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  1. Sanity check - Musicman "sub" tuners, will any direct replacement be a fit for the string peg hole? I.E Wilkinson WJBL200 
    And where to get a black control plate from also...... 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chaddy


      I "think" so but haven't sized them up.  Black control plate but dunno if fleabay ones are any good. Alot of money for plastic as I'm going passive.  :D It's a good headache 

    3. jezzaboy


      Not so sure about the Wilkinson tuners as they have a rather large mounting plate and the headstock is quite petite. The G tuner might bugger you up due to the way it sits, maybe.


      The own brand one`s that Northwest Guitars sell are decent tuners and come in a choice of colours and r/h, l/h.



    4. prowla


      I'd be checking the location of the screw holes on the base plate too, rather than turning the headstock into Swiss cheese...

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