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Everything posted by Chaddy

  1. I have one - It's more for leveling out the overall sound scope that you require. "Heavier" level of compression Ratio will make it sound either naff or really good.... The spectracomp can be modded on the software from less aggressive to really aggressive & different Freq triggers etc. - I use it to level out my sound so it matches my low end for volume. As a very rough explanation Probs not for this thread but if you can get one for cheap they are handy ( I payed around £30 quid donks ago )
  2. Resonance of the bass material to amplify the vibration acoustically I.E Heavy Dense wood may soak this up creating a "lower key" or dull.... While a light body chambered body will be easier for the energy to transmit as sound from the vibrations String type will assist this immensely. I always prefer a bass that has a solid acoustic tone before even attempting to plug it in. - Ash is decent. Proven this hypnosis on my Warwick & Yamaha RBXA2 & 5 Try playing your bass while on this on your lap, resting on a wooden desk or something so the vibration will travel through and try
  3. Does the Amp hum with no Jack input? - Or with a jack in etc Tubes are pretty cheap tbh to replace, Sometimes its a give away or could just be a dirty pot etc. - Usually summit simple! - Not sure how much their servicing is but from what I gather on this long thread is this Customer Support is fantastic so at least it wont be hit with a hammer on top too hard...
  4. I was after a Dark Ash grain in Black , Similar to the SR500 or the SR600. I already own a white bass and there was only White Or Green for the SR1100B , but nothing solid colour for the upper range
  5. Bstrd! I had my eye on it
  6. I agree, when you review overall it is either a Markbass , Orange or hitting up at Ampeg. I dont mind the weight of course I adore the Valve sound ( SVT Owner for a while ) , I'll have to rescan the fields, I wasn't sure if they were going todo a Mark V so was Dreaming/hoping
  7. PMT by any chance?
  8. True he moved to Darkglass, but this was after using the Tech XL And Ampeg stuff for tracking, and ashdown gear for live. I still prefer his old set up as the DG sounds abit off... but better than that monster of a board he was carrying about I guess!
  9. I've scanned a few links but where is the colour sensible SR1100B replacement? was after something that looks like the SR600 range but "more upmarket" Dam them , if the SRMS805 was standard and 4 string I would of snapped their hand off. Honestly for the money bar the headstock-less ones which feel like cardboard they are atm the best bang for buck of any manufacture
  10. @Dazed Star - I think I spelt Ibanez with an A when searching
  11. Slightly off topic , for not being a owner bar a 115ABM cab that's used as my easy to the car cab for Isolation room practises etc. But why oh why is new gear so ridiculously expensive? £700 for a ABMIV600 head unit, Even a decent 2nd hand one is going for sub £500! Such a PITA to find something that is decent with a Valve pre for example that is worth the money with out spending days on days scanning the ads , Is it too hard to just want the Jon Stockman Sound awake album bass tone!
  12. Blood from smacking the singer over the head whey they can barely carry a microphone into a venue due to the strain?
  13. Where art thou' SR1100B replacement? I've been hunting now for over a year for a lovely grain, well built machine that wasn't German and had a W on the headstock. Long time testing different bits of gear with utter disappointment and then I came back around to that little company called Ibanez.... However! - There Range is either ooooo that is very pretty! to.... I might need gold teeth to match the hardware.... No thanks. I wish they did a decent 4 string in a darker shade that isn't the SR500 range , the 805 is very nice with F-Frets and is a 5er but not for me. (If you have any ideas for other recommendations for 12 inch radius necks that are not Fender, please recommend) Does anyone follow their releases as the SR1100B Premium ( White and green ) have been removed from the website, which I find myself hitting every couple of weeks
  14. Shine 4 String Spector/Warwick copy in Red Flameburst ( Xmas Present ) - Gone Yamaha RBXA2 4 String in white ( some parts cream with age now - ) Still own and will never sell Aria jazz bass copy - Fire wood I think? - Fire/gone Hondo Gibson Copy - P-Bass style pick ups - Utter dog sadly ( Guitars are alright ) - Gone Warwick RB 5 String In Blue - Gone Warwick RB 4 String in red - Bridge swapped to a SD QP. - Gone Yamaha RBXA2 5 String in black, Upgraded pickups to SD QP's - Still Own Warwick Corvette Standard - 4 String - Still Own Debating on a Soapbar / Another Warwick for the family - TBC
  15. The ABM IV has been out for quite a while? In terms of gear ( nothing wrong with that ) - I've been looking to embrace the love after selling my SVT Classic head unit and I am still using my D Amp back up ( Tech 21 VT500 ) The IV 600 for a Valve Pre amp at the very least with enough option for E.Q etc keeps hitting the bill during the nightly "lets just have a google session" . I do adore Ampeg but double-ish the price....isnt justifying the purchase. Most of the musicians that I follow use the ABM's series so there is something my ear is tuned to more, I just really love the valve warming embrace sound. Has there been any sniffs of a Version V?
  16. Im Running a Full SVT CL 4x10 set up atm, Compare with the PF heads.... The PF Series Ive owned and is pretty much look nice but pretty flat. Better of with a Tech 21 VT500 and x 4x10 or 2x12 set up for the price range And as Loz says " Then the whole band started playing and I realised what all the fuss was about, sat beautifully in the mix, no booming, no weediness, just solid bass presence. ".. Very true, I use a small Preamp to boost lower freq of 40 . However Match a DarkGlass B7K Ultra and fk me... Warwick in Drop C and its a White Wash over everything
  17. If you can, Grab a RBXA2 and swap the pickups to Seymour Duncan Quater Pounders. Has made my 5 string super f-ing growl
  18. £109 on fleabay! atm lol - Shop around and can find deals - Hell I got a pair of Mexican jazz pickups for a project for £20
  19. Seymour Duncan quarter pounders not do? I got a pair for my Yamaha ( and some custom work ) for £75 ( 5 string )
  20. Hi Folks Been doing some head scratching and Boss still havent got back to me, One of my jack ports on my EQ pedal is looser than Jordan when anything is inserted. Pretty sure that one of the prongs has failed inside and there is no tension and a whisper of connection if so. I've been trying to find the replacement part to fit that is correct but not making any headway , I know its a cheap part but nothing is fitting the bill quite right - any ideas/links/ got one in a draw somewhere?
  21. http://www.tech21nyc.com/support/manuals/amps/VT500_OM.pdf scroll down and there are some more settings for you to have a whizz at ( some might need modding ) or different buttons but its a start at least
  22. Open to trades for foot pedals around the same cost. MXR / Sansamp etc
  23. I agree with the Build quality
  24. Oh so not just the price fixing that they are being investigated for? .... Improvements on a 3 piece body, crap metal parts and build quality where you can slide a thick envelope though the neck joins? - all for £600+ . No thanks.
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