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Annoying Twit

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Everything posted by Annoying Twit

  1. Given that Mick didn't get the credit nor money that he deserved from his work with Japan, I'm not too displeased to see his estate benefitting in this way.
  2. Prices of Thunders vary, but they seem to be holding up right now. A nice fretless sold for £185, but another sold for £147. On average the fretless basses seem to outperform the fretted ones. E.g. this one for £121 is about typical. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Matsumoku-Made-in-Japan-MIJ-Vintage-Bass-Guitar-Westone-Thunder-1A-Active-/161448463105?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2597140b01"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2597140b01[/url] But, look at this one. £195!!! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westone-Thunder-1-Vintage-Collectors-Bass-Guitar-C-W-Fitted-Hard-Case-/141497623289?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20f1ea62f9"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item20f1ea62f9[/url] Would the new fitted hard case add to the price? I personally would prefer the original case. Thunder III fretless, £311. I think I've seen them sell for more in the past. Not a bass, but this Thunder 2A Guitar sold for £295!!!!! Is there anything special about it, as it looks identical to mine. Mine is in excellent, near new, condition and has the OHSC. Not that I want to sell it. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Westone-Thunder-2a-/111512250806?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item19f6a5e9b6"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item19f6a5e9b6[/url]
  3. Hip-Hip Hoo-Ray for your new bass day.
  4. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1421275316' post='2659414'] Did they make any worthy basses in 1989? Am I stuck with hunting out mundane instruments? Was this a fallow period for Fender or are they, and myself by proxy, not considered vintage yet? [/quote] SGC Nanyo Bass Colllection?
  5. A number of instruments have gone up i the last 30 seconds. Inlcuding a 1975 Jazz bass. Explorer electric guitar and acoustic 12 string gone within a minute or less. 1975 Jazz Bass still there. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_75_na_vintage_serie_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._serie_deko.htm[/url] EDIT: Jazz bass gone now. EDIT: Thanks DorsetBlue. This is the 12 string that was very briefly available. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbd20012bk_12stringwestern.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ringwestern.htm[/url] Not a bass obviously, but IMHO it doesn't sound too bad. EDIT: At first I liked the pickup sound on this. But after plugging in some quality headphones and having another listen, I've changed my mind on that. Full price is £84.99. I wonder how much the deko price was. Probably about £30 or so I'd guess. I wonder if the instruments get reserved once they're in your shopping basket. E.g. I wonder if it's a strategy to immediately click on buy, and then have a think about it, then remove it from my shopping basket. However, UglyDog's first attempt to buy a JB20 suggests otherwise.
  6. Very plausible answers all. As this is a kit bass, it would make sense to have a hole to hang the body when painting/finishing it at home. As this brand (Harley Benton) is reputed to fit Fender necks but would need new holes drilled, it might be useful in working out where to put the holes.
  7. What is that extra hole in the neck pocket of this bass body for? Assuming that it is a hole.
  8. Interesting. Can I ask what grit paper you used?
  9. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1421232753' post='2658624'] The body is bigger than a Kala too. Sounds nice though and with a little run over with some sandpaper, feels good too. [/quote] What parts did you need to sand? What sort of finish does it has, and wouldn't the additional sanding do something to the finish?
  10. I would never buy a YOB bass. Because I'm older - and the basses from back then that are actually good are worth humongous amounts of money. And what's inexpensive is likely to be £$&%.
  11. I haven't seen this Ibanez bass before, is it a new model? The model number is a bit of a mouthful. Not that I'm going to be buying one, I just bought an acoustic bass. But I'm curious to hear if anyone has tried one of these, and what they thought of it.
  12. It is interesting that someone has tried something a bit different. I'm not sure I want it myself, but I appreciate the originality.
  13. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1421169157' post='2657981'] I would have bought one there and then if I hadn't have seen your post late afternoon! I tried a Kala bass uke over Christmas and it sounded immense and was so much fun to play. £450 was too much though but I'd take a pop at one for £39 any day of the week. [/quote] I was looking at the listing this morning thinking that I was sure that someone of the forum would really go for that if they saw it in time. I think I heard that the Harley Benton uke-bass is bigger than the Kala bass. More the size of the Tanglewood Traveller bass. Though, I'm too lazy to go and look up the specs and check that this is correct. Personally I think I'd prefer something of that size than a Kala bass. When I tried a Kala bass, I didn't like it as much as you did. I was playing it acoustically though. When I heard one with a ukulele orchestra, it was being played through an amp, and it sounded good. Edit: Harley Benton Uke Bass: 534mm scale length Tanglewood Traveller Bass: 21" it says, close enough to 534mm scale length Kala U-Bass: 20" scale length, 508mm. Not as different as I thought.
  14. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1421154308' post='2657695'] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_550fl_bk_progressive_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...essive_deko.htm[/url] 5 string fretless if anyone's keen [/quote] Interesting. That one isn't listed on the "Decorative Guitars and Basses" page. (And hence my program isn't listing it as available).
  15. BASS UKULELE DEKO WENT UP LESS THAN 30 SECONDS AGO!!!!! [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_kahuna_clu_bass_ukulel_deko.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ukulel_deko.htm[/url] Be swift, my comrades. EDIT: Gone. I did think about buying it for myself, but thought 'not yet'. It was £39, which isn't the biggest bargain we've seen here, but IMHO worth a shot. At least I know that the 'inactive' list on my program works. If the bass had been added a few minutes later I would have been washing myself upstairs, and would have missed it entirely.
  16. I don't associate them with any genre in particular, but I generally associate them with a bit of extra musical sophistication. Even the Paul Young tracks are a cut above many otherwise similar pop songs.
  17. Which did you prefer, and why?
  18. I think I read somewhere that the HB jazz basses will fit a Fender neck, albeit with some new hole drilling. That should make them excellent starting points for various degrees of bitsa creation, I would think.
  19. [quote name='2stringsmcginty' timestamp='1421059266' post='2656561'] I usually play with thumb rested on a pickup, this doesn't appear to be an option on the semi acoustics suggested? [/quote] There is at least a bit of pickup sticking out on some of them. Though, perhaps not as far out as the pickups on your Tanglewood. Surely you could add a thumb rest if you wanted one. EDIT: Interesting, the HB60 is only available in white now. BTW: While I'm a fan of Harley Benton cheapies, I do think that with a £400 budget, you could get something better than the £152 HB60.
  20. @UglyDog - well done on the NBD. I laughed out loud when I saw your tag bargain of the decade Personally I think the black pick guard would work better with a black control plate. @Kodiakblair - didn't you already have a HB JB-75?
  21. Nice looking Ibanez Artist fretless. But, 'Economy Delivery' is £82? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-Fretless-Bass-1979-/321638992641?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ae32d8b01"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4ae32d8b01[/url]
  22. With your budget there must be hundreds of basses for you to choose from. How about a Japanese made Bass Collection bass? Similar in style and electronics to your Tanglewood Rebel, but should be nicer all round? Something like this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bass-Collection-SB401-Bass-guitar-Right-handed-with-hard-case-/261701307793?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3cee9d0d91
  23. Really, really, nice. Happy NBD.
  24. Yes, the completed listing. There isn't one currently on sale, unless it has a very search-unfriendly listing.
  25. With only one sale still on ebay, i wouldn't want to put too much stock in that sale. There's quite a bit of variability.
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