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Annoying Twit

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Everything posted by Annoying Twit

  1. WHOAH!!!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Beautiful-one-of-a-kind-Aria-Pro-II-SB1000-/321906691240?hash=item4af3224ca8:g:zF8AAOSwI-BWMpIU
  2. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1445976446' post='2895904'] So place your bets folks, how long before we see it listed again [/quote] Three weeks.
  3. I did it using ProTools, real-time pitch-shifting, and some Sansamp PSA-1 plugins. I programmed drums for a beat I was quite pleased with the sound, it sounded reasonably full.
  4. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1445901004' post='2895306'] Gutted I missed the tbird, actually really need one of those right now but only really cheap for a tribute band. Grrr [/quote] Which band/artist are you a tribute of?
  5. I do not believe that this was a genuine sale. The retracted bid is particularly suspicious. I believe that it was the owner bidding against an auction wrecker. That it was a private auction makes me even more suspicious. The owner had previously told me that he would accept about £800 for it. Examples of me being wrong abound like dandelions in an untended field. But that's what I believe.
  6. [quote name='Manwithvan' timestamp='1445892517' post='2895178'] The inlays seem to be the same as on the HB I'm looking at right now but as AT says it does have bare polepieces. The HB is 'only' 5kg, and in another important difference, it comes with a battery supplied, unlike the Quincy. I like this: [color=#000000]2 strap buttons are already attached and this item is supplied with a FREE budget lead and allen key (to adjust truss rod if required for an advanced set up)[/color] [/quote] Ah, I saw another one that I thought had different inlays. The one on the Thomann site has the same inlays.
  7. Congratulations. Your Antoria cost less than 10% of what this Ibanez Blazer is selling for. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-Blazer-Bass-1981-Japan-MIJ-P-Bass-Collectors-/131637860233?hash=item1ea63a5789:g:UjYAAOSwT5tWLjE6"]http://www.ebay.co.u...jYAAOSwT5tWLjE6[/url] EDIT: This 1989 Ibby really needs black tape wound strings. It just isn't black enough. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-SR1000E-Bass-Built-in-1989-at-famous-Fujigen-factory-Japan-/151863365338?hash=item235bc30eda:g:5UoAAOSwo6lWLmSa
  8. Definitely a family resemblance, but pickups are different, inlays are different. The pickups look like the ones in the previous HB six string bass. However, many pickups in black casings look the same.
  9. I think (but am not sure) that this is a good price for a fretless Cort Curbow. It's claimed to be in good condition apart from a spot where the finish has worn off. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CORT-CURBOW-FRETLESS-FOUR-STRING-BASS-GUITAR-MADE-IN-KOREA-/141810285074?hash=item21048d3a12:g:oCIAAOSwwbdWK3LZ
  10. I've been out all day. There was a Thunderbird? Would have been tempted.
  11. [quote name='enssorcel' timestamp='1445622083' post='2892942'] Has anyone seen the B-550FL (the fretless 5 string electric, not acoustic one) up as a deco at all? Yeah I know they can be had for ~£100 new but as my first foray into fretless I would rather spend as little as possible. I've already sent Thomman an email asking why their B-Stock version is only €10 less; when I bought my B-Stock Squier VM Jazz from them a few months back I could've sworn it was about 1/3 off new. Cheers [/quote] The last time I saw one was on 10:21am on the 10th of June.
  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1445548229' post='2892402'] Like a wide-necked 6-string bass for those sausage-fingered builders and bricklayers? You could be onto something there! Though in all seriousness, it looks too cheap and nasty to be an attractive instrument even if you managed to make it playable, with the plywood body and brown painted fingerboard. [/quote] I don't think it would be wide necked. I thought that the general opinion was that part of the modifications that had been done to it were to add extra strings. E.g. multiple strings sharing the same slot in the bridge. If that's the case, then it might be improved by returning it to the original number of strings. Might. I only bid £50 on it. I thought that it would be worth a punt at that price. And, if it didn't look as if it could be improved, I could donate it as a mystery raffle prize for the next East Midlands bass bash.
  13. You might be able to undo the modifications and make an ERB with fewer strings from it. If I had landed it with my £50 bid, that's what I would have been thinking.
  14. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1445442256' post='2891525'] My six string progressive came too. Despite being apparently flawless with a very pretty figured neck, When I got it it was dead and just made pops and bangs. Then I put a battery in it! Now its fine [/quote] Did it come with no battery? I think my acoustic came with no battery. Happy NBD to the two 6 string deko purchasers.
  15. [quote name='Supercollide' timestamp='1445429054' post='2891370'] Emailed them, site messaged them before posting. No reply though. I've won it and just got the Shipping confirmation email this morning. It's my home address but I'm moving out in 4/5 days time. Hopefully I can arrange something with the courier if they have a depot, just really not something I wanted to muck up mid-house move. Ah well. [/quote] Good luck with that. [quote name='jonsmith' timestamp='1445430388' post='2891385'] Deko six string Progressive arrived at weekend. Absolutely perfect except for over-zealous nut filing resulting in some fret buzz on a couple of open strings. Pity as I could have done with it for a dep slot I've got on Saturday. OK, not a high end bass by any means, but flawless at full price I'd say it's a quite lot for the money. New nut on the way... [/quote] Sounds like a result with a new nut being all that is needed. If this happened to me I would have been very tempted to go for a justanut, which would probably cost more than the bass did.
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1445368890' post='2891020'] My feeling is that's probably an error and it's much more likely 30" [/quote] I've seen them IRL several times. They don't look any bigger/longer than the Squier to me.
  17. [quote name='Supercollide' timestamp='1445341064' post='2890655'] Darn, hit 'Buy' straight away. Just realised as I've done it non-logged in on the mobile site and paid paypal. It's got the wrong address...... *headdesk* ah well, might be best if I didn't win that one.... [/quote] Email them, immediately.
  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1445294939' post='2890440'] Was quite a nasty looking mark on it [/quote] Hmmm... It doesn't look too bad to me in the photo. I wonder if it would buff out.
  19. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1445145993' post='2889044'] I thought that. He's so convinced that it's worth a lot of money that I can see him letting it go for the £200 that I wildly, very wildly, guesstimate that it would actually go for if the auction ran properly. My thoughts were that he's probably put in a high (e.g. £800) shill bid as a hidden reserve. The other alternative is that there may be auction wreckers who think it's funny to use a throwaway account to bid the price way up then not pay. [/quote] That should be "I can see him [b]refusing to let it go[/b] for the £200". A typo. I meant to express the same sentiment as Beer of the Bass. Still £311.09 with five days to go. Higher than i predicted it would go, and there's plenty of time left.
  20. Bob the Builder. It is what it is, and I think for what it is, it's done quite well. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZnYzD-LnSU[/media] Octopus Garden. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgPqmRNjoTE[/media]
  21. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1445202493' post='2889630'] Thanks for doing this. I have 2 weeks before the next lecture on this subject, this coming weeks is something a lot simpler. So I'm going to spend time over that period watching the videos and writing reams of notes. I've been listening to some of the music done by my lecturer, she uses a lot live electronics and strings and piano. So I can now start to see the benefits of learning to use it. There's also the interactive thing with it, that would be really cool. [/quote] It's really amazing what you can do with Max/MSP and similar systems once you learn them. If you go really into it, you can make music systems that use the rise and fall of individual stocks on the stock market to control threads in the music. I've done something somewhere (if I can find the patch) that reads the human genome from disk and uses it to create an evolving drum pattern. You can make your own synthesisers, yes, but you can make your own synths that create 3D graphics based on what you're playing through them. It really is only limited by imagination (and that some things might need a lot of work or push the boundaries of state of the art Artificial Intelligence). But, all that comes with a learning curve, which unfortunately you're at the wrong end of at the moment. Sorry if I'm ranting.
  22. I'd go for the top one because it looks more interesting. However, I think that someone else making a bass purchase because of what I think <Spock voice>would not be logical.</Spock voice>
  23. In hindsight, not so brilliant. It annoyed me that I'd done a bad job at that video, given its intention to be a 'for dummies'. I've thought about it, and done, effectively, a longer video split into four individual videos. I won't delete the first one just yet as it covers some audio, but I think that these four are better for those who want a gentle introduction. Only in the fourth video does the routing get complex. But, there are some things I really wish I hadn't done. E.g. starting to waffle on obscurely about all the inlets of the route object in the last video. When I do these, I REALLY need to have a script and STICK TO IT. This is one reason I planned to break it into chunks. So, if there's something I decide I need to fix, I can do so in a modular fashion. [media]http://youtu.be/gPPbdIH7b74[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/w4pticDcFZE[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/Dp4otkkL2bc[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/qlQP57RuKUw[/media] In case anyone's wondering, I decided that I would like to have a series of basic Max/MSP videos myself, as well as for the potential use of ambient or anyone reading this thread. Pete Batchelor's ones are good, but I wonder given some of the comments I read here whether there is a need for something that comes in slower and takes smaller steps. PS: Having re-read Ambient's first post, can I say this. For a number of things, particularly computer programming (which Max/MSP is, it just doesn't look like it), there is often a steep learning curve. Sometimes it takes a fair while of figuratively banging your head against the wall, persevering until suddenly the lightbulb comes on and it starts making sense. Some people give up during the first period before the lightbulb comes on. But, they would probably have worked it out had they stuck at it a bit longer. Please persevere, there is a pot of musical gold at the end of the digital rainbow.
  24. Happy NBD! It does look less pointy than I expected when I saw the subject.
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