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Everything posted by fumps
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
I feel like that last kid to "Get it" in the class. I keep reading through this info & my brain is asking the question but "why not just say E,F,G in the key of E"? I will keep at it but.....oooo me head hurts ! -
I used to hate the RHCP but hen i saw them at Reading 1994 as a headliner & was absolutely blown away. they were just the most energetic-power ball of power, noise & i just could not take my eyes off them. Ever since I'm still in awe at their ability to survive & do what they are good at. Not everyone likes the same thing but I for one will always be a massive fan of Flea & his playing
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
Gulp! So the numbers consist of the actual order that the chords are played in ? or do they follow a progression that I'm not sure exists ? So for instance If chords in a song goes: A-D-G-E-F That would be A (I) D (II) G (III) E (IV) F (V) am I right or shall I go & comb the Pram wheels hair in the corner ? ........stop trying to understand stuff that makes me fall over -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1341919950' post='1726116'] . II, V, I can be expressed as A, D, G or as G, F, C, for instance. The 'intervals' between the notes hold good whatever tonality is played. [i]Please don't take any extra chemical substances if this is not clear enough; I'll get back behind the bushes now[/i]... Hope this helps, just the same... [/quote] Cheers mate for trying to explain...erm yeh......you know now what I'm on about.......I am not the sharpest tool in the monkey but I just cant get me head around this. Does anyone know what this system is called ? so I can start trawling the internet for a thicky-mc dum-dum explanation -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
lol I'm still lost why they do this strange Roman numeral system......hmmm may need to shelve that one until later -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1341847586' post='1725040'] Cheers for that. I may have to change the purple feather to a pink one and stop the caribou nibbling the croquet hoops. [/quote] Oooo yes i just winced thinking about that ! -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='charic' timestamp='1341841266' post='1724920'] I think it may be the chord within the key? If you can type out an example I'm sure one of us could help clear it up [/quote] I don't have the book I'm learning from with me unfortunately, but it's like breaking down chords note by note & referring to them as a number (In a key I think) I'm not sure why we do this tbh, I have read through this a few times & cant get my head around it & why we do it as i thought notes had names (A,B,C etc) -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='charic' timestamp='1341840045' post='1724886'] What do you mean "by numbers"? [/quote] I'm on this bit about learning chords by number.....i'm a little lost -
I love Rickies Nice one mate ....enjoy your new toy
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1341668647' post='1722531'] Here's a quote from the Victor Wooten book mentioned earlier: “Rhythm can be looked at as harmony slowed down.” “What do you mean?” He totally lost me with that comment. “A-440 means that a note vibrates four hundred and forty times per second, right?” “Yeah, I understand that.” “If you keep cutting that number in half, 440, 220, 110, 55, etc., you will eventually get beats per minute. At that point, it’s called rhythm. You see?” I don't see. Can somebody break this down for me, into small steps that the mathematically challenged might understand? [/quote] Aww thats easy ...... Just make sure the string is taught, the wind is in the right direction (Left to right from the opposite pram wheel) and don't jump before the washer falls off, other wise you'll have to set it up all over again......ho & never wear your cloth cap, you'll scare the frogs away. -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
Well guys I thought I'd give an update. This weekend I managed to wrangle an extended period of practice time (thank god for rain eh?), armed with a few bass books, a laptop & my trusty Bass I started to actually study what I was doing. learning from the book (Literally from the beginning) and learning what I was playing. Root, fifth & seventh note bass lines. I was fighting the urge to play what I usually would & actually sat patiently & played like a student (Note pad, the works) I was sometimes a little lost so would look on the net at study bass & Musicopedia.com (Brilliant website) to find a slightly easier explanation. but I feel much better about myself. It's really a funny thing when it clicks that some of the things you were doing already is correct but you didn't know the reason why it was right in the first place. Root's & 5ths ......never knew the notes I was playing WAS roots & 5th's they just sounded correct also 5ths that are below, this is why I think people thought I knew more than I did......just pure fluke that I was actually playing the correct notes. I was playing with these a while & getting to know the fretboard (Musicopedia.com fret board test is superb) then once I got a little more confident that I had worked out the patterns of the fretboard I started to work out some songs just by looking at the chords played on guitar. Before I knew it I was working out a strange Bass version of a Crowded house song (Not a CH fan or owt) but within about 5 mins of messing about I had sorted a bass line hat was almost a lead guitar line, my other half was astonished that I did it in the time that I did. But it's like the knowladge was instantly useful. It's not like my left/right hand technique is wrong it's just the squidgy grey thing that was controlling them was lagging behind .....anyway I'm a happy bunny now. My god I seemed have suddenly accelerated into a learning stream. And I'm loving it so far. I'm struggling as to why I now have to understand the chord descriptions by numbers though, I'm a little lost on that one. But I [i]will[/i] work it out in my head I'm in no rush to learn everything. I have become very inspired but peoples kind words of encouragement & common sense. Cheers guys it's done me a world of good to realise that I'm not alone in this but also don't see learning music as endless maze, pick & choose what info you need & work with what you have.......good advice & great site. -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='lee4' timestamp='1341601794' post='1721772'] Congratulations,you've been Fumped! If you've been left feeling slightly confused,worried,and scared for your own sanity,then you too have spoken to The Master of all Absurdity,His Fumpishness. [/quote] And this one started as a serious thread........i have no idea how it went left at the traffic lights. But I'm glad my real life personality comes through accurately. My mate once said "a view into your mind for one day only would be like the LSD that Satan secretes from his bum crack.....you'd never come back from the brink". I've no idea what he means I was too busy staring at a bee -
ooo my mate has been touring as a DJ for years under the name "Motion sickness" you guys look them two up & do a collaboration that would be killer
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1341477688' post='1719513'] I have worn a dress at metal gigs as well. [/quote] Erm well not all the way through.....it was snatched off me half way through.....erm i probably should have worn something underneath though. -
Hi Joel I can only mirror a few.comments previously mentioned. High, mid & budget reviews will always pull my attention back to a mag (especially when the latter two options are offered as part of a review) . Beginners sections should never be overlooked as we all never stop learning. Welcome to the forum & congratulations on your new job. Your bravery & Slayer knowledge has already impressed me lol hope you enjoy your time with is nutters mate. I'm very pleased your here as this is becoming a cracking thread. How about a naked woman who can play a one stringed bass with a chicken leg while driving a fire truck ? That would make me definately subscribe......
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1341415140' post='1718632'] At last! Someone else who does this, thank you thank you thank you, i am not a freak! I always figured I've got 4 fingers, why not use them all and save all that stress. [/quote] Thank god for that ....People used to look at me like i was wearing a dress at metal gigs doing this finger style. * I'm glad I'm not alone lol [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1341415276' post='1718637'] I'd be very surprised if that made sense to anyone, but if it does, and it helps, that's even better. Liam Edit: I have also tried that so called strange 4 finger technique, and use it on certain songs (Though 3 finger not 4) and it's quite fun actually, though it does feel a little awkward at first. [/quote] Mate your speaking to a man who want to be a fire truck, it makes perfect sense. I was thinking about the piano idea too as it makes perfect sense. Go on master four fingers, it does work once you get the flow right [size=2]*No actually thinking back, you got the Mosh pit perverts (The guys who stand watching your playing technique (Yeh you know the types) shaking their heads & the guys (& girls) who would shake your hand & go "Jesus i cant believe you did Battery with your fingers......i've never seen someone playing with your hand like that"[/size] -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1341405609' post='1718408'] I want to know the band you played for Fumps! (PM me if you don't want to advertise ) [/quote] Will PM you in a few mins....stories will be also added as there is a lot cut out [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1341406423' post='1718434'] You say you have found a relaxed fingerstyle that [b]your daughter[/b] ( ) reckons is "classical" in style. Work on that. Playing with several fingers tells me that you have the capability to play but lack a lot of the confidence probably based on the fact you "used to play" thrash metal styles. We all learned on different styles of music. I learned on Rock Music like Status Quo which was easy and moved onto Rock then Prog then Jazz then a bit of Funk and then whatever took my fancy and currently back to playing rock again at 52yrs old. You must have known what the notes were when you started out with your band at an early age. I'm kinda guessing you had a feel for what sounded right otherwise it would have been out of tune and sounded pretty c**p to be honest. Don't underestimate that fact that you must have had a feel for it back then. Use that feel and add a few basic lessons and if you take to lessons then make the best of it and take it to level you feel comfortable with if that makes any sense. Like several others before my input i was very touched and moved by your post. Well done and all the very best whatever you decide to do. Cheers Dave [/quote] Hi Dave Cheers for your post, Yes mate the style i've started developing is a very chilled finger style (like a plucked acoustic guitar player, think Richard Thompson, but less skilled ) I started doing this years ago because the Bass lines I was playing back then (early Metallica, Slayer & Iron Maiden) was hard to do finger style (I cant play with a plectrum, never been able to do it) so I started playing with all four fingers staring with my little finger and working to my index in one stroke, it just made sense to me that i could hit the string 4 times instead of twice. I still do it now but now i've started playing the bass in a more relaxed style, I feel in a very natural state when i play the bass like that. but as i dont know really how to make the style work. which is why i've just gone to ground.....Over the course of this thread i realise i need to butch up & get out there and show people what i'm doing. I really do appreciate your kind words and take on board what you say. I have organised some time with a good mate (Very talented sound technician to show me how to do my own recordings so i hope to maybe post some recordings of how i play soon enough. Thank you again Dave for your time & input its very appreciated. Gav [quote name='charic' timestamp='1341406479' post='1718437'] It was Metallica but he changed his name from Cliff and faked his death [/quote] You told............. ***runs away & weeps*** -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Balcro' timestamp='1341399740' post='1718246'] Personally, I'd like to pick you all up in my magic bus, including "kingbollock" who's so far west he's almost in the sea, and take you off to the Basschat weekend school where you can learn a little, laugh a lot, cry a little, and learn a little bit more. So from an ancient (10 years older than Karlfer's coffin dodgers) theory-absorbed piano/keyboard brained bass player whose fretting hand doesn't work too well, good luck. Balcro. [/quote] I'd buy a ticket lol yes mate I totally agree, I was really nervous about my OP, i was not sure what people would say or how people would react, but Bass chat has a way of being fantastic and giving you the viewpoint you need when you need it. I hope others will find this thread as useful as I have done. Again I'm deeply in debt to the fantastic people of Bass chat without your words & opinions i would have not got certain things in order & in perspective in the complicated store room that is my brain -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
Yes Clarky I totally agree. I'm very hands on, give me a book on something I HAVE to learn & I just get lost (I end up reading the first 5 pages & then spend the rest of my time looking through it trying to find the answer to a question that has come to mind from those pages) sit with me & show me what your talking about & I'm instantly there. I also have made the leap to upright & love the free feeling that it gives you, but I want to be able to jam adequately & be more available for one off gigs & even to be able to go to open jam nights to learn from musicians. I'm also yearning for the simple book for my simple brain lol......maybe one day someone would bring this out & help us all -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1341360828' post='1717858'] [i]Aw, what's the point..? I'll stop here. You wouldn't want to listen to a drummer, anyway.[/i] [/quote] Don't tell anyone else on here but I do get on with & respect the drummer's opinion at all times, my first port of call with any band is to befriend the drummer and stick with him, to know a drummers personality is to be solid as part of the rhythm section. Thank you for your post I do agree with what you say, I guess my OP was to say that I have changed so much & I had no idea how much until I went & re-visited my past with the band. My mind is certainly made up in regards to not re-joining the band, it's just not what I want to do any more. I want to develop my playing into a style that I'm already doing now i just have to be able to make it work better. I hope some people who have posted on here have taken something constructive from this thread as I have taken lots of inspiration & even the kick in the a*se that I think I needed & for that I want to thank everyone who have taken part & posted on this thread, it's been brilliant cheers guys. I was talking to my other half about this thread last night & she was asking me very direct questions about what I wanted to learn & achieve, the answers I gave her is that I want to be able to understand enough to develop my style & understand what I am playing. I just wish I was able to put it so plainly before.......this thread has made me understand this & now I know what I want to learn to take myself forward. I will start a learning regime, the notes on the neck & scales........it's a bit ABC but you have to start somewhere lol -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1341328386' post='1717120'] When we moved to Wales, about four years ago, I went into the local Guitar shop, and we got talking. During our conversation I must have given him the wrong idea because he said "You're obviously a musician." and before I could explain that I was no such thing, that I know no theory, a lad came in for his lesson and I left with him inviting me to a weekly jam they have at the shop. I haven't had the guts to go back since. I would love to play with people again, but I would be fine with chugging along. I want to play something heavy, to really go for it. But I don't have any ambitions to take it anywhere, I don't care about playing live, unless it's to a party full of mates, I don't want to make any money doing it, I don't care if it never got out of the garage, I just want to have a bit of fun with other people playing the same music. But who the hell would want someone like that? And I am cripplingly shy, too. I have no hope. Sorry, I didn't mean to go off on a ramble. [/quote] KB- thank you for your honesty I really appreciate this post, It is mate it's difficult to learn once you have gone a certain direction. I never really got into music because I wanted to be in a band, I decided I wanted to learn Guitar when I was 18. none of my family had ever been able to play anything remotely tuneful.....(apart from my sister once learned to torture a violin at primary school.) ** So i had a go but realised i was horrible at it.....my heart has never been in guitar but i at least gave it a go. then randomly someone let me have a play on a 3/4 knackered old bass & i was hooked. I bought my first bass & a few weeks later i bumped into the lead guitarist of the band i was talking about earlier. In my life bands kind of happen i've never had a chance to choose my life. KB- never expect that no one would want you in a band, it's what you can offer is the prize of the effort people make with you. [size=3]**Ho yes sorry before this was my first attempt at playing a instrument at primary school (True story) I was given a triangle to play at a school parents evening Yes and guess what ? i got it wrong....I was supposed to hit the triangle three times....easy.....no...you hit it once, it spins......i miss the two other times go bright red & never ever tried another instrument again.[/size] -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='charic' timestamp='1341324873' post='1717034'] What you can get away with playing takes bit more into account than just the current chord being played... Although if you want to play it safe then.. look at the notes that are being played on the guitar (this is how I learned). Standard G on guitar is String (Fret) /Note E (3) / G, A(2) / B, D(0) / D, G(0) / G, B(0) / B,E(3) /G So without knowing anything about keys at this point we know G, B and D will fit with a G chord. [/quote] Ok right Ya see I do think Basschat should have a Bass beginners section ! So G,B & D all make up the "G chord" so any of these notes would sound ok & am I right in saying that anything that is not those three would sound poop ? or can you play anything in the G major scale ? and that is ok ? We should have a BC you ask questions forum -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1341321508' post='1716962'] I know what you mean. I played bass as a teenager right through to my mid-20s when I jacked it in to spend the next 17 years as a DJ. Also, the 17 years behind the decks taught me a whole lot about groove and "less is more". Keep with it dude. [/quote] I'm glad you said that, being a DJ has taught me loads about timing & attitude towards music. It has been a big influence to me coming back to Bass. There are so many terms & stuff that is talked about on this forum I have literally no idea what it means, For instance I have no idea what a pentatonic scale is or a why the different scales have names that differentiates them from a normal scale.....if there is a normal scale. Here is how little my knowladge goes (gulp): if a dude plays a chord to me (Say for instance G) I know I can play G but I have no idea what other notes go with that chord.....I literally don't know.......I mean can you play anything ? .......say can i play G then D or would that sound wrong .......right now if someone says play G i'll just pump that note till the chord change. But i've seen other bass players play G.....then a whole lot more creating their own grooved bass lines that sound like a tune all of it's own.....how do they do that ? how do they know what to play ? this is all that I want to know, then I can stop this weird self doubt I am going through i suppose -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
Cheers guys some interesting comments & views......Gust0o I don't ever disregard peoples views especially if they make me laugh. In a way I would love just to sit with a teacher & ask him questions, no playing just questions.......some of them would be mind numbingly dumb, some would probably be complex but I have scowered the books I have & just cant find the answers to my questions. Music (To me) is a awesome Yin-Yan puzzle playing music is fun, hilarious, creative & beautiful, the dark side is the bewildering black lake of confusing hieroglyphs that is the theory behind it all........I will never truly understand the laws that I think exist in music but a little understanding would be useful .....as I realise I know bugger all. I get what you all say here......i need to get out of my comfort zone. i need to bloody wake up to myself a bit & realise that music is not something to be feared. maybe [b]this[/b] is what i was hoping to hear lol -
I have changed so much from my humble beginnings
fumps replied to fumps's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='charic' timestamp='1341320400' post='1716922'] The thrash metal doesn't work for you anymore, fair enough but surely there's other styles that you would like to play? [/quote] Yeh there is, I still listen to heavy music, but my heart is not an angry one any more, so I'm more buzzing from stuff like "Tosca's- Deli 9" and the "Cinematic Orchestra- Everyday" I like different things for different moods. it all depends with me. i have become a lover of all kinds of music so the idea of staying with one style makes me feel like I'm trapped......if that makes sense ?!?! Maybe I need to jump in & be as recklessly brave as my youth but with the laid back knowladge of me now......the combination could be at least more interesting than sitting at home playing to myself