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Everything posted by fumps

  1. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1361436514' post='1985813'] There's so much going on in that picture, but the overriding impression I'm getting is that that is some top lunging for a conservatory... [/quote] I love how the curtains are drawn so the mrs wont get disturbed when watching catch phrase
  2. I am a light weight in comparison to you guys (Cant wait to show my other half this thread to prove how lucky she is) 1x EUB 1x 4string electric bass guitar 1x semi acoustic bass (Cheap camp fire bass) 1x Acoustic guitar And I love every one of them as they are perfect for me
  3. Wayne this is classic I actually threw the exact same copy away a week ago & I was In stitches over that very same picture.
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1361352718' post='1984824'] I do not agree with that at all. Jason Bonham is 100% up to the job of filling his dad's shoes. [/quote] Yeh I think he is an incredible drummer
  5. [quote name='iamtheelvy' timestamp='1361281180' post='1983799'] Well, mrstheelvy said when we go married that I didn't have enough space for another guitar. So I didn't buy one. However, I did buy a guitar body...then a guitar neck... then a guitar bridge... then some tuners...then some pickups.... [/quote] Ahhhh sneaky ! I like the cut of your jibb
  6. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1361285607' post='1983901'] I would like a mortgage but the drink comes first And the e-cigarette is a wonderful thing, it has made my life a billion times better. I dont mind taking it outside (and a lot of places really don't get it yet) but it is lovely to be back propping up the bar with a drink in one hand and a "fag" in the other. [/quote] Yeh I know a few smokers that are happy to have these, if they can use them inside then you will get a crowd again, a prime example is my local, more often than not you will be sat outside with the smokers & dog owners all sat having a laugh & a good giggle. you will be aware that a band is playing inside but all your mates are sat out. you nip in to get a pint & notice there is about 20 people sat indoors & about 50 outside. The band look a little bemused to say the least & I feel for bands playing live, it's crap for them. I will often walk down to the pub & see people we know outside, so it's a "hello" & "Hows it going" chat. then you get a place, nip in to buy a drink & that's it your planted for your pub visit. In my experience the smoking ban has really separated the pub goers especially when you consider that most people who do what we do, only nip down there for a few, that means you find that the crowd comes down, sits outside for a bit & then as often happens leaves before the off licence shuts, in our case with some of the people who are down there in tow who fancy coming up to ours.
  7. No hang on I just had a memory of Def Leopard kicking Glen Danzig's ass (Literally foot to ar*e) because he was being rude to someone's wife. So in my book they are cooler that Bon Jovi
  8. ****Thinks about both bands**** Skin tight jeans Poodle perms Snake skin cowboy boots worn in places like sheffield white biker jacket's ***Shudders*** ***Shakes head*** Sorry..................... cant comment, I just cant find the words
  9. I am not in a band so I now can only post as a punter. I used to go to the local & out to other venues to actively watch bands, I was happy to meet up with friends & would sometimes drop a text to a mate asking where they were & give them a heads up about a band I maybe watching when they were playing.....I was always out doing this every weekend. Then things changed in a short space of time, the live scene seemed to slow down then the beer got expensive, the smoking ban moved all the people I know outside so I now never see live bands. Nowadays my idea of a night is to stay in for a few cans, nip down to the local bar that will often have bands on, watch what they are like for the end of their set & then go home to carry on drinking. It's not that I want to stay home but I have to cut my cloth to my pocket. I do like a drink but really my mortagage comes first. Whats more pretty much everyone else i know does the same. The bar staff say that the pub has a busy hour between 10pm to 11pm nowadays so i know I'm not the only one. It really is a shame as I love watching live bands but I simply cannot afford the beer prices. Seems like an odd thing to add but I'm hoping for the live music scene may get better with the advent of the e-cigarette
  10. Fantastic that this has begun !
  11. [quote name='Russ' timestamp='1361183680' post='1982241'] Milty - have you ever been professionally involved in any other creative field? When you're first trying to break into the field, you've got to spend a lot of your own time (and probably a fair bit of money) on building a portfolio. A recording is a musician's portfolio. The fact that they've got to self-finance it just means they're in the same position as every other aspiring creative professional. Once you get the gig (literally and metaphorically) you find yourself in the same boat as more or less any other small business - it's just that now the customers have changed from the labels to the fans themselves, with various upselling opportunities on the back of your loss leader (your recordings). [/quote] Yes I have to agree with this, I am very good mates with a very talented sound technician who actually owns his own recording studio. It was origionally his business, which eventually went under, he now has this studio in his loft coversion at home, it is extremely hard to make money out of music. He now does it like the rest of us, he simply does music for the love of it, not the art or the money.
  12. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1360936057' post='1978604'] Yes!! Good call fumps! That is (to me) a great piece of bass playing. I wish i could have written that. Simple but beautiful and totally in context. The technical ability of the bass player in question is immaterial when they play something as pleasing as that line. [/quote] [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360936169' post='1978607'] I thought La femme d'argent was by David Soul. But I'm totally with you on this and you describe it very well. [/quote] Yeh that's what I'm trying to say as that particular bass line just demonstrates the best of a bass player, do not overload the track with too many notes, just ride along with it & add to it. Make it better but don't make it your own. That's what I think makes a bass line & quite often a bass player a good one in my book.
  13. I suppose the best way I personally can answer this question to you Nige is that if the bass player is making noises I like to hear, For instance I am in love with the bass line from La femme d'argent- By Air I just think that is such a sublime piece of music, the bass line drifts & bounces along like a spring lamb but lighter than the breeze it plays with, it sets a stunning back drop & makes the track something more. So how do I decide if the player is good or bad ? It's almost impossible to quantify in words for me.....It's like someone asking me to sum up how much I love my son in one sentence!
  14. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1360932897' post='1978500'] Never trust self proclaimed excellence. [/quote] Don't tell my other half that ......you will ruin me ! I think with bass it's depends on the listener, I love to hear funk & slap that is done well, I think it's ace to watch. but when I play I love the less is more approach, In my tastes "Quiet competence" goes a lot further with me.
  15. Arrghhhhhhh that giant Lego man Is stuck in your carpet .....save him superman !!!
  16. Nice one mate, bet you cant sit still lol
  17. IT all depends on the relationship you have, years ago I was mates with a couple who was in the same band (She was a drummer & he was a guitarist). At first they argued & after a while they noticed that some of the arguments were not band related, they were issues that came from their normal life & was brought into the band situation. Once they realised this they agreed that it was not fair to do that as there are other band members who are giving their time up & it's not fair on them. from then on they had a strict "What happens in practice & band time stays there" And it worked pretty well for them. I personally would not do it simply because I think it's healthy to have time apart from your other half & being in a band is a great opportunity to do this. But that my opinion anyway
  18. A busy pub ?
  19. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360850625' post='1977353'] I think it's easy for many of us who have been here a while to take Basschat for granted. Basschat continually evolves, and changes, through it's members' contributions. I remember a time when we had a lot of people on here (including me) who would annoyingly pick people up on their spelling and grammar, there used to be a lot of that going on. I remember you getting picked up on it back when you were a n00b, you quite calmly explained the reason. You taught me a lesson there, quite a big one actually, I have never forgotten it, thank you. The spelling police seem very scarce these days Thanks Gav. [/quote] Hey mate I don't think I have ever been offended by anything you have ever stated on BC Nige, your posts are always well defined, thought provoking & also respectful to other peoples feelings. In all the time I have had the privileged to be a part of this community I have never seen you say or do anything to be anything but a good person which is why I always respect your views & opinions.Sometimes it doesn't come out right but your intent is always correct. Though I have noticed lately that there is a bit of an era of confrontation within this very site of which I feel a bit fed up of seeing. Arguments over daft stuff that has no actual bearing over real life. It just seems so silly. Not so long ago I had two pieces of bad news, news that really made me question who I am & what really is important in life, it's times like these you look at how you spend your time & think I could get more out of life than what I'm getting, I just need to sort out the negative things from the positive. And that's when I realised that arguing & confrontation is not something to seek out, it's not worth even taking part in unless you are going to get something out of it that really matters. Life is something we all have & we waste our times talking about all the bad things that are. life to a point is hard & sometimes very unforgiving, so why spend our private time talking about negative things when we could achieve so much more ? We all have a passion for the same thing, we a lovers of music in various guises we create music. We do fantastic things, we create songs & play music we love with all our hearts and we do it because it feels good. so why get involved in arguments that don't feel good ? It just doesn't make any sense at all to me. Time is something I don't want to spend on negative things anymore, life should be better than this.
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360848601' post='1977314'] I think this is needlessly pessimistic mate. This thread has gone way beyond the OP's intent, but aside from a few arsey posts it's an interesting discussion. I'm still none the wiser about NGH's Beatles connections though. Despite GK's post to the ontrary, there's nothing in that thread about it. Cheer up mate, please post without fear xx [/quote] Nah mate I'm not being pessimistic I'm telling the truth, I have now abandon the Off Topic section & it's doubtful I will go back again, most of the time I just lurk now. It's simply not worth the hassle.
  21. This is a thread of apology & making things right. I'm so disappointed that its gone sour, the original message has been lost & I do strongly believe it's going nowhere of value. I Wish that this forum would have a separate area for flame wars & arguments, when a thread has gone that way the mods move the thread in question into that section so people can then carry on using the forum without seeing this crap. When the wars flare up I really do question if it's worth staying on as a user of the forum or just move on. I do agree that there are some people who post on here have a confrontational style (Even if they don't want to come across like it-they still do) and I don't like posting comments much anymore as you never know how your post is going to be taken. It does feel like if you say it's it's a lovely day someone will get their history book out & post up some complicated reason to make you feel like you should not have bothered. The original tone of this thread was of apology & reconciliation, this is a positive thing & somehow negativity has come into it. Maybe its a reflection of the times we are in at the moment. I wish I could say something intelligent & clever but I guess that's for the forumites with qualifications and more time on their hands to sort out. By the way Morrisons is better
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360750551' post='1975690'] Can't believe no-one's mentioned a PRIDE of bassists yet! Probably because it's about as funny as a burning orphanage. [/quote] Your a bass player pride has nothing to do with it
  23. A conference A Murder A Pub A Load
  24. A Forum ? A shower of bastards ?
  25. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1360745044' post='1975593'] I've just started my refin thread. [/quote] Swat
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