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Bbiigg Kev

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Everything posted by Bbiigg Kev

  1. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=3260873"][/url]Bbiigg Kev, on 19 March 2017 - 02:53 PM, said: Cash up front, got to agree with the man. R.I.P. Caught the end of an item on BBC Radio H&W this morning. The Rocking Berry's Chuck ( Botfield ?) told of a gig at Barbarella's in Brum, the audience wanted an encore from Chuck Berry, Chuck Berry wanted an additional $1000 Yes he was a legend alright and as I said cash up front is the way to go, he was renowned for this, having, as many of us have been, shafted in the past. I saw him live in the USA but never met him but I did meet people who did know him and I was told that he was asked to perform for a charity event in the US, it was taken into account that the charity takings would be minus his payment performance fee but he turned up and did a great set, got his fee to keep up his reputation but after the gig he made a donation for that exact amount to the charity. That is a fact, he did it and maintained his reputation in the business as the up front payment or no show, and I for one have always agreed with the man.
  2. Hi
  3. Cash up front, got to agree with the man. R.I.P.
  4. Great musician and wise man who always insisted on payment up front before performing,
  5. Nice Surfeter !!!
  6. I will PM YOU
  7. Hi stingrayPete1977. I did say tongue in cheek
  8. Hi
  9. No doubt about it !!! Vigier basses and guitars !!! Also Grand Master basses !!! [url="http://www.grandmasterguitars.com"]http://www.grandmasterguitars.com[/url] And I am not biased at all. But also the usual names that have got away with selling sh*te for decades so I suppose the sheep will always pay more for these basses.
  10. Hi fellow West Midlander !!!
  11. Hi
  12. Buddy Holly Superb.
  13. Whats the point ?
  14. That's why people/bands pay a decent sound man and take them on the road with them !!!
  15. Someones buying the beers me thinks !!! Thats a JTM 45 allright, please tell us you have not juiced it up yet . I would get some advice from Marshall about what to do, what I mean is independent advice, not a person that you don't know !!! Marshall are always extremely helpful AND independent. And the cab you lucky
  16. f*** me, I have to wear my reading glasses more often, I just copied my earlier post from the Amterdam bloke
  17. Hi. I have a Dutch Mrs, we spend our time between UK and Rotterdam, where about in Holland are you ?
  18. Decent bloke Roger, quality bassist as we all know, not PC in the lyrics dept, listen to All night long !!! Vigier player for over 20 years now !!! Stunning basses and guitars
  19. Hi Kevin, I have a Dutch Mrs, we spend our time between UK and Rotterdam, where about in Amsterdam are you ? I love Amsterdam, do you ever go in Café Pleinzight, opposite church in red light, great place for music, not big enough for live bands but great music always on. You meet some great musicians in Amsterdam, I took my Vigier Surfreter Supra fretless guitar for a blast in said café as I was asked to demo it for friends of mine in there, it was loud and crazy after a few beers ,
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