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Everything posted by fumps

  1. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1355936323' post='1904788'] At risk of getting a kicking I read it as scene setting, I expect the frankness with it was delivered may (and I hesitate here) just may have triggered the deepest, darkest twinges of jealousy in some at the op's achievements, even if only slightly and very deep down. And yeah, we've all met that guy. As an aside, There seems to be a real snappiness on here lately, the camaraderie of old is fading a little, maybe as the site grows and matures, either way as an old hand who feels less and less inclined to join in it makes me feel uncomfortable, seeking out or pursuing confrontation was never our bag guys. It just wasn't. Now it's commonplace. :-( My problem I know, just thought I'd drop it in there. I even read a sly dig at my own ability in a recent thread i posted in, (one with subject matter i normally avoid because of the types of folks it attracts, i was silly to post!) I typed and then deleted about three measured responses before deciding to just ignore. Anyhow. Happy christmas [/quote] Luv you.....the best post ever
  2. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1356016898' post='1905776'] Naked? A [/quote] Only once
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1356014447' post='1905722'] I am really getting the hang of it now you know dare I say I almost feel more natural on it?! I am using my ears more than my eyes for playing and going with the flow, I have run through most of our short set and I can play most of it already (not sir duke!), even had a play along to my drum machine set on a fast Jazz pattern, nice [/quote] Yeh I got better when I played by sound rather than looking at the neck.......It's just a lovely way to play. The thing i really love about the Stagg is when i get up early in the summer I plug the earphones in & go & play out in the garden.....It's just the nicest way to play bass. Outside in the warm morning sunshine through earphones. It's a feeling of freedom I've never felt before when playing
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1356013923' post='1905711'] Now that I am looking forward to hearing! [/quote] Yes mate, only worry is getting it recorded without it rattling my fillings loose. As i say I once played it & I scared my puppy
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1356008447' post='1905585'] Fire up a breakbeat drum pattern (Either in a DAW, from a drum machine or something from Wikiloops) & have fun playing with your fx. [/quote] Mate I honestly cannot wait till i have my music room up & running ! so I can record the Upright bass through the Big muff/Synth & expression pedal set up I have. I swear mate, it shows up on the richter scale !!!! [b][size=6]Doooom!!!![/size][/b]
  6. I'm just now thinking about the times when i first played my stagg through my amp....utterly beautiful sound.
  7. Welcome to the Stagg/EUB brotherhood.
  8. THis is something I'm experimenting with but with the upright......I jumped out of my skin when I put the EUB through the synth & expression pedal. The Ibanez does do the job extremely well. as a matter of fact I can sometimes sit arsing around with effects & differant settings just on the bass alone when i'm supposed to be practicing lol
  9. yey the beast got delivered !!! now you need to do the modifications the end pin needs a bandage type wrap around, also something needs wrapping around it to mute the strings below the bridge, I have a bit of foam (All done by our very own Artisan). have a read of this & you cant go far wrong [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/6749-stagg/page__st__260__p__646907__hl__stagg%20modifications%20__fromsearch__1#entry646907"]http://basschat.co.u...__1#entry646907[/url] So mate enjoy the beast. But I'm with Davevader. the dubstep sound is epic with the EUB. as a matter of fact when i first started playing it with effects it made me consider getting rid of the guitar altogether lol. Just the sound alone makes it tempting
  10. No chance of ever being able to afford a db. I have too many other hobbies lol I'd love a db but they are well beyond my pocket. Not arrived yet ? Aww come on lol
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355935303' post='1904746'] Thos posture pictures are really good thanks [/quote] No worries mate. I have scowered the Tinter-me-bob to find info as I found it a torture impliment at first. but I persivered & found the correct way to hold, stand & play.....it's kind of weird as one day i was playing for about 2 hours when I suddenly why my arm was'nt hurting. It makes more sense when you are playing i suppose
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355935061' post='1904735'] Its still not here! I bet its going to spend the night in a van somewhere for no reason [/quote] Awww noooooooo I'm crossing fingers for you mate. I'm excited for you now
  13. Hi David Welcome from a fellow Leeds dweller. always good to see another Leeds-ite joining the forum I'm in Bramley by the way
  14. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1355931143' post='1904643'] Admiring what your bandmates do is a good thing isn't it? Why is the OP getting stick for that? [/quote] I'm thinking this too. He has spoken his mind & by the sound of it he's correct in what he says, If he is happy with the bands line up & they are doing well then I am very pleased to see this. You meet a myrad of idiots in & around music. He sounds just like one of them.....personally I have found this thread top entertainment until it went a bit....well .....hmmmm
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1355930481' post='1904627'] Nice one Fumps, mine is litterally on its way here right now, I am waiting for a knock at the door [/quote] oooooooo I bet your pooping conkers ! When I got mine I was playing it till the early hours of the morning & then tried to get some sleep with what felt like a bullet in my shoulder. left arm straight at all times this helped me loads [url="http://teachers.saschina.org/lhu/posture-for-double-bass/"]http://teachers.saschina.org/lhu/posture-for-double-bass/[/url] And another thing........It's like an addiction with EUB. when i play bass guitar it feels like a toy lol Welcome to the fold, by the way be careful with effects pedals I scared my puppy with the Stagg/Big muff combination, i had to take him for a walk to calm him down lol
  16. Aww brilliant !!! There is a lot of love on this section of the forum. All good info & good to learn more. I'm at the moment practicing my basics, because of the physicality of playing a Stagg EUB I'm still forgetting my posture which can be a little frustrating at times but then again I'm still a beginner. In the new year I'm going to have propper lessons because thats when I will have time to practice correctly I've been building an outdoor music room to play in so thats taken all my time & money. It will be finished in the early part of next year......roll on 2013 woo hoo!
  17. What you need is a BAss player who lives in Bramley (close to the Abbey pub) that has a daft sense of humour, does not take himself too seriously & is basically a bit crap........ Hmmmm oh hang on thats me ! I may be interested mate If you are still looking
  18. Yeh man for £230 that is a steel. As i say I've never liked a white bass but once i saw & played it, it was mine lol It's a real shame about the set up being poor, the dude in PMT was pretty good & set it up in a few mins for me. Well worth the money
  19. Yep I'm a proud owner of a Ibanez SR300 & I'm deeply in love with it. I have never bought anything over £50 a an impulse buy but I was in my local PMT & randomly picked one up & was very moist lol After chatting to a sales lad he tells me they had a pearl white one in the store room, he goes & gets it (The lad knows I have no interest in buying it) he gets it out & sets it up......an hour later I'm still sat playing it through an amp. My other half comes to the store to meet me, takes one look at me & has a listen......10 mins later I'm walking out of the shop with it. I have had this bass for coming up to 2 years now & I still dont want another bass, I dont want or need to replace it (By the way I only own one EBG) I still smile everytime I pick it up. THe way it feels, the weight, the look of it (Even though I'm not a fan of white instruments), The neck, The balance & above all else the miriad of sounds & tones I get from the bass still send chills down my spine. It's the best bass for me that i have ever owned.......I gush even now about my lowley budget Ibanez. I know most people will laugh at my £280 bass but I am still besotted by it. Gush is now over lol
  20. Me too Guilty pleasure
  21. Is it still for sale ? £10 delivered ?
  22. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1355220299' post='1895425'] Had a good long play on this at the weekend (something I sadly don't get to do that often) and it really is an outstanding instrument [/quote] Dont keep playing it, You will get attached again lol
  23. Can I please have a pop ?
  24. K & D Sessions- By Kruder & Dorfmeister A double album for chilled keep you happy for rush hour music ......Nice
  25. Jeremy Cunningham from the Levellers. Just the energy he puts out on stage made me realise that not all bass players are solitary stoic personlities. I rarely take any more influence from a player other than presence,personality and approach to playing the bass
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