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Everything posted by Jebo1

  1. Sent a speculative PM
  2. Here is a spare Gator BC Hardcase which hasn't been used and abused. Comes complete with the key and can be delivered to your door for just £50. I'll upload some photos later today... PM for details!
  3. Bump, grab an Easter bargain!
  4. I paid £200 for mine last time. Lasted me over a decade...
  5. I play along with those sorts of things. I've got a good ear, so it really helps.
  6. And my wife said it was more in tune than the double bass
  7. Anyway, back to the topic, I found out today that playing piano has helped with jazz phrasing and the approach to the bassline. Fascinating in fact. I picked up a book called Jazz piano voicing a for the non-pianist It's really interesting to read and play along with tunes in a different way.
  8. I've got a 4 string Babicz bass bridge in black for sale. As used by the legend that is Jeff Berlin, I'm not using it at the moment, hence it's for sale. It's in great condition, and has only been used in the house. I'll take some pictures today and post them or PM me and I can email them. These are actually fantastic things, like a Badass. Fits in the five pre-drilled holes on a Fender. Solid construction and great sustain. Makes the normal Fender bridge look a little, well, flimsy! [b]Yours for £60 including delivery.[/b]
  9. Those videos are brilliant. Well produced, helpful and really informative.
  10. I was told to get the RR book so that's good to know it's the right thing for me.
  11. You sound like you're in the same boat as me. I'm 34 and after almost 20 years of playing I needed a new challenge so picked up the DB and am doing it properly. I learnt to read and all that early in my EB career, but pretty much forgot it all over a period. I'm now working through everything as a solid beginner with an aim to play 'proper' jazz. I happen to enjoy it, but if it's lot for you I can understand that. It's all about aspirations I guess. I wrote down mine. I'm working through the DB, next stage is getting to grips with the piano. Books wise I'm interested in suggestions here.
  12. Cheers Neil. Based on the advice here, I've done a few set up changes, raised the elbow and - hey presto - no pain at all. Thanks so much for all your help everyone.
  13. Thanks. Last question on height, are we talking eyebrow level when the bass is upright (and therefore slightly lower than that when rested into me), or eyebrow height when it's leaning into me?
  14. Cheers guys. I do play in front of a mirror, but I'm guessing it's not something I'm able to diagnose quickly, I just feel a bit of pain. I'll try varying the height of the bass and keeping my elbow up. I'm getting a new endpin fitted this week which will make the whole process of raising and lowering much easier (60s bass, everything is wearing out!).
  15. I have a slight problem I wanted a bit of advice with. I'm off to a DB lesson but that won't be until after Easter, so any help before then appreciated. I'm playing in the half position and my hand is fine on all strings apart from the E string where placing my thumb on the back of the neck is leading to my arm being strangely contorted and some slight forearm pain. I see some player take their thumb off the neck, but I want to try and do things properly. Plus I don't want to waste 2 weeks of practice on bad technique. I just wondered if any more experienced players had any words of wisdom? I've tried studying other players and what they're doing, but you can't really disappear around the back at a jazz gig without raising some suspicions!
  16. Agreed, even my wife was impressed! As a precursor to the day we'd had a bit of an argument as she's not a huge fan of my unaccompanied practice and the fact I can't get my intonation spot on, so keep having to shift notes slightly to get the right pitch. These lads didn't have that trouble...! Personally I would have liked the interaction with some accompanists, that piano was underplayed for my liking, but I understand what they were doing. A great gig.
  17. It's interesting. I learnt to play by feel, then I worked through the sight reading and the theory to a good level. Then I promptly forgot it all, but I didn't care, because I could play pretty well. Now I've taken up DB I am working through everything in a sequential and logical manner with a teacher. It's interesting to do it this way. On one hand you perhaps don't consider you're making a huge amount of progress, on the other you're moving through things in a logical manner and building a solid theoretical basis on which to build. That being said, the blues is a music of feeling, so it's not essential to have all that.
  18. Pictures now added....
  19. More stuff coming soon, Gator Hard case and more when the loft gets emptied.
  20. I love the fact that you've taken your amazing instrument outside for a walk in the country.
  21. Sorry m, I posted a link from last years festival! The proper listing is here. Apologies. http://www.bristoljazzandbluesfest.com/foyer-artists-3/
  22. Paul McCartney bought the double bass played on the classic Elvis tracks by Bill Black. Given what that bass means to the world, it would have been a serious bit of money. When Macca goes, his instruments will raise a king's ransom. I reckon they should all besought by a national museum (I've had this argument before that they are culturally more significant than most of the paintings we snap up for hundreds of millions of pounds every year).
  23. Deleted
  24. There is so much on. The main festival website has all the main gigs, but there are loads of fringe ones out there. I'll see if I can find a list... If you do come down send me a DM. I'm out with the missis but I'm sure we'll get a beer in beforehand somewhere if people want an informal DB meet up.
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