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Bbiigg Kev

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Everything posted by Bbiigg Kev

  1. Seven piece through neck, stunning woods and sounds
  2. Geoff Whitehorn, nice guy and a fine guitarist !!!
  3. Bbiigg Kev

    Guitar Porn

    Jazzyvee, check out my post for Grand Master bass in Bass porn section !!!
  4. Bbiigg Kev

    Guitar Porn

    Hi, I have two Surfreters, I will put some pics up of the other later on. I'm a Vigier bass player, have been for 20 odd years, and I also play guitar and got into the Surfreters to try out and as you know they are a challenging guitar to play but very rewarding me thinks !!! Laters
  5. Bbiigg Kev

    Guitar Porn

    Vigier Surfreter Supra from 2000, Wine Red Delta Metal Board.
  6. Vigier Arpege 111 from 1991, yes she has had a hard life, but still a fantastic bass !!!
  7. Few pics of Grand Master custom 5 string for you !!!
  8. Hi, I have an Arpege 111 four string and an Arpege 111 fiver, dogs bollocks basses me thinks !!!
  9. What is line up ?
  10. Hi, Stunning bass !!! PM you OK
  11. [size="2"]http://www.glennhughes.com/tour.html[/size] In Holland on Sunday, will be there with the Mrs
  12. Hi Dan.
  13. Very nice basses me thinks !!!
  14. [url="http://www.grandmasterguitars.com"]http://www.grandmasterguitars.com[/url] I have a Grand Master custom 5 string if your interested ? pm me ?
  15. Hi,
  16. You should do one of the Edinburgh dungeon tours, great fun and the women love it, you will be a hero by the end of it
  17. I know, I love them, Patrice is a smashing chap and makes stunning basses as well as superb guitars !!!!!
  18. I "Feel" for you Painy, you need some "Muscle and Blood" to "Play me out" at a Hughes gig me thinks !!!
  19. Hello Bob.
  20. Hi.
  21. Hi Kalwynn, What do you think of Vigier basses ?
  22. Nice one, but you should "Come Taste The Band" on this tour matey !!!
  23. Will be spot on !!!
  24. An English man and a Dutch woman !!! We do our best !!!
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