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  1. would this sort of setup work with b7k straight into any power amp such as this one is just found on gumtree ( https://www.gumtree.com/p/speakers/prosound-2-channel-200w-power-amplifier/1213283507) and then drive a standard bass cab (wattage and ohms considered) or a monitor wedge/pa speakers ?
  2. I'm after a hard case for my Ibby Sr505, but have heard that the headstock shape/angle means it doesn't properly fit in the 'flat' style cases which generally cater for fender type headstocks. Anyone got experience of this, or recommendations for a case that won't break the bank?
  3. so the fretless side is like an extra neck right next to it? I presumed it jut had 3 low ass fretless'
  4. The same issue with the Source audio and POD is that I can't really be dealing with loooads of tweaking, I get option paralysis! I use a Mobius and timeline in my guitar rig, but Only have about 4 settings on each I use regularly. the neuro app is amazing, and I've had a play with it, but there's just too much there, and I spend all my money on gear so have a crap phone I think or now I'm going to aim for a b3k, and look to upgrade if the project gets going a bit more. maybe pick up a behringer DI for going direct. Will also keep an eye out for an MXR M87 as they have been mentioned by a lot of people! maybe pick up an LBM3 to tide me over if its cheap enough. There is a markbass compressore available on this forum which I'm tempted by, but the size and its power requirements are putting me off a bit. Cheers for the input so far
  5. This still available?
  6. Short; Any recommendations for a darkglass-esq Driver/Preamp/Di & a decent Compressor around £100-150 new/used? Long; I've started a new project in which I'll be playing bass in a band (which I haven't done in a decade since I was in college), so want to build myself up a passable rig. At home I just plugged the bass into a pocket POD to noodle, but that's not going to get near the sound I want for this band. The studio we practice in I've been using the DI from a TC combo into the PA, which has been working ok. But I want a bit more. I like the bass tone from the likes of 'Nolly' Getgood (periphery), J-M Labadie (gojira), Amos Williams (tesseract). All use very simple (but expensive) Set ups. I think what I'm after is quite a low ratio compressor to smooth out my erratic playing, and an OD to give me a bit of grind. I'd love to feed an empress or Cali compressor into a B7K, straight into the PA. But I'm not made of money and don't want to throw too much in until we take off a bit. I've played through the Boss ODB and don't like it, sounds too fizzy and like a chainsaw. I prefer something more... "Throaty"? Any recommendations? new or used around £200-300 for both am I better just to save and get the higher end stuff? Also we're still months and months away from gigs so I'm not too worried on my own amp just yet / can borrow for a while
  7. I have the text in English, but the video is still very Italian
  8. BabyHands

    Hedgehog FX

    http://www.web4music.com/p-394-hedgehog-stompboxes-greatest-whale.html Any one got any expirience with these? My Italian isn't very good, but it sounds pretty diverse.
  9. the Ibanez I'm using at the moment is a 34" scale, which works fine. The size comparison is more to do with the fact that he is 6'4 and plays with the strap as long as it'll go, meaning l look like a toddler if I don't adjust it... that and I don't have concrete level calluses on my picking fingers
  10. Happy new year to all! I've been reading useful information off this forum for a while, but have decided to get properly involved! Bass has always been secondary to guitar for me. I play guitar in a had rock metal band , but only twiddle with bass at home. The bassist in the main band makes fun of how small I look playing his Rick' 4003 , hence the username "baby hands". I've recently joined a new project, as the bassist, so will be interesting to see how that goes (I haven't played bass on stage in about 6 years!) I Sold most my bass related gear to fund guitar purchases. so have just been running a squire P bass (and now borrowed Ibanez) through a line 6 POD at home. And borrowing an amp from friends or practice studio we've been using. I'm sure that'll all change when the GAS starts hitting in. Other than that... I'm Based in Oxfordshire. I have a beard and a bald head. I like dogs. Peace Y'all
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