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Everything posted by andy67

  1. Good luck mate, hope it all works out for you. andy
  2. [quote name='silddx' post='1117838' date='Feb 6 2011, 04:51 PM']I'll add that I shipped a Precision to BC Member Baboom last year in a good quality moulded hardshell case with bubblewrap and padding around the vulnerable areas of the case, and put it in black sacks and taped it up. The manager at the PO said he considered it suitably packaged. I sent it by Parcelfarce fully insured and signed for and the case arrived broken in two places and the tone knob was loose. They refused to compensate for the broken case saying it was not suitably packed. After a bit of a battle they coughed up the £55 I demanded which I was able to pass on to Baboom. [size=3][b]Don't assume because your basses have survived airlines that they will survive couriers.[/b][/size] Airline baggage handling processes are very different.[/quote] You know this is very true and for some reason the horror stories all imply that Parcel Force is at fault or are incapable of handling packages. Maybe as considerate discerning bass-chatters and members of the public, we should make a show of our unity and force change in this company! Andy
  3. Sorry to be offensive but that is just stupidly cheap! These are great sounding 8x10s folks and almost indestructible... good luck andy
  4. Very decent of you. Andy
  5. [quote name='noelk27' post='1109835' date='Jan 31 2011, 06:43 PM']Really? [url="http://www.billysheehan.com/gear/instruments_12.html"]Blue[/url]?[/quote] Yep! Heard him in an interview declare it as rose blue and couldn't understand why people would think it is pink!! All said with a straight face.... andy
  6. [quote name='noelk27' post='1109631' date='Jan 31 2011, 04:04 PM']The first bass Sheehan and Yamaha worked on was based on the BB3000 model [color="#4169E1"][b](ROSE BLUE)[/b][/color], which is neck-thru, so he obviously has looked into that design, and discounted it. After the BB3000, Sheehan moved on to using an RBX model (think blue), which is bolt-on, and Yamaha used that as the template for the Attitude model. Guess that all depends on what you mean by "mass produced instrument". The bass Sheehan is playing (will play) will be built by the Yamaha Music Craft workshop, which is where Yamaha builds its handcrafted instruments. Now, unless you're prepared to call the likes of Alembic, Sadowsky and Wal mass producers, because Yamaha uses production lines to build the majority of its other models, to suggest its hand-built models are "mass produced" and not "handcrafted" is a comment simply without merit.[/quote] There fixed that for ya! andy
  7. Interesting: [url="http://en.item.rakuten.com/k-gakki/1522974/"]http://en.item.rakuten.com/k-gakki/1522974/[/url] Save 25% but without shipping and import duty. Still a lot of money £1700 ex tax and shipping. andy
  8. [quote name='noelk27' post='1108953' date='Jan 31 2011, 01:12 AM']Bit unfair. UK pricing has little to do with Yamaha. As it always has, Yamaha sets the price of its products in Japan, and the vagaries of currency conversion and purchase taxes set the local prices, outside of Japan. In 2010, on average, £1 bought Y130. In 2007, on average, £1 bought Y240. You've around 50% of the purchasing power you had a few years ago. Roll UK purchase tax increases into that equation and we're talking less than 50%. Walk into a music store in Tokyo, and Yamaha's new product ranges are as competitively priced as these always have been. Yamaha isn't attempting to reposition its product ranges, it's just that life in the UK has got a lot more expensive if you're looking to purchase imports.[/quote] Its just too darn expensive! Yamaha's new range of basses are definitely not competitively priced here, maybe at the lower end but not at this end. My Attitude MkII cost me £849 in 1999 brand new and now...well tripled in price. I'm not being unfair just stating facts. Would be interested to see set prices in Asia and America where the markets are a wee bit different. Shall do some research. andy
  9. [quote name='Bassman Sam' post='1108904' date='Jan 30 2011, 11:44 PM']Hi, I am 55 and have been an alcohli - sorry wrong site.[/quote] I hear you brother! andy
  10. What a blast from the past...Nearly four years ago! Ta for reminding me of this. andy
  11. Well, here it is folks in all its glory... [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/namm-2011-video-billy-sheehan-on-his-new-yamaha-attitude-iii-bass-359477"]http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/nam...iii-bass-359477[/url] enjoy! andy Oh well, in-line with Yamaha's new pricing ideology...I can't afford it: [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/yamaha-attitude-limited-3-billy-sheehan-signature-bass-guitar-baby-blue--82806"]http://www.dv247.com/guitars/yamaha-attitu...aby-blue--82806[/url]
  12. Being Ashdown, I had expected an rrp of around £899 but hey... we all get it so wrong at some point! Still want one though!! andy
  13. Well would appear I'm wrong: [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/orange-ad-200-bass-head/4893"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/orange-ad-200-bass-head/4893[/url] Add a decent 1x15 and you'd be up at the £1500 mark! So what exactly would we be paying for? quality? components? novelty factor? vintage sentimentality or maybe just mental! Still want one though!
  14. I'm seriously shell shocked at that price! Ok an orange 200w valve head is fairly expensive plus the addition of a 1x15 cab would maybe put it up there but as someone said earlier an SVT Classic and an 810 for the same price.... I certainly could not afford that and mores the pity there...
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1100775' date='Jan 24 2011, 01:47 PM']Ridiculous.[/quote] Better than the expletives I'm thinking of!! andy
  16. Love it to bits and would dearly love one...however: [url="http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&source=hp&biw=1272&bih=826&q=ashdown+dp-200+15h&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&fp=73d1ff2d575f6558"]http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&source=...3d1ff2d575f6558[/url] No chance now. andy
  17. You are being daft mate! That bass is worth more than £100 of anybody's money! At least £200 - £300 would be my guess.. good luck andy
  18. Jose is great guy and a good laugh! Great to do business with ya pal! Maybe if you get enough requests you should show em my last text!! lol, andy
  19. andy67

    Andy 67

    Cheers Jose, thanks for the kind words, however, going by my last text you might get a decent bit of servicing after all! lol! andy
  20. Bought my MK1 Yamaha TRB5 from me 18 months ago. Its not like me not to leave feedback but my memory is really going...I wondered where that bass went! Shedding tears for the loss. Great guy who drove all the way from England to collect - what a guy a and real good one too! cheers andy
  21. Lightening fast smooth transaction. cheers andy
  22. Sold one of my Ashdown Mag115 EVO II cabs to Ant. Was an absolute pleasure and flawless transaction. thankyou andy
  23. Hey Steve, Was great seeing you again and thanks very much for looking after my old cab so well - she has returned to her spiritual home! Steve is a great guy folks, I sold him my Ampeg b410hlf around 18months ago and today he sold me it back to me for less than he paid. Some folk make the community so much more human. cheers buddy andy ps, sorry about the mix up in the football teams...I am a tit!
  24. Good luck mate, can't wait to see the pics! Kudos awaits... andy
  25. [quote name='theotherphiljones' post='1085770' date='Jan 11 2011, 05:30 PM']Hi Got a Trace Elliot AH500-7 head that i don't use and a friend is interested in buying it. How much do you think i should be charging?? Thanks[/quote] Hiya, From my limited experience... £350 for an ok one and £400 for a good one. Rumour6 and Thornybank now their stuff concerning TE AH500's andy
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