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Everything posted by fumps

  1. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1352489050' post='1863849'] I had a pint with him in a Pontefract pub once and a nicer and more unassuming chap you couldn't wish to meet. Great one for the scrapbook - enjoy. [/quote] ooo which pub ?
  2. Yeh man keep at it. I have to agree Enter Sandman was also my first track too on Bass & it's a very straight forward song on Bass. I learned as part of a band & it gave me a hell of a buzz while holding it down with the guys doing lead over it. Still kind of miss that buzz of being in a Metal band
  3. The threads about this guy are by far the funniest stuff on BC by miles. that guy is ace
  4. fumps


    If there is a sheep at the front of this cue I'm going to be very upset
  5. fumps


    I'm not cueing ......just wondering what everyone is doing here
  6. Being honest the standard set list is just like karaoke. I leave before it gets going. There is three pubs which are a short walk from my house. All three book bands that play the same crap. So I never attend any gigs at any of them & all my mates don't either. Not so long ago the local booked a band who was totally original & played their own music & some great Motown covers. I got a call from my mate, me & the Mrs went down to see them & the pub was packed.
  7. I tried it & hurt my hand
  8. I have a few idea but want to make mine so the cables go through & under the board, it looks more simple, I simply dont have time to do a mock up but when i do I will post it up. I'm just up to my eye balls at the moment with bloody diy project.......I am so close to finishing this off the excitement is beginning to take hold now lol
  9. Love this thread it reminds me the bad but funny bits about doing gigs. The only one that sticks out & is differant to what has gone before on this thread, we sat down during the break & a lad with a big smile ran onto the stage held the guitar up as if to ask for permission, uncharacteristally our guitarist nodded his ok And the lad played a sang at high volume the body form jingle!! the crowd goes wild & starts cheering for more & so he repeats it........after much more shouts to play something else he admits thats all he knows & legs it ......i suppose you had to be there but it was very funny.
  10. Is it still available ?
  11. I'm gonna start making a design after my big project is finished (Should be pretty much done this weekend) I'm gonna wire clip mine so the power cables are hidden & will be part of the board. I have wored out how to do it just need the time to make it now lol
  12. fumps


    Wow this is amazing news Congrats to you all who make this a great place to be. I'm not sure about the special cake but I'll go anywhere if there is balloons & a free badge
  13. My dream bass..........I lusted over these when i was just starting up but could not find one for sale no .....bad me .....no! Hope you get a buyer soon & take the temptation away from me
  14. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1349952129' post='1832567'] Have BC members posed for a naked calendar before? [/quote] Stu.......you told !! I was young i needed the money
  15. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1349877782' post='1831656'] We should get a nice fake tan and pose for a calendar, with our bass guitars and uprights and very little else on. [/quote] Ok ok .....i'll get me rubber thong on....just a bit nippy this time of year thats all.
  16. Yeh the Rebel does not hold any value, I sold a 4 string for £50 last year. Although i have to say for the cash mine was a belter, It was well set up & looked after. so was a really nice bass to play, I sold it to a guitarist mate who just was on the look out for a cheap plank & he loves it more than his Encore fretless. so if looked after right it they can be a cracking bass.
  17. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1349809779' post='1830903'] +1! Wouldn't mind Good-Looking, Scantily Clad Boys With Basses either [/quote] Is that a hint ?.......if so I'm on
  18. I think it depends on who you are & how you want to use the technoligy. I'm just finishing off my outdoor studio (Not as posh as it sounds) and will use some of the modern technoligy but I just want to make music & sometimes I will have to use it. but I will definatley not be enhancing or fabricating anything i'm planning on playing live. I will definately be playing the stuff accurately. It just depends on how you use the technoligy . thats my opinion anyway
  19. I'm from 1976 I would not have a clue which manufacturer was doing good stuff in my year.
  20. sorry to go off topic But i was taught Theory (Badly ) by the guy who did all the harpsichord for that film. lovely guy but too advanced to teach beginners
  21. .............. I'm not keen on Red bass guitars
  22. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1349182895' post='1822883'] What always amazes me is that there are no bad basses out there. At least, there aren't any for sale. People only ever sell great instruments that they'd love to keep but can't afford to. No-one ever has a bad bass that they just don't like... [/quote] Yeh I have this theory also but thought I was being odd again. I believe It's down to feel & taste. I have played basses that have been highly recommended to me that carry a high price tag but i've sat with one & it just didn't feel nice or right for me. I also think that after a few years of use basses will become different from each other * (Or am I talking poop?). *Part of my theory is this:Two exact same bass guitars with two different owners, who have different postures, putting the basses through different flexural stress' in time, I believe the bass will become slightly different, add to this storage at different temperatures & also handling (Heavy handedness) surely after years like this the two bass' would become almost two different instruments altogether. If this has any truth to it, all basses become totally individual & will give you either a good feeling or a bad one. am i talking crap again ? because my fingers sometimes link directly to my brain & I am always worry about allowing my brain to communicate to the real world.
  23. Tempted by this.....where in Leeds are you ?
  24. My basses are a much more humble than most peoples on here, but they are all different & that's why I have them. Electric bass:[b] Ibanez SR300[/b] A solid budget bass that makes all the sounds that I could ever want from a bass, I absolutely love it to bits & still feel that I would never part with it. When I first picked this bass up it just felt right, the balance was bang on, the feel was correct......I'm just very pleased with it & after almost two years of owning it, I still smile whenever I play it. Upright: [b]Stagg EUB[/b] My beast........What can I Say ? a jet black upright electric bass that when played through my big muff pedal will scare young children......Pretty, reminds me of Darth Vader & is beautiful to play.......Mine & never gonna part with it. [b]Starfire acoustic bass[/b]- Loud enough to be used as a practice bass, Cheap & will be used to take with me camping with me mates, not the best acoustic out there but I intend to become very good friends with my little acoustic !
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