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Annoying Twit

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Everything posted by Annoying Twit

  1. I could do this if I didn't have a huge big mound of work that finishes on Wednesday. I can import the video into ProTools, and do whatever to the audio. Master it using waves plugins or Ozone Izotope 6 whatever latest version we have here. If I import the footage into software such as Adobe Premiere, I can easily adjust the white balance. However, I'm not a video person so would need to know what to adjust the white balance to. Do you have an exact calculated white balance you wish to achieve, or are you happy if I jiggle the controls until it looks halfway sensible:? This will be after Wednesday next week, if you want me to do it. It would be easiest if you provided the video as a weshare link. Hmmm.... I've got Premiere and ProTools on my computer. If you put it up sooner, I might be able to have a quick go at it in the weekend. If you want this to happen, please tell me so that I take my ProTools dongle home with me. Otherwise I'd use Logic Pro X or something.
  2. Waste of time trivia: Kaminari is Japanese for 'Thunder'. Listening to the second video, while the basses sound a bit different, I didn't think that the Kaminari basses sounded that different, nor really better, than the Gibsons.
  3. I used to go to music festivals when I was single.
  4. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1434524505' post='2800329'] This is my phone, what is an "app"? [/quote] Something you put on your 'ead.
  5. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1434487812' post='2800172'] A B-250 in black as well. £33.60 [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_250_black_progressiv_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ressiv_deko.htm[/url] [/quote] Congratulations on making the 1000th post in this thread.
  6. I've just returned home. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_clb_10sce_bks_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ce_bks_deko.htm[/url] Deko. Already mentioned. Still available. B-250 'Progressive' bass deko still available. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_250_black_progressiv_deko.htm"] Harley Benton B-250 Black Progressiv Deko [/url] Classical guitar for £8.83. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_cg200_bk_deko.htm
  7. IMHO, those are the kinds of things that you'd normally find on a £100 instrument. Like the mislabelled acoustic basses (of which I own one), I don't think those make it a deko. I'm not sure what does.
  8. Some eight strings (as above) have turned up as dekos before.
  9. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1434452201' post='2799644'] That's why it was a Deco. They accidentally fitted an extra string! [/quote] Or one too few!
  10. All quiet on the deko front. I don't know if this is because there haven't been any new dekos or I've missed them. I'm going to be out late every night this week. I hope that some people will be watching the RSS feeds etc.
  11. I searched on Martin Harrison from Brant Broughton in the BT phonebook. There was only one M Harrison found, but s/he lives in 'Grantham'. Looking on google maps, it's close enough to commute, so it could be worth phoning this M Harrison to see if they are the same person. http://www.thephonebook.bt.com/publisha.content/en/search/residential/search.publisha?Surname=harrison&Location=brant+broughton&Initial=&Street= Otherwise, Brant Broughton is such a small place, it might be worth a go phoning up Simmonds Music, a local music shop, to see if they know of Martin Harrison. http://www.yell.com/s/musical+instrument+and+sheet+music+shops-brant+broughton.html
  12. Nice looking neck there. Given that dead spots aren't uncommon on cheaper basses, I wonder if that was enough to make it fail QC. How did you manage to buy a Revelation neck for about £30 or so?
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1434384636' post='2799100'] Come to that is a judging panel of 30 a big enough market sample? Also, as we're all bass players are we representative of the listening public? It was fun and most of us were surprised at what we heard and found ourselves voting for; me included. I owned the Rosewood P bass and voted for the Maple neck P. But like Lozz, what do I know? [/quote] We'd have to do a statistical power analysis to see if 30 people is enough. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader as to whether someone saying 'hey guys, we've got to stop and do a statistical power analysis' would go down well at a bass bash :-o
  14. What's needed is a fully blind test, with the basses played by robots. Then we'd get a robust answer. No good having blinded players playing the basses, they'd be able to feel the different textures of the wood. However, if the purpose of this is more entertainment than answering the question, a test like this is fine.
  15. Knowing when you last changed your strings? You'd think there would be an app for that. Now, that would make you a nerd!
  16. Dekos all round! <sound of making toasts with wine glasses> Happy NDBD.
  17. Now that people have mentioned the bridge not being bang on centre of the through neck, I had a closer look at my Harley Benton 7 string. Its bridge isn't bang on either. On the treble side, the bridge extends to the outside of the outermost nato strip, but on the bass side, it only reaches maybe 1/3 across the matching narrow nato strip. I never even noticed this before, but have to say that I'm not that worried.
  18. LH Strat Deko. I suppose I'll post it as I know that there are some southpaws in the thread, although a standard strat isn't very exciting. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_st_20lh_bk_standard_se_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ard_se_deko.htm[/url] EDIT: Gone @Coldflows - my PJ5-HTR has a small flaw in the finish around the neck pocket. While these small imperfections can be found in the dekos, given the original price level of these instruments, I'm not sure that justifies the 'deko' status. Personally I think that for my PJ5, the reason that it is a deko is the terrible setup it had. And given that it passed QC at some time, I wonder if someone bought it, fiddled with it and cocked it up, and Thomann decided to sell it as a deko rather than fix the setup. In your case, the tiny chip may be par for the course for a cheap instruments. And how wonky was the machine head? If you've accidentally bought a lefty, then it might be interesting to bung it on ebay for 99p and see where it gets to. (If/when I do this, I'll be saying that it's a deko).
  19. Happy NDBD. Is it the standard LH Jazz, or one of the variations?
  20. Andytre - Happy New Deko Bass Day. Could you at some time post a photo of the finish of the fretboard near the body?
  21. You never know when the next batch of actually interesting dekos will turn up. Just when I think that it's gotten boring, suddenly there will be a big batch of really interesting basses.
  22. Pink guitar deko. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_eax_10_pinky_deko.htm Classical guitar deko. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_cg200_bk_deko.htm
  23. Happy NDBD (New Deko Bass Day) My PJ5-HTR has a very subtly finished neck.
  24. The 'deko' page shows available immediately, but clicking through to the instruments shows that they are sold out. Unfortunately I wasn't online at the time they went up, it's good to see that others are watching and posting too.
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