since I sold it. Tempus Fugit
  4. Did you not have the TE V4 combo for a while?
  5. I have a variety of tube gear, Ampeg PF-50t, Bugera Veyron (love it 😍) and awaiting on a replacement SVT-3-Pro arriving. Cabs, Hartke AK410 & HD112. I’m enjoying using my little TC Electronic rig at the moment though. It comprises of a BH250, Helicon switch-3 and BC208 cab. The TonePrint function emulates some tube presets which are pretty cool.
  6. Totally regret selling my BB1600, such an idiot!
  7. It appears that Thomann are sending me replacement 👏 will find out next week when the item arrives.
  8. There is nothing out there like an Ampeg SVT Classic! Unbeatable in my view. 💪😎👏🤭❤️
  9. That seems to be very true. My conscience would not allow me to sell it on to another but I will be writing to Yamaha expressing my disappointment in this whole episode.
  10. Yep bought 6 months ago, failed within a six week period and has been in the failed/return loop since. Pretty poor by Thomann.
  11. Well, on its way back to Thomann who say that I can’t have a refund nor shop credit because it’s out with their 30 day warranty. So, they are attempting to get it ‘fixed’ under warranty by their experts for the third time! I am fighting this.
  12. Love it!
  13. Really, really disappointed. I guess, given time, I’ll look out for a used US version.
  14. Just blew a fuse therefore, it’s going back for full refund. Unbelievable! Folks, steer clear of Chinese made SVT 3 pro.
  15. Probably living fab lives with new owners 😁 I make regular mistakes with bass gear and there is 5 of them. All made in an attempt to find bass amp Nirvana.
  16. That’s how I see it! Got it back today and still not convinced. It sounds ok but there is still artefacts/phasing/distortion when playing. I have a practice soon so, will give it a good thrashing there to make sure it’s not my room, electricity or small TC cab.
  17. BB1600/714/424
  18. The Hotone thunder bass runs on an 18v power supply. I've found when using my TC BC208, the most clean headroom I can squeeze out of the Hotone is by setting master vol at 3pm and gain around 12 without dirt, any tinkering either side of this produced farting.
  19. Great thread My lot: Yamaha attitude ltd Yamaha attitude ltd II Yamaha attitude plus 5 Yamaha attitude special edition Yamaha TRBX 505 Yamaha TRB 5 mk1 Yamaha BB1600 Yamaha BB714BS Yamaha BB424 Yamaha BB425 Yamaha BBG5s Yamaha BB604a Now I only have the BB714 and Attitude Ltd II
  20. Same for and here I go again 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  21. I also own a PF50T - Chinese made - its faultless so, why it seems to be 3 pro s with major issues, is beyond me. My Bugera BV1001t is a far superior amp at less than 1/3 of the price of an 3 pro.
  22. You lucky man! I’ve had five previous 3pros, 3 US and 2 Korean. Each was perfect. I’ve read horror stories with the Chinese version and now I’m living it.
  23. definitely a standard Yin Yang. Tried to add the link but seems to have gone all google generic. Look further down and you’ll find the EMG equipped version 👍 https://www.google.com/search?q=fodera+yin+yang&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB865GB866&hl=en-GB&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALeKk00RHkROl-V3jnyDwbQ9xMMY8I5TJA:1593764331777&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiPsOfm0rDqAhVBSRUIHbp1DPwQ_AUoAnoECAsQAg&biw=768&bih=909#imgrc=TExFHQYNR-1JsM&imgdii=0T1ThOMUBDVkmM
  24. Yep outrageous little buggers! It is so classic SVT in tone and has huge output for 5w. I've got mine hooked up to a TC Electronic BC208 for home practice in my flat, it's perfect.
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