Hiya mate,
Lovely bass. However, given the prices of real 80's basses, it may be worth gauging some opinion from the basschatters because you price seems rediculuosly low!
Now I know its frowned upon to comment on price but I feel this is a positive comment in regards to what most likely is classic 'Jap crap'. Unfortunate term but is said lovingly.
good luck
[quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1333787866' post='1606365']
A newbie, starting his first post with 'Dear Sir or Madam'... 'accessing the level of interest'...
My thoughts too, on a few levels! But we try our best to help out the community.
try here also: [url="http://www.facebook.com/groups/294500090592/"]http://www.facebook....s/294500090592/[/url]
Remember to leave a location here too - where are you?
This sold recently: [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Yamha_LTDII.html"]http://www.bassdirec...amha_LTDII.html[/url]
But I think that price is too expensive because they were £1050 new and they are not near vintage just yet. My price would be a solid £800. But, with all things, they are only worth what one is prepared to pay.
good luck and please join the group.
[quote name='wltchris' timestamp='1333119000' post='1597753']
Does nobody want my Hartke Hydrive 410? I didn't think I'd have such trouble selling this....
I'd love it! But, I don't have £400 only my BB424 to trade.
bump on me!
As the title states, Withdrawn!
[quote name='Machines' timestamp='1331756275' post='1578459']
Yeah it ticks all the boxes for looks and the quality is right up there. Just not what im looking for tonally. Deep down [b]i'm an all out rocker and this is far too refined [/b]for me .
Was thinking... I like that bass wonder if Machines would be up for a trade? Thinking my BB424 plus cash. However, you killed it stone dead for me right there Machines!
Hard being a rocker
[quote name='magicmarco' timestamp='1331230138' post='1569979']
400 ono bump
Remember you will need to be absolutely sure it is a classic 50s telecaster and provide absolute proof to any potential purchaser. If your guitarist bought it new? He should have the accompanying glossary for proof.
best of luck
Good stuff! Like you, Morello, the bridge was a giving me a bit a problem too. However, the string tree is on the button as is the finish. Realistically, £350 is a fair price, pushing £400 if in pristers condition.
I'm sure it is one of the 50's classic series: http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/search.php?partno=0131202303 with just change of scratchplate. Check it out with your guitarist because if it is ... that adds a few more quid to it.
good luck
+1 for all the other guys comments. However, it is in superb condition and if you look at the body, it has that sort of see through washed out look about which would indicate, possibly, a classic series?? Definitely do more research because I've seen the Mexican standard series go for around £200 - £300 dependent on condition. Will do a little myself to try and help out.