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Everything posted by Combed20

  1. I don't want to attempt samding it and respraying myself. If I can find someone to do it, who isn't too expensive, it's certainly a good option. Thanks.
  2. I'm tempted by the new Sire P5. Fretboard seems like a dream - but I really don't like the colour options on the body. Figured I could sort that by literally covering it in stickers. Wondering how to do this and avoid them peeling. Do po people put varnish over them or something? Cheers
  3. If you frequently change your setlist, put venue and date on them. We had a guitarist play from an old one and start with the wrong song... Mark leads and cables with coloured tape. End of the night, my torch is looking for leads with a red marking . I have a power lead and 2 speakon cables coming out my amp. These are cable tied together and marked. Haven't left any cables behind since doing this and I used to lose power cables regularly. To the point I bought a load in bulk....
  4. Any update from the OP? Any updates on what happened?
  5. I have the Fender Nate Mendel sig P bass and I absolutely love it. I also have a Fender MIM maple P bass which I use as a back up. I put SD quater pounds in the MIM to try and get as close the Mendel tone as possible. The MIM is quite a bit thinner in sound, especially when I roll the tone up. I'm wondering if changing the pots could help?
  6. Internal Radio by Ginger Wildheart?
  7. Ask Stevie Wonder.....😉
  8. Tears for Beers for the absolute win!!!
  9. Second gig back on sat evening. Chaotic day with family in the lead up, so no suprise didn't have the most energy come stage time. Felt awful sunday morning. Took a test and..... I have the Covid. Assuming caught it (or passed it) at weds practise as drummer has tested positive also. Now in the garden cabin for the next ten days. Stay safe people!! And yes, I had been double jabbed.
  10. I've an Orange Terror and never had this problem (though I do play with a pick). I'd get the amp checked before you invest in a new amp. Unless you're looking for a sound different to what the Terror offers?
  11. Joey played drums and guitar on the first album and they had someone join to drum on tour. Can't remember if he drumed on the second album or not.
  12. It may shock some to learn, but the original Damned rhythm section of Rat Scabies and Captain Sensible used stage names! There real names were Chris Miller and Ray Burns. I like the stage name Awesome Wells. I hope to get to use it one day.
  13. The Who Motorhead The Wildhearts Alice Cooper Iron Maiden The Supersuckers The Damned
  14. Yes, he is! I'll be doing a LFT before rehearsals to ensure I'm not a risk to my band mates.
  15. I think ultimately, it would be a NO from me. When my band organises a gig where we are sorting everything ourselves, we normally offer kit share. It saves space in the venue and prevents lots of faff between bands. But it's our event. In the case of the OP, I neither want to drop my rig off the night before, or get to the festival first thing and be there all day to babysit my rig through a dozen different bands. I can certainly see the advantage of everyone using the same backline, but it wouldn't be mine!
  16. Love this. Very much enjoying seeing your journey!
  17. Strange, I was watching some live Madness the other day and was wondering what bass he used!
  18. Obviously, anything by Motörhead - but also....
  19. I'm really gassing for the new(ish) Duff McKagan sig bass. Can't justify spend the money and don't really have space for another bass. Considering off loading a few to raise the funds and create space. I have one Gibson Nikki Sixx Blackbird, and two LTD Pheonix II 1004. If I trade them in (just saw a trade in advert on GAK) I'll obviously get less than private sale, but also saves the hassle and potential rippoff from an Ebay scammer. Any thoughts/advice?
  20. Yes, radiators will be installed.
  21. Looks like the wife and I are going to renovate the building in our garden into a proper office and music area. Double glazed windows, and a decent door - but I am still concerned about storing all my gear in the garden. Anyone here have a similar set up? Have they employed any other security measures? I have considered installing a cage to lock my gear in - but I've no idea where one actually buys a security cage!
  22. Wow, 1916 is one of my favourite albums. The title track is just amazing.
  23. Thank you!
  24. Hi. Possibly stupid question here, so apologies in advance. The TC Electronics Corona Chorus pedal. I know Duff uses (or used?) One. Can't see a bass specific one. Is it the same pedal for guitarist and bassists? Thanks
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