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  1. How do you like the Midi Baby 3? I am thinking of getting one.
  2. Decent and very musical so far although I haven't gigged with it yet. I had the TLC compressor before but it was never happy with my active bass and would distort sometimes, not the case with this one thankfully.
  3. My current board. I am fairly happy with it, although I might have to get into the whole midi thing in order to use 2 switches and an expression pedal with the HX Stomp to get the most out of it. The metal box bottom right is a kit built Big Muff.
  4. That's a beauty.
  5. Unhelpful comment incoming: If this had black hardware and I had £6000 more i'd be all over this! Good luck with the sale!
  6. Well the dancing/fashion choices in the Rocco Palladino & Tom Misch video on that thread isn't up to much compared to this.
  7. Hey, thanks a lot! I had another dancer lined up but I had to step in at the last minute...
  8. Hey guys, I thought i'd share my new video with you all here. It's a mash-up of Dean Town and Teen Town (I think we've all heard of those tracks!), it's been done before but this time it's a bit different. I am using my Mayones Jabba 5 string that I bought used on here, I cannot remember who I got it from though... Hope you enjoy and that the video doesn't give you a 90s flashback migraine.
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