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Everything posted by fumps

  1. [quote name='Jigster' timestamp='1359743736' post='1959823'] +1 Why so loftily judged? [/quote] Maybe having a bit of fun is not your thing then ?
  2. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1359735282' post='1959628'] What do you guys reckon to this one then? [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/brand-new-asking-alexandria-style-metalcore-band--t463399.html"]http://www.joinmyban...d--t463399.html[/url] IMO the guy comes across as a complete dick - mostly CAPS and immediately goes for the ' I wanna be famous' thing. Seems very controlling too [/quote] I've got a feeling he likes the band Asking Alexandra.
  3. Hip shakers volume #3 compilation album of old soul tracks ........bleeding ace album
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1359717344' post='1959173'] Check out this guy too... [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/drummerbassist-wanted-t461119.html"]http://www.joinmyban...ed-t461119.html[/url] [/quote] ha ha ha the two guys should meet up lol I think that the good Mr Delvar* has hit it right on the nose, where are all the people who can just make music & share the fun in the creating of it ? Ho my god we now have three adverts, all classics *writer of the critically acclaimed I was Hitler's bassist, International carrot smuggler & private bedroom sex fiend
  5. The first bass I got didn't even have a name written on the headstock. From the strings to the fretboard was a short taxi ride & stayed in tune for 35.2 seconds. It was Truely horrific to play
  6. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1359644699' post='1958147'] For the good of the species..... [/quote] Yeh sod the species!!! if it's not fun don't do it......Nailing my chuds to a cars rear bumper is not fun so I wont do it.................................again ***Licks battery***
  7. Yes mate I've been in bands where something just clicks into place & you all just do nothing wrong. It's utterly fantastic when that happens mate I miss it so much lol
  8. Yeh If your not having fun making music then erm.......why ? It's a bit like not enjoying sex.....why would you do it ?
  9. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1359638116' post='1958006'] :-D I was also reading it thinking that it was Fumps' ad, thinking 'I always thought Fumps seemed really nice, but it turns out he's a knob' Anyway, knob. One who needs to sort his punctuation out. [/quote] Ha ha ha Cheers for that I just laughed & everyone thinks I'm a bit nutty now
  10. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1359637476' post='1957982'] I DID wonder why you was calling fumps an idiot [/quote] Guilty But at least I'm house trained now
  11. I'm glad people are seeing what I'm seeing.....god can you imagine the post practice pint ho what a laugh....weeee
  12. I hope they are not cushions .....ho they are biscuits
  13. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1359635261' post='1957920'] You should ask him to be your thunder buddy [/quote] lol I re read that advert about 3 times thinking.....I bet he's a right laugh at parties
  14. I'm on the look out for a band or someone to jam with. have a look at this advert & tell me what you think [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/its-all-about-taste-t461807.html"]http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/its-all-about-taste-t461807.html[/url] Is it me or does he sound like a big cuddly bundle of joy ?
  15. If said gig was in a pub (Which it would be) I'd be the one with a tethered horse under my arm wearing a a copy of the Sunday times....drinking erm a fiddle looking dead serious ! I would love to see some bands from here but i live in Leeds where no one ever plays & when they do I end up having my son that weekend so it usually goes wrong with the timing which is really annoying
  16. I'm an old Metallica fan who has moved on from metal but I have to admit i like this track, simplistic tune, will never win awards for being inventive but so what ? sometimes a tune is just what it is.
  17. I would like to be good at anything lol Bass & double bass for me
  18. ***Shakes fist at Dave Vader***
  19. This was my one & only bass for years. I loved that bass with all my heart. I still get twinges when i see one. Awesome sound, really heavy tone (Perfect for metal) easy to play, well balanced......it was perfect for me in every way. I remember after I left my last band & fell into real financial difficulty & walked into Northern guitars in Leeds & sold it.....I cried all the way home on the bus. I know that sounds so sad but I was devastated. One day I will buy another just for a fun work horse
  20. Buy the beast .......
  21. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1359486570' post='1955550'] Well that just goes to show how little you know about recorders. It's an office chair [/quote] Ahhh but I said [i]"Looks like"[/i] I realised with the double panelled stitching it could have been a smaller surface area, so therefore It "looks" like a sofa but it could be any leather coated sitting/bum parking item. Most likely the curved plastic arm version as often supplied with the oval arm system not the straight ones as they came in later in production of that model.... ** [size=2]Now I'm doing that BC expert/forum thing of trying to sound like I know more than I do by guessing & waffling in equal measure lol [/size]
  22. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1359471939' post='1955261'] Yep, that's definitely a recorder [/quote] Looks like a Sofa ....up close
  23. I have tried before & although I can actually hold a basic beat, but no way could I do what a drummer does, the same as a mate of mine who plays drums he will play a basic E string plod along bass line He is totally lost when it comes to doing fills. We all have our own skills sets Bass is my bag man.
  24. It is gutting when things like this happen. It's a shame the singer went this direction but some bands would probably fall down this trap which is a shame really. I'm sure you guys will suitably Chinese burn him for this mistake lol
  25. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1359467422' post='1955146'] Team Asian looking guy ! [/quote] Ho..........erm eh ?
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