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Everything posted by andy67

  1. I bought one of these but DHL seem unable to deliver it. Will chuck a few lines up as soon as delivered and played with.
  2. They were supporting Smith & Kotzen. what a performance by both bands.
  3. Take a bow son! Absolutely on the money bass player from the Dust Coda. Just finished their set at the Garage in Glasgow, superb bassist and band.
  4. Looks like a Stu Hamm Mex variant. Excellent nonetheless 👍
  5. Lovely bass with lots of character and mojo think the market is just slow at the moment, price seems very fair to me. Best of luck mate, Andy
  6. Yeah I got that from you. It's all this new internet use of or hijacking words that mean other than what they are currently being used for. The Mail, Express & Sun are awful for their use of the false narrative. All you need to do is look at the way the Scottish Government is portrayed by these rags in the south when in actual fact the truth is substantially different from the printed nonsense. E.G. Scot Gov to stop Brexit!
  7. As a 60s kid, that whole culture and use of internet trendy statements, make me cringe. lol
  8. On my iPhone, I was in at 21kz and out at 12.5khz, iMac was in at 24hz and out at 14.5khz. I guess the mediums used to test can throw up different results.
  9. This pops up periodically for me and I still find it interesting: I'm in about 24hz and out about 14.5khz. Although I will be rechecking the lower frequency on a proper HiFi system.
  10. I think I'd look past it and start hoovering! Order from chaos, lovely!
  11. Interesting little Yam: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Bass-Guitar-BB200-Custom-/185303243171?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  12. Very true! I'd love J'lo's bass 🥰
  13. This is very noticeable on a US Fender against its Mexican/Chinese/Japanese/Indonesian & Korean Fender cousins. Hmm, wonder why Fender didn't build any in Taiwan?? The headstock on a US Fender is a few mm thinker than those of the aforementioned countries. Stupidly, it really irks me and stops me buying Fender that is not US.
  14. Don’t tempt me 😋
  15. One I’ve already made and regret more than I can tell you.
  16. Given the amount of time he has missed the input, his other half must be mighty frustrated! I'll get ma coat!
  17. That makes sense given the research available on google. They are nice but yeah with all that character, its probably too much at £875. Your abstinence is working well ;D
  18. I thought they were worth about £1k? I must be off with the pricing these days lol
  19. There is quite a few BB goodies on eBay today
  20. Another cheap nice one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/255373422637?hash=item3b7571302d:g:bN4AAOSwZitiAC0y Might be a steal: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/194798082860?hash=item2d5adedb2c:g:OoIAAOSwvzZh~l~m Good for some at a reasonable price: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/194796044643?hash=item2d5abfc163:g:fbkAAOSwlQ1h5ZQ2
  21. Yep definitely, more relaxed and comfortable in my own groove now rather than try to live up to Billy Sheehan standards. Must be an age thing.
  22. I’m going to get a Spector soon, once my flat has sold. I have a gorgeous Stingray much like Cliff Williams from AC/DC, they are road worthy instruments and bomb proof!
  23. Cool rig 😎how are you getting on with the EBMM and do you still have the Spector? Meant for @AndyTravis
  24. I love those! Once my flat sells, I will ringfence £2200 to buy the Euro 4LT BLFG with the Bartolinis.
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