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Annoying Twit

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Everything posted by Annoying Twit

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' post='935844' date='Aug 25 2010, 12:24 PM']Interesting this - when I read the first post, my knee-jerk reaction was to think - you wouldn't have heard of her - or her band - if her Grandad hadn't been in The Beatles, and to muse briefly about the shallowness of the prerequisites for garnering attention (if not success) in the music business.[/quote] The bands are both unsigned, as far as I can see. So, it's more the shallowness of my googling and my posts to basschat that's at fault And while novelty will garner some attention, I think that as with record companies, for individuals there needs to be more to get people to go to the next stage of putting their money down. Like me buying The Pete Best Band's album of original music. The name and association got me to listen to it, but I only bought it 'coz it's a good album. Obligatory-basschat, the bassist from The Pete Best Band has clearly studied Beatles era Paul McCartney bassplaying
  2. [quote name='michael-faces' post='923446' date='Aug 13 2010, 05:30 AM']-------------------------------1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2----------------------------------------------- ---------------------1-2-3-4---------------------5-4-3-2-------------------------------------- -----------1-2-3-4----------------------------------------5-4-3-2------------------- 3--- -1-2-3-4------------------------------------------------------------5-4-3-2-3-4-5-6---- Exercises like that are amazing for technique. Just go up and down the neck playing to a metronome and you'll see the effects. You can also make variants of the exercise to make it more difficult.[/quote] I'm getting, I believe, benefit from the similar exercises in Bass Guitar for Dummies. Instead of going -1-2-3-4- the exercise cycles through all permutations. It also starts from the G on the low E string. So, the first time through, I go: ------------------------------3-4-5-6-- ---------------------3-4-5-6----------- -----------3-4-5-6--------------------- -3-4-5-6------------------------------- Then, the next time through, it's: ------------------------------3-4-6-5-- ---------------------3-4-6-5----------- -----------3-4-6-5--------------------- -3-4-6-5------------------------------- the exercise continues through all the permutations, 3-5-4-6, 3-5-6-4, 4-3-5-6, all the way through to -6-5-4-3-. I don't go both up and down the strings as the reverse form for any pattern is present somewhere else in the permutations, and the exercise takes long enough as it is. The author recommends this as a warm up, even after you've learned it. At first I was p'd off as I found each new permutation confusing as I couldn't quite remember where my fingers were going, but it's getting much easier now.
  3. Is the fingering on the main riff for "I Wish" on this correct, or at least sensible? [url="http://www.bassmasta.net/w/wonder,_stevie/109099.html"]http://www.bassmasta.net/w/wonder,_stevie/109099.html[/url] G|----------------------------------| D|*-------------------4-6-8-6------*| A|*--6---------3-4-5-6-------3-4-5-*| E|-----2-4-6-4----------------------| Easier to play like this, I find: G|-----------------------------1--4--1------ D|--1-----------------0-1--4--------------- A|---------1-----3-4------------------------ E|----2-4----4------------------------------ (I may not have all the notes right, but I think people will be able to see what I mean.
  4. Thanks for the advice everyone. I've certainly been finding out that some of the bass lines I like feature a lot of chromatic movement. But while I thought my ear was OK, I'm finding it tricky working out exactly what the riff/groove is. More practice needed of course One bass line I've learned for osmosis purposes is Stevie Wonder's "I wish". Nice bit of chromatic movement in that, and if we view it as a call response, the "response" is interesting, being played in two different octaves. Though, I've learnt it twice now. Once as the tab I found had it, then once with entirely different fingering and string choices in order to avoid jumping from position to position for no obvious reason. There's also the problem of spotting exactly how notes are played. E.g., not a chromatic line, but the main line from "Another One Bites The Dust" sometimes starts the main riff with a few grace notes. I started playing them with a pull-off on the 1st to 2nd grace note. Upon listening carefully, I don't think there's a real pull-off there. But, it sounds better if I use it :humourously-confused-smilely-if-we-had-one:
  5. [quote name='risingson' post='935798' date='Aug 25 2010, 11:37 AM']I'm a big Beatles fan as well although I must admit when it comes to the relatives and offspring of famous musicians I've rarely seen the same level of ability, apart from maybe Zak Starky. But fingers crossed, they might emerge soon, as far as I'm concerned they're making better music than what they're playing on Radio One right now![/quote] I think some of Dhani Harrison's music is the most interesting music being made by Beatles descendants, but not on topic for a bass forum. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWhj_WEuVZI"]So, I won't inline this song.[/url] Tatia Starkey is currently a better dancer than Bassist, IMHO, but she has been dancing for a long time. I'm not quite sure about the advisability of a young woman joining an erotic dance troupe @ 16, but she did stick at it for five years. She's "featured dancer" in this clip:
  6. Is there a Brand X track you could name which shows the use of envelope filter to good effect?
  7. [quote name='SuperMaximo' post='935729' date='Aug 25 2010, 10:43 AM']I'll do it if I get to keep the bass afterwards Four E strings baffles me... Why would anyone want four strings the same pitch?![/quote] Maybe he plays with a barre for the fattest sound ever.
  8. Personally I'd like to hear more people saying which Sting basslines they like in particular, and why. Anyone?
  9. What do basschatters think of this? Personally, I like Percy Jones' work with Brian Eno, but on checking this out, I just don't like it.
  10. She's also the bass player in her father Zak Starkey's band [url="http://www.myspace.com/heypenguins"]Penguins[/url]. That's very different music, and IMHO could do with a few more chops. Particularly the track "trouble", which I think would be better with a Bill MacCormick type on it. Some songs like "Jet Engine" maybe suit the "simple but effective" style, but more variety would, IMHO, help. She's still young, and there's opportunity to improve of course. I'm a Beatles fan, and as people can probably guess, probably wouldn't have found out about the bands without the connection. So there's a novelty in seeing a Beatles grandchild making music. Hopefully she'll develop into a very good musician like her father.
  11. OK. I usually prefer to ask questions without further background so as to not influence any responses I get. But this question seems a little obscure. Tatia Starkey is Ringo Starr's granddaughter, and the bassist of the band "Belakiss". I was curious to see what people thought. Personally when I've listened to their songs, there's nothing special in the bass parts or playing, but it just seems to fit the songs. The following song is sort of Coldplay-ish, and having a virtuoso playing incredibly complicated parts wouldn't be suitable, IMHO. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHPItCXtCUA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHPItCXtCUA[/url] Starkey, with her extensive erotic dancing background [url="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1qCv1fwoHmM/SKM57D98TjI/AAAAAAAAJnQ/mKxww7X4ePk/s400/Belakiss1+copy.jpg"](please only click this if you are over 18)[/url], appears to also add a visual component to the band, and moves in an interesting way when playing. Overall, I'd say that she adds a fair amount to the band, but it's not really in terms of very fancy playing. Hence I was curious to see what very bass orientated people would think. Is there a role for the "functional" bass player, or do many of the people here who could probably play rings around her think that a more expert player should be in the band? Or, perhaps I've, as I've done before, missed something in her playing which is really good? Sorry about the mis-fire in starting this thread the way I did. Hopefully it will improve from here, or I'll have to stop posting and grit my teeth (again!) while it falls down the order into obscurity.
  12. Does anyone have any opinions on the playing of Tatia Starkey?
  13. If Salvador Dali played bass.....
  14. Aria Pro II Fretless. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro-II-RSB-Special-Fretless-Bass-1980s-MIJ-/280552867447?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro-II-RSB-Spec...ents_Guitars_CV[/url]
  15. Hondo bolt on. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/hondo-4001-fireglo-bass-guitar-70s-tokai-japan-mij-rare-/250686822719?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/hondo-4001-fireglo-b...ents_Guitars_CV[/url] Why does this have Tokai in the description?
  16. There's nothing really newsworthy about this bass. I just wanted to say that I think it looks really, really, nice. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-5-String-Aria-Pro-II-IGB-68-5-hard-case-/250686853966?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bass-Guitar-5-String...ents_Guitars_CV[/url]
  17. [quote name='algmusic' post='933855' date='Aug 23 2010, 04:39 PM']In terms of contract law he's agreed to 99p, you accept, he's screwed.. The P&P is breach of the Ebay rules, so that is the point to argue.[/quote] I'm not convinced on that point. The contract formed includes a charge of £200 for p&p. I'm not sure there's a legal limit on how much can be charged for p&p. Ebay has its own rules, but they do not create law.
  18. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='933702' date='Aug 23 2010, 02:27 PM']Now 'that' is very devious... I like your way of thinking! [/quote] I'd be concerned about ebay not refunding the postage though.
  19. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='933249' date='Aug 23 2010, 12:03 AM']I asked if the can get me a Rickenbacker 4003 bass guitar for less than £600.[/quote] [quote]Dear <EBAY ID>, Hi, I think we may have had some success sourcing this specific guitar. Could you drop me an email to <EMAIL ADDRESS> and I will be able to assist directly for you. Put "Rickenbacker" in your email header so we don't miss it. Many thanks, <NAME>[/quote] Edit: It appears that Fender has zapped the listings. Now, how would I know that Fender had been involved. (Adopts righteous prat smug expression).
  20. [quote name='oldslapper' post='933432' date='Aug 23 2010, 10:43 AM']Amazing what people will try innit[/quote] Quite often when it's "Amazing what people will try", it's because the law isn't being enforced. I've reported counterfeit listings. Providing that the listing itself doesn't say that it's a copy, ebay generally (in my experience) won't pull it. I've emailed Gibson and other companies about fakes (on one of my particularly ornery days), and I get a nice email back, but the auction doesn't get pulled. Given the huge amount of fakery on the web, particularly ebay, it seems quite rare to hear of someone being arrested for it. So, if none of the gatekeepers are doing a very good job keeping fakes at bay, it's not surprising that many people go for the easy profits involved.
  21. [quote]Please note we are able to supply an increasing range of brands, types and colours of guitars at varying prices, very often with short term discounts, so if there is anything else you specifically require, please send a message and we should be able to list a new item for you.[/quote] I asked if the can get me a Rickenbacker 4003 bass guitar for less than £600.
  22. [quote name='oldslapper' post='933150' date='Aug 22 2010, 09:54 PM']Indeedy gentlemen. He is also selling "fender" strats for £199. Not subtle is he....... [/quote] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Guitar-Fender-Stratocaster-Brand-new-/270625036596?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Guitar-Fender-Strato...ents_Guitars_CV[/url] This has a "TradeTang" watermarked image. That's a pretty smokey gun there. Edit: Look at the items he's been selling. Fair few items where it is common for fakes to be sold on ebay. [quote]Chanel No 5 EDP spray 35ml (#270598548591) £25.55 View Item Chanel No 5 EDP spray 35ml Wedgwood Trinket Dish (#270579337677) £2.00 View Item Wedgwood Trinket Dish Wedgwood Trinket Dish (heart-shaped) (#270579334953) £3.00 View Item Wedgwood Trinket Dish (heart-shaped) Wedgwood Vase (#270579335087) £5.00 View Item Wedgwood Vase Carlton Ware "leaf" dish (#270579338424)[/quote]
  23. [quote name='Bassassin' post='932881' date='Aug 22 2010, 05:12 PM']No - you're quite right. Here are the basses: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro11-SB1000-bass-guitar-/140442705431"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro11-SB1000-ba...r-/140442705431[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro11-SB-1000-bass-guitar-genuine-vintage-example-/250682983200"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro11-SB-1000-b...e-/250682983200[/url] These are both Matsumoku examples and the prices of both - nice though they appear - are well beyond the realms of gibbering, tongue-swallowing, compulsive self-abusing loony land.[/quote] £750 for this one. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=99839"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=99839[/url] I'm not sure what the exact going rate is for these, but in any case, £750 is less than £1495
  24. Back again. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hohner-6-string-thru-neck-bass-/320579672989?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hohner-6-string-thru...ents_Guitars_CV[/url]
  25. Aria Pro II SB-60. Pickup only in Colchester [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro-II-Bass-guitar-SB-R60-model-/330463740584?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro-II-Bass-gui...ents_Guitars_CV[/url]
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