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Everything posted by N64Lover

  1. I am very tempted! I had 301 and 405 cabinets that I sold about 3 years ago as I couldn't find a 370 head to go with them. I am also in Edinburgh, I will have a think about it.
  2. I'm interested if your other deal falls through.
  3. I am selling my set of Bartolini 9J pickups, I believe these are the L/S version as the bridge pickup is slightly longer than the neck which is like most jazz pickups. I have been using these pickups for years and they sound great, I just fancied a change and got some Aguilars to try. I still have a set in my fretless bass. The low price reflects their condition. There are string marks on the face of the pickup, and some of the plastic surrounding the screw holes has/is chipping away. This cannot be seen when the pickups are installed and should not affect their use. Check out the pics! Postage is £3 within the UK or you can collect from Edinburgh. A blurb copied from ebay: "These are single coil units with strong lows and low mids. The tone of these pickups is deeper than vintage pickups; their strength is in the lows and low mids. The Neck and Bridge coils are equal as in the original Fender pair but with very low hum and noise. An excellent replacement for stock pickups. These will bring out the tone of any bass."
  4. Thanks for your help everyone. I had it looked at by a guy here in Edinburgh and he said the bass is fine. I just need to have a think about the recommendations I have been given and pull the trigger on a set of strings!
  5. Thanks for the offer, Dave. I'll have a think about it and if I decide on Blues I will get in touch. My bass really is quite quiet, other people have commented on it and in an acoustic setting with a small band it is almost inaudible.
  6. It did get a proper set-up and bridge height adjusters installed when I bought it but that was 10 years ago now. I am going to tie in getting new strings with a proper set-up and a look over by someone who knows what they are doing.
  7. I figured if these Helicores are high tension and quiet then the opposite must exist somewhere. I play double bass a fair amount but I can't say I know much about what makes one bass louder than the next. It could just be a characteristic of my particular bass (It is similar to this one: [url="http://www.contrabass.co.uk/2749.htm"]http://www.contrabass.co.uk/2749.htm[/url]). To be honest, I bought this bass almost 10 years ago and now that I have more experience I have come to realise that it is very quiet and generally not that pleasant to play. I think new strings can certainly help but maybe there are other factors I need to think about too. [quote name='TPJ' timestamp='1436180568' post='2815591'] As every bass is different, it's hard to know how a string will work until you try it. I've never played Helicores so can't comment on those. I had Evah weichs and found them higher in tension than Spiro weichs on my bass. Innovation Honeys were a good choice. I've had both Velvet Blues and Animas on the same bass and whilst the tension was very similar, the I much preferred the Animas, but they are pricey. Trying to find low tension and high volume might prove tricky. Good luck with the search. [/quote]
  8. It's that time again, I need to find another set of bass strings. I am currently using D'addario Helicores but they have too high tension for me and sound very quiet. I play pizz 85% of the time and the two most important aspects for me in a new set will be low tension and high volume. I have narrowed my choice down to Evah Pirazzi weichs, Velvet Blues and Pisastro Obligatos although I am open to other suggestions. Does anyone have an opinion on these strings? I don't have a suitably sized wallet to experiment with upright strings so whatever I choose will likely remain on my bass for a over a year.
  9. I had one similar to the 1996 that I imported used from Japan in 2008. I was living in Edinburgh and sold it to some guy but I can't remember his name. I had it for 3 months but had to sell it in order to buy a flight somewhere, always regretted it! It's ticking all the boxes for me....Edinburgh, J-Retro, sanded neck...argh! Tempting.
  10. I'm selling my 3 Leaf proton as it is not quite delivering the sound that I am after, it doesn't really agree with my active bass for some reason. This is the newer 3 knob version as opposed to the older 2 knob version. It is in good condition and has velcro on the bottom. £110 plus postage or collection in Edinburgh. Wouldn't mind trading for an Aguilar Filter Twin. Any info you may need can be found here [url="http://www.3leafaudio.com/products.html"]http://www.3leafaudi...m/products.html[/url]
  11. I have been after one of these for ages, I don't think I can really justify the expense now so close to Christmas. Where about in the Czech Republic are you?
  12. I'm afraid not, I have a rig that I am happy with now and literally have no more room for any gear (except a bass maybe )
  13. Price drop bump.
  14. I'd rather a straight sale but there's a slight possibility depending on what you have?
  15. Littlemark II bump.
  16. Price reduction bump. I am leaving for England on Wednesday morning (see tour dates above) so if you want it delivered somewhere near you let me know!
  17. Yes it is. It doesn't look quite as good close up, but it was my first attempt at dovetail joints and really one of my first stabs at woodworking as well so any flaws just add character!
  18. My freshly built pedal board. I have had a big chunk of raw oak laying around and I have been waiting to make this for a long time now. I'm super happy with it and it sounds great despite some minor phase issues with the x-blender. [attachment=157224:IMAG0467.jpg]
  19. Barefaced Compact is [b]SOLD.[/b] Little Mark II is [b]SOLD.[/b] The [b]Markbass Littlemark II [/b]is in good condition, although there is some scratching underneath from the previous owner and some other light paint chipping (see photos). This is a great little versatile amp that can easily fit in a rucksack and it is very loud! Comes with its original box.[list] [*]WEIGHT 2.9 kg [*]DEPTH 25.6 cm [*]WIDTH 27.6 cm [*]HEIGHT 7.1 cm [*]OUTPUT POWER - 300W RMS @ 8 ohm, 500W RMS @ 4 ohm [/list] £360 posted. Both items are located in Edinburgh and although collection would be ideal, I realise that could be too far to travel for some so I can post.
  20. I bought the other Aguilar cab off Pete, it was really well packaged and arrived very quickly. Really great to deal with. Thanks again!
  21. I'd be all over this but I just bought another one. Would you consider selling the bag separately?
  22. I'll take it. PM'd.
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