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Everything posted by fftc

  1. fftc

    Identify the drive?

    Cheers Dood.
  2. I have no experience of bass drive pedals at all. I've used an Ampeg combo with the scrambler circuit and I do occasionally run my bass through a Tube Screamer. Both of these can give a not entirely unpleasant drive sound but not the one I'm looking for. Can anyone identify the drive sound at 5 min 30 in this video, or something that could replicate it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnVyH-tZ9Ac
  3. [url="http://www.romskatepark.co.uk/home/about/"]Legendary skatepark.[/url] That's about all I know.
  4. I have no idea how it would compare soundwise to the Warwick but the Reverend Wattplower looks like a nice short scale. Might be tricky getting to test one but Merchant City Music in Glasgow can order them. [url="https://www.guitar.co.uk/reverend-mike-watt-signature-wattplower-rock-orange"]https://www.guitar.c...wer-rock-orange[/url] http://www.bassplayer.com/basses/1165/review-reverend-guitars-mike-watt-wattplower/63690 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnVyH-tZ9Ac
  5. White one on ebay. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/382245624325?ul_noapp=true Swap the pickup, sell it on. Job done!
  6. Awesome! Now, about that pick-up.
  7. [quote name='jimbartlett' timestamp='1507146946' post='3383646'] One sounds great, two sound greater ;-) [/quote] Is there more sound or is it just louder?
  8. Nice. I was looking at that pairing myself but ended up going for a MarkBass head instead. What is it replacing?
  9. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1507033984' post='3382871'] I've always thought something doesn't quite add up with these cabs. If the higher value is 12 ohms, that suggest the speakers are 6 ohms each, [/quote] But isn't the One10 8 ohms?
  10. Always worth checking the List. https://www.list.co.uk/events/music/when:27-Sep-2017/location:Edinburgh(55.9524,-3.1933)/distance:5/
  11. Depends what you are into but the Jazz Bar on Chamber Street always has live music. http://www.thejazzbar.co.uk/
  12. [quote name='clivem' timestamp='1506259878' post='3377371'] Ugly???? What???? That's beautiful!!!! [/quote] Indeed! I've seen folk here rave about a lot uglier than that. If I was in the market I might be tempted. GLWTS.
  13. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1506088816' post='3376408'] Hence my original comment on this thread that if you're going to be upset by lewd comments then being a stage dancer (in a rough end establishment) seems to be a strange career choice. [/quote] So let's assume that you like to play bass and you like to gig. Say I go to your gig and I think you are rubbish. Would you prefer it if I shouted offensive, obnoxious and possibly even threatening abuse at you to the effect that you are rubbish, or would you prefer I kept my own council? I'm sure most folk would prefer the latter. Doesn't mean you shouldn't gig. Doesn't mean I shouldn't think you're crap. But I should show a level of respect towards you as a fellow human being. If I fail to do that then I should be pulled up for it. What's different about female dancers?
  14. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1505947857' post='3375497'] To a certain extent, in the world as it currently is, then these sort of behaviours will continue. Maybe in twenty or thirty years time things will be better, [/quote] Not if people who agree that it is unacceptable do nothing about it. We all have a role to play in stopping this kind of crap. It doesn't necessarily mean challenging 20 drunken yobs, but workmates, relatives etc can be informed their behaviour is sub standard quite safely in general. And it seems fairly clear to me that there is a link between sexual harassment, and sexual assaults and rape. It all starts with a lack of respect.
  15. Where would a Gramma pad fit into this situation regarding coupling?
  16. How about one of these? http://acmeaudio.net/motown-di/
  17. Smoking ban has to have had an effect too. I was still a smoker and a drinker when it came in force up here and it really took the shine off going to a pub. I liked a tab with my pint. I found I drank less (and smoked less) having to go outside every time for a fag. So given the choice of going to a (smoking) friends flat with your mates and a carry-out and being able to enjoy a smoke and a drink, or going to a pub, the flat would often win. I'm not suggesting that the smoking ban shouldn't have been brought in. As against it as I was at the time, I think overall it is a positive thing, but it must have had an effect on pub numbers.
  18. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1505404322' post='3371686'] Actually, I used to use my full name, but after reading a thread as to the origins of our usernames I realised perhaps I should have been a bit more security conscious and changed it- but then I'm on Facebook, so what difference does it really make? [/quote] I use a pseudonym on Facebook as well! I'd say it's more important to use one on there than on here.
  19. Really enjoying seeing this come together Stevie. Fascinating.
  20. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1504868666' post='3367868'] he calls it a mixer, hmm something tells me he's not a bass player........ [/quote] And either his memory is terrible or the person he bought it from wasn't a bass player either!
  21. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1504793551' post='3367364'] How can something wrapped round the strings at the bridge end stop open strings from sounding but not stop the fretted ones? Madness. [/quote] My apologies. I was confusing the 'Fump' with the 'FretWrap'.
  22. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1504787478' post='3367304'] Not sure if my memory is correct here.... Sometime in the mid 80's I picked up a couple of keyboard magazines (they had interviews with Keith Emerson in). It seems everyone wanted a DX7 and was re-mortgaging, or something to get one. And whoever took over Moog at the time was selling off Model D's, for a couple of hundred dollars. Nobody wanted them. [/quote] I can well imagine that. When FM and digital was new and hot that's what everyone wanted. Old analogue subtractive stuff was yesterdays news. Now analogue is the cool kid again the old ones cost a packet. That's why it made sense for Moog to re-issue the D. Cash in on the retro money. They might well be worthless again in 15 years but anyone who buys musical instruments as investments is missing the point IMHO.
  23. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1504716879' post='3366872'] "Parcel" weighs virtually nothing but guess what?? Because it's bigger than your standard letter it has to be sent as a parcel - cost £2.90 - outrageous!! [/quote] Shareholders gotta get their dividend!
  24. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1504719179' post='3366892'] Never seen one before but whoever came up with that had no idea how it is supposed to work. [/quote] D'oh!
  25. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1504726961' post='3366961'] The science of audio always works, whether you believe in it or not. [/quote]
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