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Everything posted by Chaddy

  1. Cheers all!
  2. It sounds dreadful and is overpriced big time.
  3. Without going crazy on google, does any use or have recommended soft covers or cases for their ABM heads? or should I rack mount it in a 4u Gator case? ... Enough to keep it sorta safe in the garage or back in the car.
  4. The screw fitting slips when the tuners go under tension ( x2 ) and will ping the string back as if going down a tone. The E and G have issues.
  5. I'm just gona as well . Need new tuners for the musicman but instead lets just buy another bass
  6. £259 at Thomann "Squier 40th Anniv Jazz Bass SFG"
  7. Selling your Warwick? Wash your mouth out Sir!
  8. Price Reduced to £80. Open to Trades and money one way for any small house practise amp.
  9. It's like they were painting a kids face or something. It's comically done.
  10. I'm almost triggered by the poor setting up of some of the tents on show... Looking forward to the terrible BBC coverage of the festival.
  11. M-Audio BK8-D2 active studio monitors (pair). Bundle includes Adam Hall stands on removable ground spikes for carpets, speaker grounding pad foams, power cables & TRS balanced 1/4 cables for input. Surplus to requirements and fully operational. Used at home only at respectable volumes and taken care of. Manufacturer info sheet: https://m-audio.com/products/view/bx8-d2 Cash or transfer on collection. Gateshead. ( items are listed else where )
  12. LowendLobster - great community as well NollyGetgood - Trying to think of others bar the Tank Museum UK/Aussy
  13. Vegan's for you. He's got Beef with her I think.
  14. I went l passive with CTS and the old switch craft. My brother has my old multimeter a so I've been head scratching and failing to marry up the pick up wiring correctly by the old trick of headphones and connecting stuff by hand to see the results. There is the following from the standard sub pickup which I think is a dual live and ground for series? Red Black Red & unshielded combined. Anyone got recent experience of subs to confirm this theory?
  15. When I was 18/19 in College, Spent all day practising and then come to the actually live song and my finger gave way on my right hand. No Plecs in sight so had to use the remaining three fingers to finish the track off. 1st performance in front of people after week one of doing BsA Music. I believe on reflection it was simply fatigue, dehydration and simply over doing it to cause cramp and the ligament locked up. Never had it since.
  16. Any NE soldering guri's? having a headscratch... 


    What's the best time to give up soldering? asking for a friend.... 

    Ground hum, or no sound.. May have to rework some parts to fit properly in the smaller channel.

    Did a test run but it was getting abit unworldly. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      Happy to help.  Good hunting.

    3. Dood


      Lots of ground hum with no sound in a passive instrument: The first place to look is whether or not the circuit is completed with proper grounding. If it isn't grounded then all the components are kinda acting like an aerial to noise. If the noise goes away when you turn the volume down then its between the pickups and ground, if the noise stays no matter what you do with the volume then check the ground to the volume control and to the socket.


      Grab a cheap multimeter to test with - I got one for £5 just for chucking around.



    4. Chaddy


      Thanks Dood. 


      Turns out I had missed out one arm to pot solder.... call it wood for the trees.


      I've got to do a review on the charval as there is an obvious grounding issue but the wiring looks fine so I'm thinking this is linked to the poor shielding spray that is tripping it. 


      I may add an extra layer of body to jack for grounding as this is split from the bridge and body cavity to the glock pre-amp. 


      Last time I ever buy Fender. Sick of it now. 😒 

  17. I still gotta reshield mine cos its just the utter worst. I put a 3 Band Glock Pre-Amp in my 4er with a set up included but hasn't been 100% right since new ( This is a replacement as well due to the quality issues and arrived with a chip n' crack jack port inside ) Even passive it's abit of a noise machine and very "lively" the Pick ups are alittle unforgiving. Used it to record some Lamb of God though through sheer gritted teeth, hasn't been out the bag in 2 months now.
  18. Cheap gear? Indo made gear is now £1k! I have a friend who learned on what can be described as a cricket bat with cheese wire as he didn't want to spend any money and it was a loan, he has recently picked up a £200 quid Ibanez bass which suits him fine. They are not bad basses overall! Hhighly quality produced equipment will always be nicer to play ( my DP for example ), however even a pro set up on less expensive models can produce similar results without breaking the bank. Prices ATM are too expensive to do any mod's as you may as well go for the real thing as save the hassle if you go down some rabbit holes. Comparisons are key IMO. A Fender Mex Jazz Body which a Squire made neck would be a personal choice just from feel and tone. - Odd I know. I don't do the snobbery aspects of gear on headstock but I have my own limits on what I would purchase or not purchase - the primary being the neck radius and playability. - And I have Yamaha's RBXA2/A5 as well / Musicman China Sub that recently caught on fire from a short, but its great to play on.
  19. Thankyou mate, I don't mind passive or active tbh. It's an old beaten up China model. Spent ages searching and waiting for a black body maple neck one and now two have appeared online.... sigh. Tone wise the installed pre-amp was terrible and would be too hot for nothing. Pretty sure it was a design fault ( remember reading about it online for a hotfix ).
  20. Hmm Dave bass has a pre-amp for £60. - Choices!
  21. Had abit of fun today... my Sub musicman just went up in smoke in a literal sense. No sound and some head scratching later wondering why and then a gush of smoke out the jack port was a nice surprise. It seems a short happened which burnt the board, abit of the inside went up and the battery was very very hot. I've been debating ripping it out for a while as its one of the too hot China made ones (prefer 12* radius necks). Any recommendations? Open to suggestions but no 100 quid pre-amps!, I feel passive might be safer which is fine.
  22. "Off Topic" - Does anyone use / recommend a valve power amp for a phono connection? Ideally something for a vinyl player + into at least 50watt 6 Ohm's or more. 

  23. I used to stream for generic before cancelling as the cost wasn't worth it. ( wish I could use Apple Music due to the quality ) and I purchase in FLAC for anything I like to support the artists etc and see them live if about naturally. Sometimes it opens the door up for other music than isn't say "sponsored down your throat" as bad as Youtube. If I really like the band, I go for more the catalogue in Vinyl due to the art work for example, However as were moving soon I'm looking forward to chilling on a sofa with it playing finally on a deck with a tube amp. And google Podcasts I find more appealing now in the car , so I listen to the Good, the bad and the Rugby , Some F1 stuff ( got bored of it all now ) , or some comedy stuff.
  24. The Pre-Amp Push/Pull for Active/Passive on these basses? I've done more pick up swaps than pre-amps personally. Because If my passive tone is dog poo, the E.Q will only really smear it across your hands not wash it away magically. Tone wise, there is a lot about for Pre-Amp's and paring up. Having a hot pickup and a hot pre-amp won't add the magic I think you're after? questions to ask are: 1. Does the cavity have enough space to take a new pre-amp with out alterations? , 2. What tone are you after or do you find yourself adding more Low end or Treble if playing on E.Q 3. Two Band or Three Band + E.Q? 3. Do you want a mixture of classic or new sounding? I.e Stingray style? or something for fun?
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