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Everything posted by andy67

  1. that's a lot of bass for £350! Good luck mate, it shouldn't be up long. andy
  2. Brilliant bass and John, the pickguard and control plate are fairly easy to come by. Don't think there is any real difference between 425 and 425x except the aforementioned.
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1426350883' post='2717236'] Or..if you've put it on hold, you've agreed to sell it to that person.. If someone said to me they were holding it for me, and then sold it, I'd be well p*****d off. And, so it appears, was the newbie..??? [/quote] Get that and the verbal contract therin but, poor communications from the buyer caused this issue as has been mentioned. So, unfortunately for the buyer, cost him the item. Learning point?
  4. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1425592966' post='2709006'] Ibanez SR505/605 should be available for less than £400 second hand and worth every penny! [/quote] The SR-605 is an incredible 5 string for the money! I sold mine for £275 and regret it completely, stunning in every way!
  5. andy67

    Fender MIM

    As GregBass says, the American pups are brill! I like the SPB-3 as it gives me more of the boom I like And as if by magic ... these appear: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/257527-fender-usa-precision-pickup/
  6. andy67

    Fender MIM

    [quote name='stubass' timestamp='1426197116' post='2715658'] I posted my joy yesterday it's a 2013 and in another league to the mid 90's one I had. Neck is unbelievably good. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/257615-nbd-kinda/page__pid__2715594#entry2715594"]http://basschat.co.u...94#entry2715594[/url] [/quote] Same as mine! Aren't the necks exquisite? I've added the basslines spb-3 that's all, it really really is a cracking bass! The stock pups were great but the BL SPB-3 have enhanced an already cool instrument. I may change the bridge for an American deluxe at some point but that will be it.
  7. Perhaps not but sellers do try their best to do the best by others and sometimes, that includes more than one potential buyer! You know, I would assume the person who bought the strings told you instantly they wanted them and would pay instantly? Its that simple for communication, yeah I want them, I'll pay you 'x' later today when home. Just had a deal go through with, I'm gonna name him, Billy Apple, I told him I wanted the case but wouldn't be down his neck of the woods for a week however, through great comms, trust and instant replies, the deal went off without a hitch. Cheers Billy
  8. I'd guess it's on 'hold' to enable the buyer to confirm and arrange payment not read an email then ignore it for a time. That would definitely make me think twice having been subject to this type of thing previously. However, there are superb buyers and sellers on here who can be found by looking at their feedback. My feedback is extremely important to me hence, instant replies to any query or requirement.
  9. andy67

    Fender MIM

    do you own a Fender MIM? I own a 2012 precision, it's beautifully made and the second best maple necked Fender I've owned. (Classic 50's precision being the best) I just changed the stock pup to a bass lines spb-3 and it sings! Thoughts from owners, previous owners, potential owners etc please 😃
  10. I think you did what was right in this instance. Clear communication and prompt reply are necessary when buying and selling here. If you look at at pm you can reply to it.
  11. As above - BARGAIN! Lovely bass and what a price. best of luck mate although you shouldn't need it Andy
  12. Coming doon the toon next weekend, East Cramlington to be precise, will mail you when I'm about sorry, should add, I'll take it!
  13. Cool mate.
  14. Was thinking £50 inc postage? for neck and tuners.
  15. Hi Mate, would you split this? I would love the neck. cheers Andy
  16. What a great guy! Was an absolute pleasure chatting and doing business with ya buddy. Simple, efficient no stress transaction - how it should always be. Keep in touch and enjoy the JBV cheers Andy
  17. [quote name='Freddy Le Cragg' timestamp='1422707564' post='2675839'] I use completed/sold listing results on eBay, take a median average from the previous 10 to 20 sales, then knock 10% off that. [/quote] Yup, very similar to what I do too. I do check a lot of places and use my own experience too. Personally feel there is a couple of hundred quid between modern standard US and MIM Fenders e.g. A MIM P new £501 - used £350, this will be contentious but in my experience US Fender Ps don't go for much over £600 used. And to be fair, I think the MIM Classic 50s P is every bit as good as the U.S. Standard P.
  18. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1422661477' post='2675503'] I cannot believe the prices they are going for. SSIs for less than £1k a plenty this year already, and there is a Thumb NT5 for £975! Considering what you are getting for your money, crazy! The market is everchanging, some brands will, for whatever bizarre reason, always attract a good price (Fender e.t.c.), others go through fazes. One thing us for sure, there is no set 'rule' in valuation. [/quote] "There is no set 'rule' in valuation." This is an interesting point and one we should explore, perhaps a guide? I've seen some trying to attain almost full value on a second hand instrument with the upgrade/two weeks old caveat.
  19. I love the track and watch the audience during the bass out! It rocks man!
  20. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1422629745' post='2674858'] All good advice. And it's not just Thomann! I'm trying to sell a used amp, and now GAK are doing a brand new one for not much more than I was asking... Part of the problem is that the seller always wants to get the highest price possible and the buyer wants the lowest. That's where haggling and negotiation come in (for some people - not everyone!). Added to that, it is very much a buyer's market at the moment so if you want to get a sale you may have to come down a bit from your asking price. Then there's the problems of sentimental value and [b]upgrades[/b].... and the "I want to get back what I paid for it" mind-set. Problem with that is that the market changes! It's complicated, but generally you can tell the genuine sellers from the opportunistic chancers (famous last words, I know!).[/quote] That's the one thing that gets me! Squier basses, just because it has been upgraded imo, doesn't mean its worth anymore. I have witnessed some trying to get more than new just because they have upgraded the pups! Its still a Squier and realistically is only worth what its worth S/H.
  21. Still a beautiful bass! Good luck with the sale
  22. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1422627244' post='2674796'] Lots of variables - age, condition, make & model all make a big difference. The standard stuff like Fender & Musicman always seem to hold their prices better than other makes or the more esoteric, custom stuff, but even that is subject to the fickleness of what's "in" at the time. [/quote] Definitely! Warwick and Musicman are the strangest ones. Sometimes they are so cheap and the next real expensive S/H, I always feel for Warwick owners given the price point they came in at in the late 80's and now so low.
  23. I have a bass for sale on an enthusiasts forum, I priced it accordingly but getting mails informing me that I'm underselling and being daft! Maybe so but I kinda like to sell at an affordable yet realistic price. If it were for example an all original 1951 Fender p-bass, well that would be different. The bass in question cost me £1050 17years ago, its been revised and upgraded to the mk3 version which now means mine is discontinued however, to buy the mk3 version costs £2672 I priced my obsolete version at £850 and have had some real cool mails in response!
  24. How do you price your bass once you've decided to sell it? For me, I look at new price say £700, shop offers 1/3 in trade £233, I do a bit research and generally think about 50% £350 is pricing to sell. Its a really tough balancing act as most buyers are looking for a bargain and if you go to close to new price, it kinda turns folk off or they'll buy new. I know it changes instrument to instrument but I'm genuinely interested to see how folks calculate the S/H price. Andy
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