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Everything posted by andy67

  1. Steal for an all valve amp at that price! Good luck, Andy
  2. That's a lot of bass for sweeties! Best of luck with your sale, Andy.
  3. Just bought a pristine Spector from George and absolutely delighted with it. Great meeting with you yesterday George and thanks very much for your patience in the eventual conclusion of this superb deal. Top man πŸ€˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ Andy
  4. Not for long πŸ‘
  5. I need to go for dual nationality because my father was Polish and that would get me back into the EU.
  6. This is soo cheap for a US Fender 🀭 Good luck with the sale mate, it’s a beaut πŸ‘
  7. My wee practice rig.
  8. I've gigged with the LB30 an PF50T, both work perfectly and kept up with a very loud drummer.
  9. Bugera Veyron BV1001T 3 valve pre stage to digital out, it’s a monster.
  10. I gave up looking at that mess after page 1!
  11. Just checked and yes, it’s in Cologne.
  12. What a mess, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/80s-IBANEZ-MC-800-BASS-made-in-JAPAN-/175189644701?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  13. Total nightmare and really disappointing! Wish we could get back in
  14. A second hand 424 will cost you same or less as a Sire. both are excellent so, tough choice. Given a P7 is around the Β£500 price point, I'll guess that is your budget? If so, be worth looking at this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284609367748?hash=item42440a4ec4:g:Q4YAAOSwmuZh4dra
  15. Let me know when you have something set up up here and I’ll pop along. I’m off to see Simon McBride at Bannermans tomorrow night πŸ‘
  16. I'm glad yer still pluggin away mate, any gigs booked in Ediburgh?
  17. I'm looking forward to doing that too. I am thoroughly impressed by this little amp and you are so on it with the Ampeg tone. I used my Pbass through it last night, shut my eyes and was back in the days when I owned a Classic
  18. Totally is! I use it for home practice and it has that presence thing you only get with big stage amps.
  19. Ha ha aye getting auld right enough! It appears the damage and subsequent recovery to my right shoulder and arm has caused injury to my left shoulder and arm also. I guess the left side had being doing the job of two for the last 4 months. I'm 55 next week and I've noticed that any injury has a longer recovery period!
  20. Just bought the comfort strap pro XL. Brill value for Β£38 delivered.
  21. Cheers folks, will look into this πŸ‘
  22. Hey folks, looking for some advice/recommendations. Last October, I slipped and fell over onto my right side crushing my arm and shoulder into my side. It was sore but quickly disappeared however, about three weeks later the pain started! So, to cut a longish story short, I had been unable to do much for around 4 months until recently I felt well enough to practice with the band. The problem is that my left shoulder is sore from standing up playing bass with my current strap and I’m now looking for advice and or recommendation for a new padded comfy strap. Ta in advance, Andy
  23. Delivered, unpacked and now set-up. My initial test with new gear is to check how it sounds straight out the box. So, I'll start with contents: out the box you get, the amp, power supply, footswitch, instrument and speaker lead - all good for a Β£122. Next up, plug in to see how it sounds. I'm pairing it with a TC BC208 cab and using my 1999 EBMM stingray. Low, Mid & Hi all set to far left position (off or low) comp switch at normal and control at 9am, gain at 8am and volume at 10am - morning times for illustration purposes and context. Plugged in the bass for instant nice tone and volume. Moving the EQ section to midday, adjusting the volume to full and working the gain up from zero, is astonishing! The footswitch appears to activate the compressor of which, is not too bad given the price of the amp. It is a single valve (AX7) 50w at 4 ohms little head that I'm running 20w at 8 ohms through my BC208 - it is loud at 20w. Will test more in the coming days but I am very impressed for more or less out the box tone & volume.
  24. Not checked yet but cheers for the reminder πŸ‘
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