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Annoying Twit

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Everything posted by Annoying Twit

  1. Some time ago I had a thread like this on Harmony Central. This thread is for posting beautiful basses. No rules about what is allowable, if anyone thinks it's beautiful, post it. Whether you own it or not. I had a search for beautiful basses and bass porn, but couldn't find a similar thread. Apologies if there is one. Here's an Ele bass, which looks very nice from the front MHO. Conceptually a bit similar to a Letts, no? Maybe not quite so beautiful from the back.
  2. I feel sort of embarrassed that I seem to be the only person who has played one, and I'm no connoisseur so I wouldn't ask anyone to put much stock in my review. I only played it unplugged, so no idea of the sound, but I thought it played entirely consistently with what you'd expect from a modern mid-range bass.
  3. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1445114227' post='2888951'] I bet that he is bidding against himself. [/quote] I thought that. He's so convinced that it's worth a lot of money that I can see him letting it go for the £200 that I wildly, very wildly, guesstimate that it would actually go for if the auction ran properly. My thoughts were that he's probably put in a high (e.g. £800) shill bid as a hidden reserve. The other alternative is that there may be auction wreckers who think it's funny to use a throwaway account to bid the price way up then not pay.
  4. Kay with similar body shape. Cort made? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-CUSTOM-HANDMADE-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-SOLID-OAK-NO-W0-20481-LOFT-FIND-/121787417517?hash=item1c5b1883ad:g:OnAAAOSwI-BWHjKm"]http://www.ebay.co.u...nAAAOSwI-BWHjKm[/url]
  5. For £185 BIN in Milford Haven. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/STUNNING-RETRO-REVELATION-TRANSLUCENT-MAHOGANY-RLB-LP-recording-bass-guitar-/252129695305?hash=item3ab419d649:g:0owAAOSwAYtWGCcP
  6. It's been around for a while. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/270699-fretless-bass-neck/
  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1445104308' post='2888859'] Message him and say you could get a Deco for £50............! [/quote] There's no comparison. His bass isn't even decorative.
  8. Wasn't there a nicer looking Lincoln neck through bass. I haven't seen one for years, but thought there was a nicer looking model. Searching online only revealed basses that look like the Bozo bass. E.g. What are some other UK bass brands that had neck through models? I may be confusing brands. But, the Lincoln logo looks like I remembered it to be. It reminds me of some of the early Corts. I presume that Cort was copying Kawai
  9. I note that some shops that I know stock Revelation basses and guitars don't appear on the list of dealers on Revelation's site. It could be that there are other shops around you that have them. They seem quite common.
  10. Who outbid me? EDIT: I bid a few more times, but auto-outbid each time. I'm not bidding £50 on that thing, I'm out.
  11. Video up. Please select 1080p.
  12. I've made a 20 minute video. I wouldn't say that it was well scripted, I just started doing stuff. It's exporting from quicktime now. I'll upload it to youtube, and post it here. It's very easy to make these videos, so if this is of any way useful, I can make more. It will be available here once youtube has finished processing it. Youtube says that it will take 30 more minutes, but usually its predictions are quite conservative and it takes less time than that. [url="https://youtu.be/b68B3zO6WRE"]https://youtu.be/b68B3zO6WRE[/url] EDIT: It does seem to be taking as long as it said it would EDIT2: It's taking longer to upload than it took to make it?!?!
  13. Yay, at the time of posting I am the highest bidder.
  14. Hmmm.... I have my laptop here. I could pop upstairs and make a basic how to covering the very basics if anyone wanted me to. If anyone wants me to, then please say how basic you want it.
  15. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1444950814' post='2887693'] I just earlier spent 2 hours in a lecture about this. Damned if I could understand a word of it . Has anyone any experience of using it, and can you recommend a good, easy to understand, made for idiots guide ? [/quote] I use Max/MSP extensively. I recommend Pete Batchelor's tutorials. You only really need to watch the early ones for the basics. [url="http://www.peterbatchelor.com/maxTuts.html"]http://www.peterbatc...om/maxTuts.html[/url] The later ones become quite advanced quite quickly, but good if you want to get deeply into music creation with it. IMHO the built in Max/MSP tutorials are quite good. But, I could imagine people wanting something even more basic. If you think Max/MSP is difficult to understand, I strongly recommend that you do not try to learn Supercollider. I had been using Supercollider and Java before Max/MSP, so found Max/MSP a doddle by comparison.
  16. I'm not sure that many of the Ali Express basses are bargains. By the time the postage and charges are added, I think the fairly generic looking LP bass I found on Ali Express would be close to the cost of the Revelation LP Recording, about £300. I know which I would prefer... http://www.aliexpress.com/item/4-string-lp-bass-guitar-electric-lp-guitar-basswood-body-maple-neck-and-rosewood-fingerboard-free/32450622642.html?spm=2114.031010208.3.18.8bc4rk&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_1,searchweb201527_2_71_72_73_74_75,searchweb201560_2 There are some cheap generic instruments on Ali Express, but anything a bit further upmarket does cost more.
  17. Where are you? I know of dealers in Leicester and Banbury. @Tauzero - just out of curiosity, what does the Mrs think of the Revelation lap steel?
  18. I think that the basses are good value, even at high price. Dekos have definitely changed my impression of instrument prices. Thinking about this from society's POV, this may not be a good thing. There are a number of companies that have tried to start up selling basses, which couldn't make a go of it because the basses can't be sold for a good profit. Revelation seem to be making a go of it, but others have come and gone. Consciously I know this, but subconsciously my impression of what I should spend has definitely changed. I want a Santos Serious classical. Is £123 or whatever it is that the full price one costs really a lot?
  19. That does look a lot nicer than the one on eBay.
  20. Sorry, I missed that thread.
  21. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1444856082' post='2886813'] Ha ha, that's what it's got like with the dekos. Fifty quid for a brand new bass is just too much [/quote] The same thoughts occur to me sometimes.
  22. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EKO-Camac-THRU-NECK-Bass-Guitar-MADE-IN-JAPAN-Matsumoku-/121786774342?hash=item1c5b0eb346"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1c5b0eb346[/url] That looks a bit more like early Alembic neck throughs. Is it Matsumoku? It doesn't look it. I'm wondering if it's a bit more pizza than it is sushi.
  23. I played one unplugged. I thought it wasn't the best bass I'd ever played, but it was nice. What you would expect for the price, which nowadays is a fair amount. I don't claim to be a connoisseur.
  24. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1444570995' post='2884171'] Collection only may hinder the sale.. [/quote] Yep, I've noticed that basses collection only in the villages and small towns around Leicester often have notably depressed sale prices.
  25. It does look a bit cheap in the photos, but £100 is a low starting price, and it might go for a bargain price. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Harley-Benton-Electric-String-Bass-/272012175056?hash=item3f553066d0
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