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Everything posted by fumps

  1. I'm going down to have a look at a few Bass' straight after work. i only found out about the scheme about a week ago now i have only a few weeks in which to utilise the service...... My spending would be very modest in this case only looking to spend about £450 tops. I'm not actually a big spender as my house & son always comes first but this scheme will really help me out, it's a real shame they are changing it.
  2. Aww great. I was just about to buy my first decent Bass over the next few months.......sh*te thats just burst my dream bubble
  3. fumps

    Hi there

    [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1172737' date='Mar 22 2011, 11:11 PM']Welcome on board! Need to get some posts in to loose the noob status lol [/quote] Nah mate that wont make any differance i've been here years & i still no nothing lol
  4. Hi Jake Welcome to the forum & i too am sorry to hear what has happened. lets hope this forum can be a happy ray of Bass related sunshine for you. see you around
  5. I feel your pain brother It's like that everywhere
  6. [quote name='hubrad' post='1170596' date='Mar 21 2011, 01:02 PM']Mmmhhhmmmm.. An acre of Mars....... [attachment=75356:Homer_drooling.gif][/quote] I'm thinking of calling it "Hadley's hope" or something really grown up like "wobbling whoppers"
  7. I have to agree with a few people who has posted here earlier. Effects are there to make pretty much any noise you want, I think it's fantastic to hear sometimes when someone has worked hard & crafted a sound that suit's them. It's a stereo-type but some people when asked about effect's automatically think about Metal using FUZZ/Distortion etc. We have some amazing technology available to us, I just think you restrict yourself by ignoring it. At one point i was peicing together a project where i was keen to really mess about with noises & effects. I was on a strict budget & people i knew was throwing me various differant pedals & units to play with. I was basically messing about to see what happened. I used a expensive (Guitar) multi effects pedal & put a cheap cheesy keyboard through it added a few extra units of various quality & price ranges & out of the other side was something heavy & mean......we used these samples to create alsorts of metal/techno style tunes......Top fun, as music should be.
  8. Dude i'm sorry to jump in on this thread with no help or technical know how, but this project is fantastic. Talk about freaky, i set my heart on a Headless T-Bird years ago & was crushed to find one didn't exist.......I was laughed at & ridiculed in pretty much every place i visited looking for one & out of the blue i descover this. You are now a god in my eyes lol. cant wait to see the finished product. Keep going mate it will be awsome when it's done. Gav
  9. I have an acre of Mars but i'm hoping the Beagle landed on my bit so i can charge back rent
  10. Awwww balballs I've just seen this thread, got really excited thinking i'd finally get to meet you guys & realised i'm not free that weekend. Goddam it !!!!
  11. I know it's gone, but thats an incredible looking bass very beautiful
  12. cool peeps cheers for your info
  13. Hello, I've decided to spend my dinners & breaks at work more usefully, rather than binging in an amp for work i've had a look round & found there are little headphone amps available on the market. I'm guessing they are little battery driven jobbies but have no knowladge of their existance until this morning. does anyone have any knowladge of these ? Can anyone recommend a good one? Cheaper the better because at my place of work it's a really dirty messy place so everything gets clad in dust after only a few uses. spending silly money will just cost more to replace later. All i need is a basic amount of volume into some walkman style speakers so i can find a quiet place & play my Bass in peace during my breaks. cheers peeps
  14. This morning it was the Jerry Cantrell "Boggy Depot"
  15. Riverflow- Levellers
  16. She's a lady- Tom Jones And having a reet good boogey to it as well
  17. fumps


    A great loss, As said previous all my thoughts go to his friends & family. Horrible news.
  18. I have delt with Julian & all i can say that he's a really nice fella & a joy to deal with. Top bloke cannot commend him high enough. cheers mate Gav
  19. Cheers peeps. i appreciate the advice.
  20. Hey peeps i am looking for a set of strings that give that really slack feel. I have been testing a few new Basses recentley & noticed that some of the set ups i've really enjoyed the feel of have strings on that feel really soft & slack. Sorry to ask such a silly question but i just honestly dont know this, am am looking to replace my strings sometime during the week & would like some recommendations please. Cheers
  21. I had one of these as my main bass years ago i cannot recommend one of these enough.
  22. I am soooo tempted. I saw this on my local gumtree ad & have been drooling over it all weekend. just been paid as well..........grrrrrr
  23. i think that is a really nice looking peice of kit.....god i wish i wasn't skint at the moment
  24. I have been on the opposite side of this situation: Was in a band with two guitarist's & a drummer. new singer comes in really good, then one day after practice went to pub for usual erm post practice booze up & bam the two guitarist tell me that they dont like him & want him out of the band: went on to tell me they both could'nt stand the sight of him & just dont want to carry on with him in the band. Guess who got to tell him ? yep because i used to box & he was a big lad i was the one who had to tell him. but i did it face to face. and what made it worse was i actually liked the guy. Sometimes mate it's not the entire band
  25. Bloody hell that death waltz is a bit busy. your buggered if you lose your place in that lot
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