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Everything posted by fumps

  1. When I was involved in the dance scene Vinyl was the King of all formats, CD's & MP3's were seen as well a poor replacement. I still know guys who Mix with Vinyl & people who dont go out clubbig anymore because of the loss of sound quality. I loved mixing with vinyl because of the physical connection you had with it, being able to hold the disc & move it was the great thing about it all. and also because of the physicality of owning the disc, your collection was a very personal thing which other DJ's always were interested in. Readig this now makes me want to get a turntable & some vinyl.....aww goddam it BC you've made me want something again....grrrr
  2. Drooling over the Bass Collection love When i first started playing I used to think (And still do) that they looked & played like kittens lol. I still admire them even now.....what a cracking thread. I now play an Ibanez SB which always reminds me of a Bass Collection bass.
  3. They all know at work. Because I work in manufacturing I work with a fair cross section of people. Warehouse guys, chemist's, production satff & engineers. They all ask me about music & my love for it. The best thing about this was that a supervisor in the warehouse (He's in his late 50's) about learning guitar & he asked me if he was "too old" I told him not to be daft & music is about just getting up & having a go. This was an insperation to him & now he's a full on guitarist. he plays gigs with his mates & loves his new direction. He's even cut down his drinking to more than 50% than he was before.
  4. [quote] [font=Arial][size=4]For this sort of repair I think nothing works better than Cascamite; now it is solid again and seems even more resonant than it was before.[/size][/font] [/quote] Wow being a technical advisor for an adhesive company I was unaware that Cascamite had resonant factors......THis guy is a tower of knowladge. I may ask him for more information on this one ! But he still is god-like in the creation of Bullbadge !
  5. Jack White- Guitar/Vocals Daman Albarn- Guitar/Vocals James Asher- Drums/Percussion David Gilmour- Vocals/Lead guitar Beck- Arrangement/collaborator RZA- Produstion/samples/decks Me-Tea boy (Bass) Alive or dead Shannon Hoon- Vocals (Blind Melon) Jimmi Hendrix- Guitar Moony- Drums Jon Lords- Keys Me- Bass
  6. I started on guitar but just was'nt happy playing. I picked up a bass & instantly felt at home although I had a break from playing I've always been a bass player at heart. Its still in my blood & always will be
  7. Gutted mate, like Blue jay says the damage is done & unforunately accidents happen. I would hold true though with the blame game (Play it with no seriousness to it) & win some man points for making her feel guilty about it. You could get at least a nice cooked meal out of it.....or even some special attention.
  8. It's a funny ol place....Mustang Sally gets a funny reaction everytime. Snobbery or not, love it or hate it. It just Is a song. Now can we get on with our game of twister please I have leg ache
  9. [quote name='Joker2807' timestamp='1353060872' post='1871041'] hey up mate... I'm from Morley in Leeds originally, I Just moved to Wakefield due to me getting married [/quote] Ahh we know the same places. Welcome to the BC world mate, I warn you it becomes an addiction after a while
  10. Welcome Joker from another Yorkshire lad. I'm from Pontefract now living in Leeds. hope you enjoy your time here. its the best place to be mate.
  11. I'm lost at how anyone can see not liking a song that is so over done as snobbery......I love shortbread but if i eat it every day for a month i'd get sick of it......does that make me a shortbread snob ? lol It's a song that people like or leave. I often take the P*ss out of bands who play it because lets be fair, it is cheesey. The bottom line is just this point, people will like it when having a drink or two but I think being aware of the cheesiness is the key.
  12. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1352974230' post='1869899'] Not sure why i am on that list, unless someone has kindly composed on my behalf - I have been to busy to start anything......... Garry [/quote] ha ha ha Was in a daze at work when i did that......I'm leaving it on now just as a act of defiance
  13. Here goes guys......I think i got everyones choonz ! if not let me know & i will add it (also i will update when new entries come along) Blademan 98 [url="http://soundcloud.co...emotional-death"]http://soundcloud.co...emotional-death[/url] WalMan [url="http://soundcloud.com/aka_walman/bc-comp-nov12-run-scoob"]Run Scoob or Jim'll FixYa[/url] Bilbo [url="http://soundcloud.co...theres-a-reason"]http://soundcloud.co...theres-a-reason[/url] Krysh [url="http://soundcloud.com/krysh/krysh-the-face"]http://soundcloud.co.../krysh-the-face[/url] Stephen Houghton [url="http://soundcloud.co...t-then-basschat"]http://soundcloud.co...t-then-basschat[/url] RockfordStone [url="http://soundcloud.co...ting-for-a-hero"]http://soundcloud.co...ting-for-a-hero[/url] Steve [url="http://soundcloud.com/stevemcevoy/steve-mcevoy-mr-shellsuit-and"]http://soundcloud.co...r-shellsuit-and[/url] Mornats [url="http://soundcloud.co...rnats/macabraea"]http://soundcloud.co...rnats/macabraea[/url] Elvis Valentine [url="http://soundcloud.co...alentine/ghosts"]http://soundcloud.co...alentine/ghosts[/url].......And his vocal mix [url="http://soundcloud.co.../ghosts-vox-mix"]http://soundcloud.co.../ghosts-vox-mix[/url] Lowdown [url="http://basschat.co.u...on-voting-time/"]http://basschat.co.u...on-voting-time/[/url]
  14. Awesome guys I cant wait to get my play room sorted soi can join in. THis is fast becoming the best part of the site A credit to all of you guys & Charic should always get a pat on the back for this !
  15. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1352555390' post='1864561'] So it's still a wreck - but I haven't filed the nut down to .5 of a mm for ease of beginner chords NOR have I adjusted the relief at the top nut by a gnat's c*ck............yet! But a wreck has never sounded like this one does.... ah well, it filled a few hours . [/quote] Thats because your not a pro yet lol
  16. Although i often joke at my hatred for this songs endless covering. It all depends on who & how it is covered. I often encounter it done badly & thats when I find legging it outside is the only way I can show my feelings as I would never be disrespectful to someone out there doing it. I'm no longer in a band so am just one of the punters now. but it can be mostly found being played to death by every band on every weekend. It can be done well & if you do get a good resonse it's worth having it in your armoury I suppose. I just know whenever a band starts playing it the locals at the Abbey in Bramley always exchange that "Aww not again" look & then the outside smoking area suddenly gets busy......it's known as the "Mustang rush hour"
  17. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1352903922' post='1869143'] Leeds would be good. I can turn up in my boat then have somewhere to kip if I get mortalled. [/quote] Show off !
  18. As long as it has booze I'm in a happy place.
  19. It all depends on what people want to do for this. A venue would be an easy thing to come by it's just stuff to do etc. ooo and beer
  20. ......Not commenting as I have heard the name "Mustang Sally" & gone out for a cig. .........may return but it's doubtful
  21. Ooooo cant wait to hear this. I cant listen at work mate, but I'm now following you on soundcloud so will have a listen tonight.
  22. Yes we are an embarrassment to all northerners by not getting this together. even a Yorkshire P*ss up is possible surely lol
  23. I've always struggled with the economy of movement thing. My fingers fly round the fretboard like a spider with a rollerskate on each foot. It's always been shoddy, but if i'm in time & it sounds right then I am playing bass & i'm happy with that
  24. Cool I started reading this thread feeling a litle threatened (My technique is sloppy to say the least) but because the latter part of the thread goes into my way of thinking, I feel much better now. I've never really understood the technique thing. The way I view music is that the be all & end all is what is comming out of the speakers, it does not really matter who did it & how. The sound, texture & track is what it's all about.
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