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Annoying Twit

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Everything posted by Annoying Twit

  1. Watching 20 Feet From Stardom right now. I'd seen it in the list for Netflix, but this thread pushed me to actually watch it. EDIT: Migosh! Lisa Fischer can sing!!!! EDIT: Good O'l Freda is on Netflix. I'll watch that once 20 feet is finished. EDIT: Not much action on this thread. But, I've watched the above two documentaries and have now moved onto Beware Mr Baker (about Ginger Baker). He definitely has a story. Quite a lot of it is sad, but quite a few of his problems seem self-inflicted. It was very sad to see how much his son enjoyed playing with him, only for GB to cruelly reject his son after that.
  2. You're looking in the wrong place for subcultures. With computer games and anime being more important, that's where the youth subcultures have gone. Modern day music seems to have stopped progressing. Either we'll get to a point where stagnation will lead to the next musical revolution. Or music will fade in importance compared to the 60s/70s/80s (later?) and be replaced permanently by other media and pastimes. Personally I believe that any future musical revolution will be intimately mixed with games/interactive media.
  3. I find that it sets me back a bit to transfer to a bass that I don't know. Having said that, I aim for an hour a day myself, and progress results. You might want to learn a few tracks end to end even if you mostly practice. So that you have something to show off when you do play in front of others.
  4. Thanks JapanAxe and everyone. With more practice it seems that it's the switching back and forward between strings that's the difficult bit for me. When the riff is played with a root of A, meaning I can use an open string, it becomes very easy. The similar sounding riff from the fast bit of America's 'Sister Golden Hair' sounds similar, but without as much jumping between strings as ISHST, it's much, much, easier. I'm practicing ISHST and I feel confidence that I'll be able to play it better in the future, and that these finger skills will help my playing in general.
  5. I'm going to sync Thomann up to my Amazon then. Buying quickly is important. Congratulations on the purchase. I hope you enjoy it. (Or exercise your right to return if you don't).
  6. This is at least the second time I've seen them, and I think perhaps the third. All things come to those who wait.
  7. I've just run into something interesting. I don't do enough learning of songs all the way through. (I do a lot of improvisation during practice). I thought it might be a good idea to learn whole albums of The Beatles, starting at the beginning and working my way though. I was expecting the bass lines to be very easy right up to 1966. Rain looks more challenging. But, what's the first song on their first album ... 'I saw her standing there'. (Bassline copied, by McCartney's admission, from Chuck Berry's 'Talking 'bout you'). This should be easy. It's just a straight eight baseline. But, it's taking me time to get it down pat. I can come up with straight eight basslines that seem to be of similar complexity and play them easy (though I seem to have developed a bad habit of using syncopation and space all the time instead of just when appropriate). But, the actual ISHST baseline seems to make my fingers move in ways that they aren't used to. Or something. They seem to naturally want to play something different. I'm playing it in a root major scale position, so I don't think it's poor fingering choices that are causing it to be more difficult than I expected. I'm guessing that if I do a 'back to basics' thing and find that I have to work at some of it, that means that I really need to be working on my basics a bit more. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Or does anyone have any comments/advice?
  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1423872928' post='2690074'] Cheers AT. I hope it's playable. I've been after a uke bass for a while now having played a really nice Ashbury one and a Kala. I just couldn't justify £200 plus on one. The HB one comes in at £42 including postage which is nice. Kinda wish I'd had a couple of other things in my basket to take advantage of the postage but it's still a bargain. [/quote] With Dekos, time is of the essence. You can still have the instrument sell out on you even when it's in your shopping basket. It might be a good strategy to have the shopping basket pre-loaded with other items ready to go, so that it's possible to check out ASAP when a deko is spotted.
  9. It looks as there was an opportunity in between the time when the euro tanked, and when Thomann restocked using the newly lower priced euros. At least I got the BZ-7000 at that time.
  10. Still up. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_kahuna_clu_bass_ukulel_deko.htm It says that they are 'available immediately' rather than saying that there are a limited number. I put one in my shopping cart and thought about it, but a bass ukulele isn't top of my list. Still thinking though. Except, that as I was typing this they disappeared. I hope your order goes well Momats.
  11. There seems to have been a considerable price rise across the whole Harley Benton range. The BZ-7000NT is now almost £40 more than I paid for it. Even the BZ-4000 is about £214. KB how much did you pay for yours? The HB-60 semi hollow basses are back. But, at £181 they aren't the bargains that they used to be. Weren't they about £150 or so? It seems like many instruments have gone up in price. Maybe not all. I think that the B-30NT FL cost about £107 new before. EDIT: Maple necked sunburst 'vintage' Jazz bass. I think this is a new model. http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_75sb_mn_vintage_series.htm
  12. I do like seeing a good number of detailed photos of a bass on ebay. But, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SQUIER-JAZZ-BASS-VINTAGE-MODIFIED-SEYMOUR-DUNCAN-DESIGNED-PICKUPS-BY-FENDER-/331476948626?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4d2d90d692
  13. Happy NDBD (Happy New Deko Bass Day)!
  14. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1423749197' post='2688573'] There's certainly something happening at Warwick........ [/quote] I played one of those in New Zealand (as reported in a thread at the time). I thought that it was roughly equivalent in sound and playability to the Squier Affinities that were the same price.
  15. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1423742840' post='2688440'] Sold out! [/quote] There's still a left handed set neck SG copy guitar. But everything else new for today has gone. The big list of all instruments that my program has ever seen (not all decos that have ever gone up) is getting long. [quote] Harley Benton B-30 BK Acoustic Bass Deko Harley Benton B-30 NT Acoustic Bass Deko Harley Benton B-30 NT LH Deko Harley Benton B-35FL NT Acoustic Bas Deko Harley Benton B-35NT Acoustic Bass S Deko Harley Benton B-550 QTB Progressive Deko Harley Benton BJ-65Pro 6 String Banj Deko Harley Benton CG-45 NS Deko Harley Benton CG200-BK Deko Harley Benton CLB-10SCE NS Deko Harley Benton CLD-30SCM-CE SolidWood Deko Harley Benton CLJ-503CE NT Deko Harley Benton D-120CE-LH BK Deko Harley Benton E-35 VS Vintage Series Deko Harley Benton EAX-10 Pinky Deko Harley Benton FV-430 BK Classic Seri Deko Harley Benton HBD120BK LH Deko Harley Benton HBO-600NT Deko Harley Benton HBO600 SB Deko Harley Benton HBO850 BK Deko Harley Benton HBZ-2004 Deko Harley Benton JB-75 NA Vintage Serie Deko Harley Benton JB-75LH NA Vintage Ser Deko Harley Benton L-450Plus Cherry Burst Deko Harley Benton L-500 BK Vintage Serie Deko Harley Benton PB-20 BK Standard Seri Deko Harley Benton PJ-4 HTR Deluxe Series Deko Harley Benton RG-Mini BK Deko Harley Benton S-200 BK Deko Harley Benton S-580 CH LH Vintage Se Deko Harley Benton ST-20 BK Standard Seri Deko Harley Benton ST-20 SB Standard Seri Deko Harley Benton ST-20HSS CA Standard S Deko Harley Benton ST-20LH BK Standard Se Deko Harley Benton ST-62 VW Vintage Serie Deko Harley Benton ST-Shorty BK Standard Deko Harley Benton Santos Series C-40SCE Deko Harley Benton TE-20 BK LH Standard S Deko Harley Benton TE-20 SB Standard Seri Deko Harley Benton TE-52 NA Vintage Serie Deko Harley Benton TE-90QM Trans Red Deko Warwick Mini Rock Thumb Bass 4 [/quote]
  16. A number up a minute ago. An interesting looking tele. There is also a standard precision bass. I've bunged that in my shopping cart to see if that reserves it. I'll wait to see when/if it disappears from being available to see if I can buy it. That is a nice looking tele. It's been over a minute and it's still there. Oh, it disappeared while I was typing the previous sentence. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_te_52_na_vintage_serie_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._serie_deko.htm[/url] Edit: Precision Bass still up there. Get buying now people. It's only £20. I want to see what happens to the one in my shopping cart when the stock runs out. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_pb_20_bk_standard_seri_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...d_seri_deko.htm[/url] Precision Bass sold out. My shopping cart now shows a note on availability. [quote][color=#FFFFFF][font=Verdana, sans-serif][size=4][b]otes on Availability[/b][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=verdana, tahoma, arial, helvetica][size=4] Unfortunately, we are thomann unable to give you an exact delivery date for the itemHarley Benton PB-20 BK Standard Seri Deko. [/size][/font][/color] [/quote] So, putting it in the shopping cart doesn't reserve it. I wonder if that somehow would reserve one for next time. Or whether I would get an email like ... was it UglyDog? ... saying that they couldn't deliver it.
  17. It would be interesting to know how much they cost. One thing on my radar this year is to build a bass kit. Problem is that there isn't one of the spec and price that I would like. I'm thinking of building a cheap one as is, then replacing bits. When I visualise what I would make it look like, that includes pronounced wood grain under a dark finish with a black pickguard as in the Fender 70's classic walnut strat (or whatever that reissue model name is). None of the kits seem to include a body with pronounced grain or black pick guard. But, I suppose I could build a cheap kit as is, then replace bits on it. I'd prefer a fretless neck as I have two fretted four string basses already, and only an acoustic fretless. So, there's at least some tiny justification for an electric fretless The guitar build bodies are from a choice of woods, and you can select the number of pieces of wood they are made from up to three. So, they seem a good options. The two and three piece bodies seem reasonably priced. And the one piece bodies aren't massively expensive. If Guitarbuild.co.uk are reading this thread, I'd caution them against using my opinions as evidence as to what they should do from a business perspective. Not many bassists are as stingy as I am! Back somewhere near the topic of Hamfist's first post: The Custom World Guitar Parts fretless necks are said to have fret dots 'as in the fretted necks'. I interpreted this to mean to say that the fret dots are in the fretted position. Does anyone know what position the fret dots are in?
  18. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1423674678' post='2687834'] From an export controls perspective, the country of origin is defined as the country where the last major change was made to the item, so I don't think that would fly for export compliance. I'm not sure if you can get away as marketing something as made in country a, but declare the country of origin as country b I'll ask our compliance officer at work to clarify it tomorrow [/quote] I'm surprised that more companies don't do what Edwards does (I think). Which is to do much of the work on some of their guitar ranges in China, but finish them off in Japan. Provided that the materials are good and quality control of the early stages is reasonable, I can't see how they would be worse than an instrument fully made in Japan. That must save a lot of money.
  19. <mighty boosh>115 Euros</mighty boosh> [url="http://www.customworldguitarparts.com/default/bass-parts-2/jazz-bass-maple-neck-20-frets-pearl-block-inlay-with-binding.html"]http://www.customwor...th-binding.html[/url] Nitro finish. Graphtec nut. One of the things that I'm thinking of doing in the future is to build a kit bass. But, the bass kits that can be bought at a reasonable price tend to be very low end, then there's a big jump to Carvin kits and Warmoth parts. (BTW: This is what I was thinking about when I asked about enhancing the grain of basswood in another thread - Hamfist, you kindly answered this). A jazz bass kit + this neck would still result in a still cheaply priced bass, but with a higher neck quality. I would presume. And the neck is pre-finished, which makes things easier Hamfist - how would you describe the playability of the neck versus a USA Fender? Westone neck plate Edit: A bit disappointing. The nitro finished fretless neck has the side dots in the same position as a fretted neck. Not in the correct positions for a fretless. http://www.customworldguitarparts.com/default/bass-parts-2/jazz-bass-maple-neck-fretless-nitro-finish-top-quality.html Pity, as at 90 Euros, it's quite inexpensive.
  20. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1423642796' post='2687260'] That looks great value to me and I'd say that's a hight level bass. Due to the date Musicavenger would call that a cr*p bass, but I beg to differ. I've got 3 basses from that era. I've stil yet to hear anyone who says that qualify what's wrong with them. I've heard idiots tell me they've all got fat necks, but my 3 don't. [/quote] It's a limited edition, so not a custom shop. I presume that would have it fitting somewhere between the Pro Series and the Custom Shop of today. Though, visually I couldn't imagine asking the custom shop to make it look any different if I won the lottery and was buying something in the thousands. My eyes popped out on stalks the first time I saw it.
  21. Where would something like this have fitted into the Warwick line-up? (Custom Shop, Pro Series). I realise that this is from 2007, and that the past is a foreign country and they do things different there. But, I'm just curious. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warwick-Corvette-NT-LTD-2007-AAAA-Koa-Top-4-string-Electric-bass-right-handed-/221685213883?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item339d77eabb Would that have been a custom shop bass in its day? Or was the range different back then? (Aside: I do know that this is being sold by a basschatter, I apologise for not feeling that I can justify spending that much on a bass.
  22. I wonder how much this will go for... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Harley-Benton-electro-acoustic-bass-guitar-/181663955186?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a4c03f8f2
  23. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1423152744' post='2681514'] repetition is what gets me. I can play bass all day long if I'm playing what I want. I play drums in a reggae band, and the bassist plays extremely repetitive lines. I tried it one time and my hands were killing me! The same bassline over and over for 5 minutes just seems to cramp my left hand [/quote] I find it difficult to play a repetitive baseline over and over, without my mind wandering and losing the timing. And example being Herbie Hancock's 'Bring down the birds' which has a short riff that repeats endlessly. Doing ten repetitions is easy. Playing the whole track for minutes - hard for me. I don't know Rhythm Stick. I suppose I've got to go learn it now.
  24. Would it be the case that trying that finish with basswood wouldn't work as there wouldn't be enough grain?
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