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Annoying Twit

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Everything posted by Annoying Twit

  1. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1441284439' post='2857527'] Not necessarily - maybe his epiphany was just the only epiphany he's ever had in the fifty years since? That's a hell of a long time to be able to "get it" *taps nose knowingly* - while anyone else would recognise it as just a golden teen-aged memory, which we all have. [/quote] I don't think it's unreasonable that someone only has a few real epiphanies when they are young, and receptive to this sort of thing. I would imagine that many people are similar. Are there older musicians who said that they were primarily influenced by The Beatles, largely or wholly supplanting their previous influences? Mostly, people are shaped by things that happen in their formative years.
  2. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1441272453' post='2857355'] This is getting a bit "am too" followed by "are not" followed by "am too" and then "are not". Let's simply say that blue thinks the Beatles are awesome and move on because other "am too" there's little else being said. [/quote] Well thank you very much, because I believe that my previous post is not just an 'are not' but raises reasonable points which can be debated.
  3. How much of an effect something has on you depends not only what is causing the effect, but also the state of mind (e.g. age) of the person being effected. Once you've heard a lot of music, it's more difficult to find something new that's a real mind-opener. This I think is leading to the 'ground-shakingness' of experiences that occurred when the poster (and their peer group) was at their most receptive age being over-estimated, and experiences that happened when they were much less receptive due to age, experience, knowledge being excessively discounted. As it seems to be a pattern in this thread that points are being misunderstood, I'll point out that I'm not saying that there has been something as 'big' as The Beatles since then, just that the relative magnitude is being (honestly I believe) misrepresented. I'm sure that there were/are Jazz aficionados who were quite bored by The Beatles and wondered what all the fuss was about, just as there are Beatles aficionados who discount rap music and see nothing of note in seminal artists and works in that genre. Hence, it could be said that many Beatles fans 'don't get it' and 'had to be there' in terms of breakthroughs in rap, hip-hop, dance, electronic music, etc. It is interesting that the Ed Sullivan Show is being described as the breakthrough. The Beatles had already had hits and released albums at that time, so Ed's show wasn't particularly important for British fans, only for those in the USA who weren't familiar. This, I believe, shows how the context of the listener is important in terms of how important experiences were in shaping people. I understand how people treasure these moments and memories, when their mind was expanded. However, it seems that this is happening at the cost of devaluing the experiences of others who were around at a different time. Note: I am personally a big Beatles fan who as a teenager had his record collection divided into Beatles (incl. solo) and non-Beatles sections.
  4. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1441222517' post='2857124'] My son's band feature regular interludes of [i]dub pipe[/i] or [i]Jah pipe[/i] (as they like to call it). It is a great and effective but cheap little instrument. [/quote] I'm tempted. I want one of the ones with a tube so that I can play it with it sat on a table (or something in front of me). Walk off the Earth show what you can do with cheap ukulele basses so that you can afford more than one of them. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgD5p1XiVT0[/media]
  5. Congratulations on the NBD. If it's from '87, I presume that it's USA made. Correct?
  6. I dropped into my local shop that stocks Revelation guitars and basses. As well as having some of their Bass VI instruments in stock, they also had a fretless PJ. It looks pretty good, but I didn't get to try it. One of these:
  7. OMG! I have a complete set of lyrics, verse and chorus melody, and only a bridge and mutant verse/chorus coda music to write. Some arrangement progress has been made too. However, I may have painted myself into a corner, as the feel of the song strongly suggests that I break out the fretless acoustic bass. Houston, we may have a problem.
  8. It's about the same size as a double bass, isn't it? Albeit a six string double bass. This video has given me melodica gas. It's given me giant guitar gas too, but that's no problem as I can't buy one. BTW: If anyone wants to see it without watching the whole video, the melodica enters at about 2:02.
  9. This is what we need to get a decent acoustic bass tone. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3W3mRs4ULQ[/media]
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1441192647' post='2856768'] I still don't think something spreading via social media over a day or two in this intensively colourful world could have anything near the effect of The Beatles exploding out of pretty much everyone's TV sets in a relatively dour, black and white world. [/quote] I think it could, but can't imagine what such a revolution would be (or I would do it myself). Minecraft is a good example. I'm not sure that it will develop and lead through the years, but there is something there. If you look at how quickly fairly mindless things spread across the internet (e.g. Japanese lessons with Miss Hannah Minx), something revolutionary that spread that quick could make a big impact.
  11. The new and interesting ones have gone. Who got what? (If anything)
  12. Work is underway. Whether I'll end up with something I can submit, that's another question. Whether I faff about with all sorts of things and then have significant inspiration on the morning of submission when it's too late, that's yet another question. But, I do have my finger out.
  13. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1441191218' post='2856745'] Gangnam Style, that's just a one off viral hit. Similar to the Ice Bucket challenge. Plus the Beatles already had a string of songs ready written to hit the U.S. with. Overnight they reached 20million more people than the entire population of the UK. [/quote] I think people are misinterpreting my use of Gangnam Style as an example. I'm not saying that it's influential, I'm just using it as an example of how a sensation (of any type and there are many types) can spread to a sizeable proportion of the Earth's population in very little time. Such that should something come along that could mimic The Beatles success and influence, there is a platform by which they can reach huge numbers of people quickly.
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1441190958' post='2856739'] Sensations take over the world all the time. None approach the gargantuan culture shift of the Beatles, though. [/quote] Not since The Beatles, agreed. If there had been one rap act head and shoulders above the rest who innovated all the sub-genres that might get close. And as pointed out, there have been similar occurrences before, e.g. Mozart? However, that's a side track to the point I'm making. My point is not that such a culture shift has happened, but that if it occurs again, it will likely be through social media, not television. Hence, the current state of television is probably not relevant.
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1441190339' post='2856730'] Days. With the Beatles, [i]millions[/i] were talking about it the next day. And also, it wasn't bubblegum wallpaper like Gangnam Style - it was something people had opinions about, one way or the other. [/quote] Days is still pretty quick. After all, The Beatles took years to conquer the world. While the Ed Sullivan show was crucial to their popularity in the US, there's more to the world than the US. And I'm not saying that Gangnam Style was as influential as a Beatles song, just showing that there is still the possibility of a sudden sensation taking over the world.
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1441189925' post='2856726'] Because you're unlikely to get most of the population watching a single YouTube clip for the first time simultaneously. [/quote] Is that necessary? Clearly it won't be the same if not everyone is watching at the same time, but there is still the opportunity, given the reach, for a Beatles sized seismic shift to occur within days.
  17. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1441189199' post='2856714'] I think undiluted TV has a massive role in this. The U.S. had three TV stations. You'll never get that reach again. Look at the viewing figures for that show. 73 Million viewers! [/quote] Why does it have to be through television? How many views did Gangnam Style get on youtube? A billion? (checks) well over two billion. Two girls one cup has probably been viewed well over 73 million times.
  18. You'll have someone's eye out with that. Happy NBD!
  19. LOADS OF DEKOS!!! E.g. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbz_2004_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...z_2004_deko.htm[/url] This bass (HBZ2004 neck through) has the following review. [quote] Not just a decoration. I have seen this bass for a long time. "Should I buy it? Or Not?" These questions haunted me every thomann day...until...THE DAY OF LIGHT! The god of music spoke to me with those words: God Of Music: "Fry, you want it! Don't you?" Me: "I'm not Fry! I'm K, Thomas K. But you can call me bro." God Of Music: "Oh, sorry bro. I thought I would speak with thomann Fry, who would like to play the holophonor." Me: "Ah, okay. No problem." God Of Music: "So, can we restart?..." Me: "...i'm waiting..." God Of Music: "Bro, you want it, don't you? This beautiful bass, which reflects a harmony sound of natural. Warm tone at the neck, crunch at the bridge. And thomann you should know, that you can make many different sounds with the tone-controller. Without it there are really funky perkussive notes. Turn it up and you'll hear the warm beat of your heart. The wood, ohhhhh, beautiful for your eyes. The action is okay and the intonation is thomann perfect. Even the hardware has a good quality." Me: "Sounds like I won't give it away." God Of Music: "Ahhh....yeeeaah. Perhaps you can burn one of this bass-guitars, so the soul of the bass flys to the heaven, where some legend musicians can play it?" Me: "Nope, 'cause I would be thomann taken into a prison! " In the end I bought it and it was true, what GoM had said. [/quote] 1975 Jazz. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_75_na_vintage_serie_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._serie_deko.htm[/url] Guitar thing: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_s_620_tr_rock_series_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...series_deko.htm[/url] Also, uke bass. Shorty Precision Bass. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_pb_shorty_bk_standarddeko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...tandarddeko.htm[/url]
  20. I've only got two, though I have bought three. (Including one 12 string for the parcelforce guy's father ). I'm sure I will buy another some day. I've noticed that the gretsch-a-like guitars have returned. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_bigtone_vintage_white.htm I'm hoping that the Santos series electro-acoustic classical will return too. And that there will eventually be a deko. Then again, the HB60 returned after first selling out, and I've seen no HB60 dekos for ages. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hb_60_wb.htm If there was a deko gretsch-a-like, I would definitely be tempted, but I don't think I need another double humbucker guitar.
  21. Happy New Deko Bass Day JonSmith (and everyone else). I wonder if we in this forum have collectively bought more than a hundred dekos.
  22. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else. I will not PM lurksalot to ask for a sneaky preview of the image for September. I will wait for it to be posted in the appropriate thread like everyone else.
  23. The equivalent to that sort of thing nowadays would be if Psy could make the kind of splash he made with Gangnam Style, but was able to keep building on it for years.
  24. Congratulations on the win. Looking forward to see what picture you choose.
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