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Everything posted by fumps

  1. I think i should be in the running. I love my EUB so much I'm building a whole new building just to play it My man room will soon be complete.....mu ha ha ha ha ha!!
  2. oooo I can play with this one My Ibanez, I know it's not a posh as everyone else's here but it's white & I love it [attachment=115914:IMG_20120425_223652.jpg]
  3. ****Trots in riding a donkey**** Did i miss something ? [i]Down gripper ......put it down you'll have the top off it......[/i]
  4. Am I allowed to say I actually like the Rumblekat ? ***runs for cover ***
  5. Being in a band HAS to be fun. if it isn't then why bother? how can you entertain people when your not enjoying what you do ? that logic just doesn't work in my head tbh ! I was once looking for a guitarist & someone called in reply to my ad (At the time we already had one lad who was a very talented guitarist-player-ist) he told me about his experience & he sounded like the kind of person we were looking for. The next comment was the tipping point: "I only play lead though" Me: "Thats fine we have another lad who can also play lead, he's happy to share the job & drop out to play rhythm with you" "No I'm not willing to share lead" Me "Well thanks for your time, it's a band & no one dictates to anyone else" "So your not wanting me over for an audition?" Me "No mate you've just talked yourself out of it, but good luck finding a band" I got a phone call from him an hour later saying that he'd reconsidered but wanted to choose which songs he played lead on......He was respectfully turned down lol
  6. I agree
  7. What's wrong with this picture ? His Bass is too low !
  8. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1343310557' post='1748731'] I know exactly what you mean. I'd love it as a quality instrument and as something cool and different, but at the same time I'd be slightly self-conscious playing it. I'd imagine it's taking a while to sell for that reason, but sooner or later someone will come along and snap it up as it will be perfect for them. [/quote] Yeh Nail on head......I love it loads but not sure if I would want to own it......god i wish i had a gooder command of the English wordsish !
  9. I have never been a fan of JD or NO but I do love Hooky's sound and style of playing. I don't care if others don't rate him as a player, in my eyes (or Ears) Its the people who do not follow the rest of the crowd that do the most interesting things. There is a track called "Know your enemy" by Hybrid where he pops a sublime bass line in that track. I find it mesmerising & it's cool that he has that unique sound & style
  10. Yeh I'm not ridiculing it in anyway just cant make my mind up if I love it or not.....if you know what I mean ?
  11. Gross or funnily nice Not interested in buying it but i just keep thinking Yikes....then i kind of like it ......but still Yikes [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130735804062?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:VRI&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2661"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130735804062?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:VRI&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2661[/url]
  12. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1343232000' post='1747492'] I was playing in the Bhuta tent. Can't remember when (you know how it is ). I started going to/playing there at the second one and went to about 8 or so. It was awesome in the early days but I think it's lost a little of it's vibe along the way. Still got loads of mates from up that way so may venture there again next year. [/quote] Yeh i stopped going when the police swooped on it & made it a paranoid, police state. thats the last year i went, shame as it was a fantastic festival. which band were you in ?
  13. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1343231071' post='1747467'] Ha! Nice one! Did you make your way to the Bhuta tent? [/quote] Yes I was bouncing round like a mental imp that weekend shame the police ruined that festival
  14. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1343224501' post='1747312'] saw them doing Dub Side of the Moon at Wickerman and Sgt Peppers at Koko. Both were great but Dub Side is my favourite. [/quote] I was there at the Wickerman......right at the front all the way through . This is my addition http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucOjx01zwrE
  15. Welcome to the DB world mate. cant help you with an answer, but it's a good move !
  16. The Stingray is the only Bass that gives me serious Gas !!! I think it's not only the most fantastic sounding Bass it's probably the prettiest, I know a lad who has a flame dark Orange Stingray and I'm sure I would sell one of my happy sacks to buy it off him ! As I'm not a serious enough player to own a Ray .....it is one i will always admire from afar !
  17. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1342705240' post='1739638'] I'm pleased your enjoying it - TBH I havent had that much time to devote to it and its taken me a long time to get used to holding it for more that 5 mins without my arms getting tired - hence my experimenting with holding it in different positions [/quote] Hi mate It took me about two weeks of experimenting every day till i found the right feel for me (Giggidy) It's kind of like coming through the eye of a storm.....shoulder pain, hurting arms & then one night I played for 1 hour solid with literally no pain. at first I was confused but then I realised that "It" had clicked !!! It takes time but it just clicks I found this helped as well [url="http://teachers.saschina.org/lhu/posture-for-double-bass/"]http://teachers.saschina.org/lhu/posture-for-double-bass/[/url]
  18. Hi James Don't be alarmed by the comments they don't bite [i]that[/i] often!. Nice to see someone from the Yorkshire area joining the forum. welcome & dont forget to wipe ya feet This place is by far the best place on the t'interwebby-pipe
  19. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1342701199' post='1739538'] We can recognise each other by the nice EUB we carry with us, and cuddle, at all times [/quote]
  20. Scott Ian of Anthrax & Kerry King of Slayer are the exceptions.
  21. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1342700727' post='1739525'] did i hear my name the Stagg is a very good starting point & the one i sold to fumps is spot on,no quality issues at all & plays very well. speaking of which how's it going fumps ? hope you're enjoying the beast. [/quote] Hi mate Ooo now the beast is being a very nice change to my life mate.......have been in demand since the news got out that I have it, one band that I know has a good following and are keen to get an upright player (Especially me because I know the singer & she's been after me for a while) & another that have some very interesting ideas. Since I started playing the upright it kind has forced me to take my understanding of music further (Which is a very good thing) and also taken my bass guitar playing further.....I have improved vastly as a bass player mate & I am still chuffed to bits with the Upright you sold me. I took it round to my mates a few weeks ago for a jam & he just stood there with his mouth open we then played till my arms fell off, he kept saying that because of the upright sound it was egging him on lol .......I'm loving peoples reactions of just telling people you play upright. The only thing I regret about this is not doing it earlier & I cannot recommend enough making the change.
  22. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1342634100' post='1738424'] But I doubt anybody in my community gives a damn whether I go out or stay in! [/quote] I do when I'm trying to stalk you......you need to notify me, I get lonely ya know !
  23. I got my lovely Stagg from our very own Artisan (A outstandingly handsome fella) from a beginners perspective it's a fantastic piece of kit. Although i have no experience with higher value instruments it is a EUB I cannot praise enough !
  24. Try a drummer stool. my mate has three for his practice room & they work perfect i think they were £20 each & are very sturdy & comfortable for the price
  25. I'm only allowed out at certain times........god dam registers
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