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Everything posted by Jebo1

  1. I got offerred a rip off bass in Orkney, pre CBS Precision. If it's this one, don't do it.
  2. [quote name='Jebo1' post='107556' date='Dec 21 2007, 11:49 AM']Man that's the most soulless display of studio funkery I've seen for a while. P-Bass sounds nice, but the song was so mid-to-late 70's cheese tastic funk I was almost sick on my white linen trousers that I went and pulled out of the wardrobe on hearing it. I mean who buys this stuff? Stevie Wonder did it, the Crusaders did it, the guys at the Philly label did it and they all did it better. Sorry, I don't wanna start a Jamiroquai hate thread, but I spent years educating kids about where Jay Kay stole all of his 'great ideas' and then sent them off to woodshed with a copy of 'Songs in the Key of Life'. I like to think that in some small way I helped the world. If it means one child swops his Jamiroquai albums for Innervisions, Songs in the Key or any of Stevies other superb early 70's albums then I've succeeded in some way.[/quote] I'm going to start another thread about this. This could run for a while...
  3. Man that's the most soulless display of studio funkery I've seen for a while. P-Bass sounds nice, but the song was so mid-to-late 70's cheese tastic funk I was almost sick on my white linen trousers that I went and pulled out of the wardrobe on hearing it. I mean who buys this stuff? Stevie Wonder did it, the Crusaders did it, the guys at the Philly label did it and they all did it better. Sorry, I don't wanna start a Jamiroquai hate thread, but I spent years educating kids about where Jay Kay stole all of his 'great ideas' and then sent them off to woodshed with a copy of 'Songs in the Key of Life'. I like to think that in some small way I helped the world. If it means one child swops his Jamiroquai albums for Innervisions, Songs in the Key or any of Stevies other superb early 70's albums then I've succeeded in some way.
  4. Lets all fly to the states and beat Tune-O-Matic up!
  5. I always try to send things recorded delivery, in this way ensuring that you and the buyer are always aware of an item. Previously I sold a guitar neck to Chris (Beedster) and it turned out the truss rod was buggerred. I refunded the money straight away, he returned the neck and we were both happy. This is the way to do business, and is made easier as part of a forum, rather than ebay where it appears the term caveat emptor is now entirely neccessary! For what it's worth, I'm happy waiting up to a week for delivery as long as the seller is in constant contact, and when the deal is done, I think it's only corteous to ask how they're getting on with the new item. If it was me, I'd be on the phone or emailing as soon as possible, just to find out what's gone on. I assume you have this information. I assume issues like this were the reason for having a feedback forum in the first place...
  6. Oh, and each relist on an unsold item is free, so I think the guy will keep doing it forever. Until someone complains to ebay, or decides that £2500 is a good price for a CAR refin JAzz (by the powers of inflation in the vintage market, about 10 years time I'd say!)
  7. Well, I reckon the guy has got a point, I mean ebay is a place where you assume from reputable dealers you're going to get a good service. I've bought stuff from Tune-o-matic, and never had any problems, but would I now? I'm not so sure, so he's won an admittedly small battle there, and good on him. As far as I can see he lost about £1500, which is a sh*t load to drop on a bass. If he'd paid using a credit card, he could have claimed the money back from this (this is why you should always use credit cards for international transactions, they're entirely covered against loss). I've been frikked over on ebay, so to get the guy back I decided to set up a fake ebay account and click Buy It Now on every item the guy had for sale. It was lots and lots of them. Not big, and not clever. Did I get my money back? - No. Was it funny? Yes. Did he get the message, I hope so...
  8. Christ all mighty! Get back on the drink Eric, and Gadd get back on the smack!
  9. Gotta say mate, my 63 Danelectro U2 bass is right up your street, here are some pics. Yours for £350. Proper 60's garage bass!
  10. Yeah, in my time I could have bought a Wyman and a Teardrop for about that but I decided against it. I now wish I had as they are rocketing up in value! Still, it's not like I'm going without in any way! I'd really like a white one if possible. They play like planks, but that's part of the appeal I spose. The collecting gene is strong in me and I need to tone it down a bit. What sort of stuff do you collect? Or are you one of those rare breed of music makers that can live with just one or two basses...?
  11. Good point, I think I also need a couple of 'no-names' in there. I really want a Teardrop bass, but no-one seems to want to sell me one yet. They're about $1,000 so if I wait long enough, the exchange rate should mean they're pretty much free :-) I've got a few Hofners, a Musicmaster bass as well, so I'm getting there. It's much nice than an 80's metal collection! haha! I'll get some pics up after xmas.
  12. He he, I understand. I'd still give it a go, and would pick it up (not buy over the net). Precisions (and all guitars) will pick up after xmas. I've been in the business for years, and you always see it. If you wanna bargain, buy before xmas! My 60's Garage collection includes: 1963 Danelectro U2 Bass 1959 Danelectro U1 guitar 1967 Fender Coronado in Sunburst 1966 Fender 12 String 1966 Fender Jazz Bass 1965 Gibson Melodymaker. They're all original, and all for sale at the moment. I'm going to lend them my mates garage band and see what they come up with! Perhaps they'll be inspired by them!
  13. Hey, sometimes you have to take a risk! It's always a good bit of fun though :-) I reckon you could pick it up, and then you get to check it over. I reckon it would be worth a go... But then, I would say that as my house is full of guitar projects in various states of disrepair! I've moved since you last came round, and the house looks like a bloody guitar shop. I'm currently putting together a perfect mid 60's garage band guitar and bass collection... Well, I've done it now. Anyway, I'm a little off the subject. Err, I might even have a punt if I get drunk this afternoon.
  14. Parts wise, this bass is worth more than £500. Neck £250 - £300 Tuners £80 Scratchplate (ok, has been modded, but still) £50 Pickups (if orig) £80 Body £150 There's a tidy profit in this if it goes for that price. Hell, I'm even tempted and I've already spent £1,000 this week!
  15. Well, I'd pay £300 for it plus delivery. I'll put that out there right now :-)
  16. I think the USA 75 reissues are pretty close to the original 75's, more so than the generic Japanese jazzes anyway. Time was when you could pick these up for about £300, they still go on ebay for that. I'm not trying to ruin a sale tho, just chucking in my 2p... I would say that I've always found the japanese instruments preferable to the US standards series, but this is me. Plenty of my friends love the US ones, so I guess it strokes, folks and differences all rolled into one saying.
  17. [b][size=6]Price Drop to £250[/size][/b]
  18. For £1500, I'd get a second hand musicman stingray and a Warwick Streamer. Two basses you will love forever! I'd also try out a few vintage jazz basses. A couple of mine hum a little bit, but they're also great players...
  19. It's a Bassix upright bass. I'm not sure I'm selling it, but for the right price, I'm sire I would. Let me know if you wanna see more... Cheers.
  20. [quote name='Soulfinger' post='104239' date='Dec 14 2007, 11:32 AM']Now I´m not into that stuff at all, but for a bit of rock´n´roll fun, he did a pretty good job IMHO. I doubt that MA really was pissed at that performance - he would have stumbled and broken his leg jumping around like he did. The JD bottle probably didn´t contain anything other than ice tea. That´s entertainment, folks. They very obviously didn´t take themselves too seriously and neither should we.[/quote] hehe that's the classic isn't it, iced tea! We did a gig with a band like that, and one of the guys was going to piss into his jack daniels bottle. As far as whisky goes, that stuff is sh1t anyway. It's referred to as 'training whisky' by us professionals. The only drink improved by adding coke to it.
  21. [quote name='fleamail' post='104048' date='Dec 13 2007, 08:10 PM']Can you post some pics of the Melodymaker?[/quote] Hi everyone, here are some pics :-)
  22. Hi, I've had to sell a load of stuff to afford to well, basically survive! I've found a couple more 'under the stairs' I spose you'd say. They are: [b]1965 Gibson MelodyMaker in Cherry Red[/b] - this is a great guitar. All original (finish, pickups, pots tuners etc.) with the only issue being a neck repair. This isn't a drastic headstock break, just a split. This was done professionally and this guitar is now set up to perfection with no issues at all. [b]£550[/b] [b] Danelectro U2 Reissue.[/b] In a purple sparkle finish, with a great action. All orig. not mint, but a great guitar. [b]£130[/b] These prices include standard delivery. PM for photos more details etc. Cheers :-) Oh, and I've got about 15 more guitars and basses to go through before I'm sorted, so I hope you don't get bored with me. It's either sales through here or the dreaded ebay after xmas. I know where I'd prefer them to end up. In the clutches of a Bassworlder!
  23. Well, I swore I wouldn't sell this as it was going to be the core of my next project. Whenever I get asked for parts, it's always jazz bass necks, so here we go! This is 1976 Fender jazz neck in maple, with block inlays. This is a sweet neck, and was sat on a great bass of mine until the truss rod started to break. Basically, in traditional old school jazz bass style, it began to work it's way upward at the nut. This has resulted in a split by the nut, and 2 of the inlays slightly cracked. To ficx this, you will need to replace the truss rod and ensure that it is structurally sound before stringing it under tension. [u][b]This isn't a job for the amateur.[/b][/u] The neck apart from this is in great cosmetic shape. It's got a 3 bolt fixing, and has a naturally good curvature. I can supply it (at a small extra cost) with a set of reissue 75 tuners from the USA if needed. The originals are long gone, they were corroded and horrible. If this neck was perfect, I'd sell it for £500. With the work needed, I am looking for £300. This is firm. For information, a local luthier here would sure up the neck for £50 - £60 and ensure it's perfect. If anyone is interested in a fully functional neck, I'm happy to pay for the work to be done before hand and then incorporate this into the price. Is anyone interested in pics? Cheers.
  24. That's cool, I mean the guy is really open, so let me know what sort of questions you think I should be asking. Might seem like a wierd question, but does anyone on here know about Double Basses and are based around the South West who might want to come around and give me a hand? There would be a few beers in it for them :-)
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