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Everything posted by Jebo1

  1. I can't get worked up by a single note choice in a Pink Floyd live recording, but having done some work with Genesis fans, I know it can make a lot of difference! My view is to learn the original properly, and then you can improvise if needed. And also reflect on what you're doing - if you've been playing it for a long time, take a listen to the original again and leave the bass in the case: if you've got a good enough ear you'll be able to play along mentally anyway.
  2. I had a candy apple red one of these. Awesome basses for the price.
  3. My problems have been solved by Bass hat once again! Thanks everyone, it's really appreciated.
  4. My wife has just told me she's very upset that the end pin in my bass is damaging the carpet. Any ideas on what I should do?
  5. I've never met him but we have the same first name! It's pretty rare to meet another Lawrie and I'm sure he's a good egg/
  6. I want to buy this but if another high value guitar enters my house again my wife will kick me square in the nuts.
  7. Classic.
  8. Agreed. I recently bought a fretless Warwick Rockbass and my wife took one look at it and shrieked: "How much was THAT?" When I told her it was £130, she was pleasantly surprised and commended me on getting a good deal. That's Basschat improving marriages!
  9. You're doing a good thing for the bass community! I have myself been the recipient of some incredible bargains on this forum recently, and this looks like another.
  10. It's easier with proper fingering. Lot of people use the pads of their fingers to play notes whereas this sort of playing demands greater precision and articulation you get from fingertips.
  11. Don't make the classic rookie error of confusing technical ability with musicianship. I know that lots of people like the sort of grandstanding bass stuff, but to my ears while technically proficient isn't what the bass is for. Just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should... Embrace the groove. Settle back and power the band through. Let the flash lads with capes on fake the solos and know that all the cool kids want to be the bass player.
  12. Hi, is this a factory lined fretless or has it been defretted later?
  13. If you want to have a crack at doing things properly, I'd suggest giving reading a go. The simple sight reading for bass by a chap called Josquin De Pres is worth the outlay. I spent a few months on this (30 minutes a day) when I was 18 and it transformed my reading and understanding of music. Took a month or two to get it sorted then just practice. I then went on and did the grades (myself) which then led me to becoming a professional teacher at a music college (sadly, something I wasn't particularly great at). At the same time I invested some time in theory and my knowledge of the instrument (intervals, synthetic scales etc.) that helped me get a much better grasp of what I was doing and led me to get some good gigs. At all times it was related back to use in a practical situation. Then, after being in bands for about 10 years I sort of got bored with it, and then took up other things. Now, I can still read but slowly and my theory is rusty, but it's still there in the recesses of my brain if I need it, and it was an awful lot of fun learning it. I'd say set your aspirations and create a plan to get there. It's easier said than done because I'm very motivated if I want to achieve something. The next stage for me is mastering DB, which I'm starting now.
  14. Beauty! I sold one of these a few years back for more than this.
  15. Good work. Beautiful bass that one, and in stunning nick.
  16. [quote name='0353203' timestamp='1456062880' post='2984982'] But heh, its Fender carpet [/quote] It looks refinished to me. Can you lift it up so I can see the bottom? (I'm sorry, I'm working today and this is making me smile while writing something about pension planning for 30 year olds).
  17. just listened to the bass line. It sounds like the same bass player from the Seinfeld show :-)
  18. On a carpet you're not going to get a realistic reading :-)
  19. Come on, it's a polite request and might mean a lot to the chap. I don't know why, but people have asked me some stars ge questions about instruments before too.
  20. I'm imagining my wife's face if I told her I bought a barefaced midget.
  21. I don't have any ideas myself, but I thought I'd say that's a delightful font.
  22. It looks lovely. There was a similar one (1965) at Cotswold Bass Guitars. Never got a chance to see it, but looked lovely - as does this one. Good luck with the sale.
  23. Hi all, I"ve sorted out some lessons now locally to me (why are all the upright bass players living in Bath?), so I'll begin the journey. Many thanks one and all. I'm very excited indeed.
  24. Hi, bass looks great. Is the Strat style jack socket an aftermarket thing?
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