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Everything posted by Chaddy

  1. Cheers Buddy
  2. Those who had gear sent down for a service was this completed from the website details or via a "dealer" as described in the info page?
  3. IV4 600 in the standard hard shell. I think the front plate or the underneath is the cause. as you can hear movement when its moved about. Rest of its fine, it just needs some TLC. 2nd hand for you - not sure how I never noticed till now!
  4. Used the amp in a loud setting last night and the thing is buzzy like mad in the hard case as the metal rattles. So placed on top of another amp to stop it. sigh
  5. https://ashdownmusic.com/products/aaa-ampkit
  6. I use a Tech 21 VT500 as a back up with headphone out if when ever that is required. But I would put it through my DAW and then hear it that way so I can play back to drums etc and record it etc as a quick turn around The primary thing for that is, I can use the amp fine with NO SPEAKER attached. Might be food for thought if you are wanting something that can do both as a flexibility. - Then I'll be asking what headphones are you using and so forth.... The ABM I am fully aware of the size, noise and all that. It's function is to push some air with a nice tone . Have a look at the Ampeg Rocket line up! they go from £139 for a 30 watt upwards LINK
  7. Yeah . Just a mad thought but I haven't had lunch yet lol I run a SVT 4x10 as my primary thats all
  8. Swap ya for a ABM 1x15 haha
  9. I got mine for £350 3 weeks back! ( It would of been £280 if a 1 Feedback sus-account , didn't bid )
  10. I've just returned one as it was really bad - Infact all of GAK's stock have the same issues! So got some money back and going to resolve it myself as it's too nice to let go for summit as "silly". The Pre-amp is getting ripped out straight away & replaced once I double check the cavity size. I don't know how they can make something so nice and fail at this last part of shielding , grounding and a decent pre-amp.....
  11. She might like it even more, if she sat on it?
  12. Star, thanks man
  13. Looking at the data sheets , It states 600watts RMS into 4 ohms. Per Power Section? ( Which is 2 Speakon in that area ) So if x2 4 Ohm is used that "will half the output power " as the load is 8 in total, resulting in 300 Per channel on that one power section. That is my understanding from the tech sheets Link to Manual and Date sheet at bottom of page " Halving speaker impedance doubles amplifier power. Doubling speaker impedance halves output power. "
  14. Monuments in 2 weeks - Manchester Academy 3 And Karnivool May 2023, also in Manc land
  15. Best way - I use a ABM x15 for practise as it's light. The 4x10 is in a wheeled hard case so... yeah
  16. Thanks! It's buttery smooth , no crackles or pop's etc. Always a worry buying anything used. ( I was expecting to send it to Ashdown for a service for PoM ) The shiny face matches my SVT Cab corners- very fitting! Put's a smile on my face which is the main thing - ( which I need as I bought a new Charval for a xmas pressy...2 year pending and the thing is lush bar the grounding is well... not there , and the world worst pre-amp which is getting ripped out )
  17. Collecting a ABMIV 600 head on Saturday - I blame everyone on here for this purchase 😀
  18. Just got standard Mec's installed on your thumb?
  19. Anyone in the Newcastle upon Tyne +30 mile radius who happens to have a Cali TT4 ( Or similar ) I could give a try of? Local shops wont stock without down payment and wondering how the 14' radius neck would be as I hunt for something new as I the Ibanez I wanted is no longer about This took a heavy fancy - shame the TM is £400 quid more ... https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Sandberg-California-TT4-Passive-MN-Brownburst-Satin/art-BAS0011830-000
  20. M1 mini Just runs uber hot as the whole case is the heat sink in essence. I despise apple and prefer Studio one myself
  21. We use a Mac Mini top of the line thing and its utter dog pap. & There stupid software checker chip can cause issues got custom installed software to control the Fan as it was literally melting it self by just running an UA console and Logic at the same time. Not really fit for purpose but thats apple for ya
  22. There is a 12 band EQ ABM on fleabay atm.... debating over the handy link above for a new IV ABM :I four foot snakes
  23. But the SR is a nicer non-horny shape & not a 90's jazz player range with fake plants and dam polo neck jumpers on. ( and their all 5ers... )
  24. Hmm, the 16.5mm spacing on the 5 string's put me off them the 19mm is perfect! if only..... ( and not multi scale )
  25. Cheap?? the build quality alone is insane! - Been trying new kit out for months - and cant work out how 1k Fenders are that price and alot of other brands Yeah - the Tone is unique, The stock pickups do enjoy a OD/Distortion. My 5 string has SD Q'pounders in and set for Drop C/A. Has a lovely growl to it I cant really say the weight is an issue , as I own a Warwick which is half a tree and love it
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