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Everything posted by andy67

  1. Researching and drooling!
  2. That was my thoughts re the thumb rest too. Good price though I have just spent around 3 months tinkering with my BB714 to get the action right. Initially thought there was a bow in the neck but there is more than enough movement in the truss rod to rectify that aspect so, put a shim across the two screws closest the neck pocket heel to change the geometry and have to add, worked a treat after all the tinkering was done.
  3. On the bay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/334290999504?hash=item4dd54bd8d0:g:d3QAAOSwixph4VZY
  4. .
  5. Not sure what they go for these days. Very versatile basses and I’ve seen some covert them to 5 string due to the 45mm nut. I got that image from Reverb so, will check prices as I’m now curious. Lol 😂 I changed to three fingers for that reason too.
  6. Starter for ten 🥳
  7. Bargains: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-BB404-Fretless-bass-/363677765661?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/used-Yamaha-BBG4S2-electric-bass-guitar-pearl-cream-/393839803272?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  8. Anderson’s have a couple of second hand BBs for sale, a white 424 (£249) & a 400f (£300). https://www.andertons.co.uk/search?categoryId=&storeId=10151&catalogId=3074457345616676668&langId=-1&sType=SimpleSearch&resultCatEntryType=2&showResultsPage=true&searchSource=Q&pageView=&beginIndex=0&pageSize=24&searchTerm=Yamaha+bb&authToken=-1002%2CXZvf36sLiPiYegUJrwTEpYgBzE92SYyViFqNTYY0v8k%3D&#facet:&productBeginIndex:0&facetLimit:&orderBy:&pageView:grid&minPrice:&maxPrice:&pageSize:&
  9. My 2009 BB714 has it too.
  10. Superb! You got a great deal there. 👍
  11. andy67


  12. andy67


  13. Sabre?? Did you get an SB900/1200?
  14. I think that is a mindset similar to US and Mexican Fender. MIT was every bit their custom shop as the MIJ is. There is an explanation of why basses where built there, particularly in reference to the mk1 attitude. I’m not on FB anymore so can’t retrieve it via the Attitude FB page. If you PM John Willis he knows 👍
  15. Yes it is! The MIT models were every bit MIJ equals, my first Attitude mk1 was Taiwanese, and was perfection 👍 Just for info, Yamaha don’t do poor quality because they state all manufacturing processes - no matter where made - follow the exact MIJ processes and quality control mechanisms as their MIJ custom factory. My only complaint about Yamaha is they quality control every aspect of instrument manufacture to the nth degree meaning a loss of individuality and character. Good compliment though 👍😎
  16. It’s a fantastic price, priced to sell too 👍
  17. Update?
  18. The BB714 was just under £600 12 years ago and has since been discontinued. £800 used is way over price, £400 - £500 is in the correct ballpark.
  19. Is there no member/s near you who has one to let you play about with?
  20. It’s massive, powerful, deep and when you hit that high cut boost, it goes very low!
  21. The BB714 has 40mm neck, woofer pup and non reversed P. It’s a different beast particularly when the high cut is selected. https://www.yamahamusiclondon.com/BB714-'Billy-Sheehan'-Bass-Guitar/pidYAM-BB714BS-LR
  22. Did you? 🤭
  23. The missus whining at me for not taking the rubbish out!
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