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Annoying Twit

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Everything posted by Annoying Twit

  1. I'm not sure there is a first come first served list. I'm hoping I'll get something before this evening when I meet the guy who will be the actual purchaser of the 12 string. As we're going to swim training, if there hasn't been a shipping confirmation by then he may splash me and make me cry.
  2. I haven't received a confirmation email yet. So, good luck to, erm, us still waiting on the email.
  3. Two dekos ordered, how many will be received! BTW: Ooops, the 4 string was a 5 string.
  4. Dekos! I delayed a bit as there was the 12 string acoustic that I have been waiting for and I bought it. There was quite a lot of other stuff on my order, but no dekos. Mainly cases of various types. Progressive 5 string deko [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_550_black_progressiv_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ressiv_deko.htm[/url] Quilted top Progressive deko [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_450_qtb_progressivedeko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ressivedeko.htm[/url]
  5. Approximately 1/3 of full price is not unusual for Dekos. It does vary.
  6. I'm not sure, but I think (unreliable memory alert) I've seen 'on request' change to 'available' in the past. Did anyone purchase an 'on request' instrument before and receive it?
  7. DEKOS! INlcuding left handed jazz bass. Can't do more now, in meeting. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/decorative_guitars_and_basses.html"]http://www.thomann.d...and_basses.html[/url]
  8. I bought the Warwick Red Label six string set, leaving the very high F from the standard set. I was disappointed, I don't think there was any noticeable improvement over the standard strings. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1437484214' post='2826389'] Bass Gear UK do D'Addario 6 string sets for £22 ( £21 if you give them your BC name ) [/quote] Hello, I'm Annoying Twit, can I have some cheaper strings please?
  9. Acoustic bass and Left Handed 12 string still available.
  10. Dekos! Mostly acoustic guitars. 12 string acoustic is there, but left handed [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/decorative_guitars_and_basses.html"]http://www.thomann.d...and_basses.html[/url] EDIT: Acoustic black bass is still there, after what must be getting on towards a week now.
  11. A fully usable bass for £19. Get in!
  12. Go for it. BTW: When I saw that the thread was up, I assumed that someone else had bought one.
  13. Happy NDBD!!! I put Fender flatwounds on mine, as I wanted to experiment with a full set of flatwounds for the first time. However, I thought that the standard strings that came with it didn't sound bad as all. Bronzey yes, but with a deeper sound than some acoustic basses I've played. Both the dekos I've received have had appalling setups. The fretless acoustic was pretty much unplayable. The PJ5 had a mile high action.
  14. Good question and some good answers so far. Wanting to choose something original ... Blur?
  15. I'm now going to be out until about 2am Monday, so nothing will be happening today. (And any dekos that go up will be missed).
  16. Now they all turn up on the main page, despite having been available on separate pages for some hours. My program needs a complete rewrite. After some research as to how to detect dekos.
  17. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1436642243' post='2819761'] Hey AT: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbd200_12_bk_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._12_bk_deko.htm[/url] [/quote] Oh no! I was out and missed it. I clicked as soon as I saw, but it was already sold out. Thanks for telling me. Hopefully there will be another one soon. EDIT: The beatbass is still available even though it doesn't show up on the main deko list??????? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/decorative_guitars_and_basses.html"]http://www.thomann.d...and_basses.html[/url] EDIT: WTF? [url="https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbz_2005_deko.htm?o=13&ref=mmc_a_13&search=1436652108"]https://m.thomann.de...arch=1436652108[/url] Is this in stock? Que? Some dekos on the mobile site that aren't on the main site, but are in stock? [url="https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_cg200ce_bk_deko.htm?o=5&ref=mmc_a_5&search=1436652108"]https://m.thomann.de...arch=1436652108[/url] Another one? [url="https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_d_120ce_lh_bk_deko.htm?o=11&ref=mal_a_11&search=1436652311"]https://m.thomann.de...arch=1436652311[/url] Confused, I'm sure this left handed Jazz bass was sold out a second ago. [url="https://m.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_75lh_na_vintage_ser_deko.htm?o=10&ref=mal_a_10&search=1436652311"]https://m.thomann.de...arch=1436652311[/url] If I search for 'deko bass' on the regular site, the 5 string neck through deko turns up. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbz_2005_deko.htm
  18. I think £150 is a bit high for a second hand Vintage V940. I think they typically go for less than that. Completed sales on eBay are £85 up to £137.
  19. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111710167679?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2661&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Once upon a time these used to sell for bargain prices quite often, but the typically selling price was much higher for a while. I think I've seen some go for £200. Interesting to see one going for £125.
  20. Yes, there used to be a[quote name='Myke' timestamp='1436557087' post='2819216'] Has anyone ever seen a fretted natural finish acoustic bass as a Deko? I've only ever seen the black ones or once a fretless natural acoustic bass. [/quote] Yes, there used to be quite a few of them, so that they were available for months. That was quite some time ago now. There were left handed natural four string dekos for sale in April and May. There was a fretless RH one in June.
  21. My program checks every ten seconds or so. I tune out until it brings something to my attention.
  22. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1436520582' post='2818770'] Yeah, my deko want list now has: 1 x 7 string 1 x Jag style EDIT: and the last thing on the list AT was a 12 string [/quote] I'm not sure that the sold outs that appear on the phone list have recently been for sale. I think that some of them are much older dekos. EDIT: Whoops! I had to race of to do a work related thing half way through a post, and I see that several posts have said what I said. Sorry for the wasted bandwidth. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1436522058' post='2818803'] Maybe AT can track the mobile version too [/quote] The time to update the program would be a fine thing! My life seems impossibly full at the moment, though there should come a time when things become more sane. ... Sometime ...
  23. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1436519279' post='2818741'] I've got a few bits and bobs that I want to order from Thomann, but since I'm in no rush I thought I'd wait and see if any interesting dekos turned up (if you're paying the postage anyway then they're even more of a cheap deal). There's been nothing of interest that I've seen for about a week now. [/quote] I've discussed the dekos with the parcel force delivery guy who delivers them to me (*) He would like a 12 string for his father, so I've got a full list of stuff ready to go to save on postage - but no 12 string guitars are turning up. (*) Slight lying with the truth there, I know him as we're both members of the triathlon club. But he does work for parcel force and covers my area @Ben4343 - I have the natural fretless four string deko, and am very pleased with it. Wrong sticker and also limited sustain high up the fretboard, but apparently these characteristics are shared by the non-deko. I do like the feel of the fretboard, and I think the unbranded pickup on it is very nice.
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