Delivered, unpacked and now set-up. My initial test with new gear is to check how it sounds straight out the box. So, I'll start with contents: out the box you get, the amp, power supply, footswitch, instrument and speaker lead - all good for a Β£122. Next up, plug in to see how it sounds. I'm pairing it with a TC BC208 cab and using my 1999 EBMM stingray. Low, Mid & Hi all set to far left position (off or low) comp switch at normal and control at 9am, gain at 8am and volume at 10am - morning times for illustration purposes and context. Plugged in the bass for instant nice tone and volume. Moving the EQ section to midday, adjusting the volume to full and working the gain up from zero, is astonishing! The footswitch appears to activate the compressor of which, is not too bad given the price of the amp. It is a single valve (AX7) 50w at 4 ohms little head that I'm running 20w at 8 ohms through my BC208 - it is loud at 20w. Will test more in the coming days but I am very impressed for more or less out the box tone & volume.