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Everything posted by fumps
A bit disappointed I always pictured Bilbo To have a big white beard & travelled around on clouds
I play an Ibanez SR300 as my main bass & I think for the £260 ish that I paid for it I got a real beast of a bass guitar, it feels fantastic, plays smoothly & the sounds I can get out of it are just beautiful. Since buying it I've never gassed for another bass. I have got what I need from a bass & I cannot say more than that really.
[quote name='megallica' timestamp='1371118703' post='2109970'] The crowd do sound rightfully hacked off, surprised someone managed to get onto the stage. Not that this incident compares to the dimebag incident but it's scary that someone managed to get close enough to knock him off the stage. [/quote] Yeh the old days of having an open stage to allow stage diving seems like a different world now.
[quote name='megallica' timestamp='1371107677' post='2109781'] Have fun Did you see this clip, watch from 3.00 onwards NSFW [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JJER1f5-qw[/media] [/quote] wow that could have been worse than it was. I bet the idiot made a speedy exit after that
The first time I ever did a gig with a sound guy we were gob smacked & didn't know what to say to him (we were used to our own disorganised volume wars) So I sat with him & explained we need his advice & he set us up so well we sounded better than the main band.....After the gig I was having a beer with him & he let me know that the main act were stompy rock star types.....he made us sound better because we asked him for his help & advice. I've always gone out of my way ever since to be nice to the sound guys. I've never met a bad one yet
[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370934712' post='2107517'] Nah, having the desire to make teenage girls scream is not on the top of my To Do list [/quote] Mine is ......ahem
I cant play today.....I have managed to have a major underware malfunction this morning.....not only have I managed to come to work with my under strides on back to front I was talking to my boss earlier & a rolled up sock fell out of my trouser leg ....I'm either secreting foot garments from my knees or this is a sign ...... A sign that I'm in fact a daft tw*t
[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370877477' post='2106739'] I was born middle aged though, so my viewpoint possibly isn't that valuable. [/quote] The mechanics of that will worry me deeply for weeks now
'General Discussion' has turned into 'Off Topic'
fumps replied to Spoombung's topic in General Discussion
Bass guitar ! there that's that sorted out -
Aye fank you....I'll be here all week be sure to spit on your waitress
I love Punk & always will, I was spawned into this world in 1976 so Punk always felt like the music that I was borne for. It was not just the music in my views it was everything about it, the messed up art that everyone could do by [i]"Just having a go" [/i]. the clothing style which was just anything you wanted to wear.....And more importantly to me it snatched music out of the hands of the cringe worthy musical snobs that think just because they know what a pentatonic scale is that somehow music belongs to them, it doesn't. Punk told the world that music belongs to everyone, if you have something to say & you want to make music then make music, dont be intimidated by the idiots who think people should listen to them just because they have been to music collage. [i]F*ck em.....lets have fun & be creative. [/i]It inspired me that someone with limited resources, limited skills & the drive to say something worth saying can and will be heard by people. I think we all spend too much time worrying about our knowledge and skills to just roll our sleeves and make some music. It's exactly the same for Art & fashion, just do it for Christ sakes. let other people judge you later for what you do. It always seems that Punk was & still is disliked by the ones who just didn't get it. The musical snobs, the rock dinosaurs, the classical art fans, the intellectual chavs, the conservatives & the pop fans of the day, because it wasn't about [i]"ooo look at me I'm so clever & accomplished" [/i]it was more a case of [i]"down some beer, hammer out some chords and have a great laugh doing it"[/i]. I'm not sure anyone who was taking part realised the impact it was going to have but so what ? who really cares ? it was a time & place that will never happen again. The underground techno scene was similar to punk in loads of ways, the scene didn't belong to anyone, it was just a scene, you didn't have to be any good as a musician to make music, all you needed was a just either a computer or a set of cheap decks, you didn't have to conform to a fashion as no one cared what you looked like, a person who made the music was just a name on the sticker on the slab of vinyl, the night clubs were just warehouses with DIY back drops, a set of decks & the anti society that belonged to it. I love it when things get shaken up, people follow set rules & dont deviate from them rules, then someone comes along & does not care about these rules & just does what they want......most people love what they hear, the experts just stroke their chins confused, then they sit & spend years conceptualizing about what the innovators have done, desperately trying to piece together why and how they got the glory and are seen as the brilliant ones. Mozart did just that....over complicated music torn apart & ignored. He ripped up the rule book and made simple stylish music & the musical hierarchy hated him because he made music that was the exactly the opposite to their music..... So what is Punk? it's anything to everybody. To me it's about tearing up rule books and opening doors to anyone who wants to just do something without the feeling of being judged. Be an oddball & be proud of it !! To others well......that's for them to decide.
I think I'm some kind of oddball (I know it's obvious) when it comes to kit. I kind of see a Bass choice as a very personal thing. I have read comments on here saying that the bass I own is a pile of sh*t. I'm not bothered, the bass I own fits me & my playing style perfectly, there are other more famous basses that I personally dont like as I dont like the feel, weight, balance, neck......whatever, anyway my personal view is that I see kit as a tool to do what I need it to do there are some pretty kit out there but you get the kit you need & make sure it fits you. I have seen very loyal attitudes towards certain brands on this forum before, I often dont share their opinion. Some people will like certain things others wont. It just down to the individual.
Nige my answer is no! There will never be another Beatles. A band nowadays have the half live of 5 mins....they do an album that goes mental in sales, second album is always not as good because the record company puts pressure on the band to get something out asap.....then the third album is usually a little shakey (Usually because of the reviews they have had from the 2nd album has shaken their confidence). At this point a band either sinks or swims. the best bands find their feet & start making great music. But before this happens with modern bands they are dropped. This is why we will only get the odd "Great" pop band, but most will never get the chance to become great. Does the Beatles influence music today? yes they basically refined the rule book & made it easier to understand for the modern age, they took what was already going on & made it better for all who are about to follow them. Will we see another band like them ? No.....Can you imagine a top pop band doing a Sgt Pepper nowadays ? .....their career would be over instantly ! Do I like the Beatles & their music ? No cant get into them but I can see & appreciate what they achieved
*****Brain activates***** Bella Emerson !!!!! She is on You tube as well.....I'm hoping she translates well to YT as when she plays live she has so many layers I'm sure the mic wont pick up everything she is doing.
[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1370298051' post='2098952'] No, no..! Please don't 'click' me..! Please... I'm at the end of my tether... [attachment=136250:bungy-jump.gif] [/quote] I could do that all day ....whoo hoo
[quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1370173503' post='2097160'] They are doing the Bingley Festival near Bradford this year too...... [/quote] Just got my tickets for this.....Taking my son to his first festival to see how he likes it.......I'm really looking forward to Chic !
I have not yet (although I've just bought one & am just trying to get my head round it) I once saw a lady who was playing a Cello through a Looper with effects on it.....it was absolutely amazing. She grabbed sound bites of her playing (Think of the orchestral stabs used in disco style music) and then played solo's over the top. once she had two layers of sound looped it was just fantastic. I am looking for her on you tube, when I do I will post a link....I'm sure her name was Bella something grrrr my brain hurts
[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1370253400' post='2098023'] Yeah, but when they're bad... Who would want an Off Topic..? [/quote] Yes......ho yes .....someone got one of my sideways left at the traffic light jokes, Dad you are wondering dangerously close to the brink good sir
I bet James Blunt could beat Mozart in a fight
ahhhh fantastic to see the Upright blessing the airwaves Dave. Will give this a listen to you tonight mate....cant wait now
[quote name='keeponehandloose' timestamp='1370260999' post='2098162'] i wanted to be able to spend hundreds (thousands??) of pounds on strings and pickups, and buy oversized cars for a period of 25 years or more. Double bass was the only thing I could find that fitted the bill. [/quote] Glad you picked the DE/EUB route instead of kidnapping Dolphins
Always being in love with the bass sound, the double/EUB to me is the pinnacle of the bass tone, I never knew it was possible for me to be able to afford one so always admired them from afar.....I am now a loving owner of a Stagg (I know it's a budget EUB) but it delivers so much more richness in the sound. The double bass sound is so smooth & rich. I always see it as a different instrument to the Bass guitar, my issue with my stagg is that every time I play it, I spend more time playing little licks just to hear the slides........hmmmm warm slidey bass-iness !!!! My mate refers to the EUB as "Sexual chocolate" and when he says that, he does it in a bad Barry White voice .....yep I have some very strange mates
Bought a Memory man from Matt Asked him to hang on to it for me which he did on trust. top bloke !!! Good BCer happy with transaction.
I miss Topics........when they were good