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Everything posted by BIG.J

  1. PM'd REF Trade with UHF Wireless unit!
  2. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='569644' date='Aug 14 2009, 11:51 PM']I'd hang fire & see whether he replies to a polite message. Warning bells may be ringing but it's not critical... yet! Fingers crossed[/quote] Will do, Thanks
  3. Called him a number of times this evening, Just goes to a robotic answering machine. I have left a message (Not a harsh one) and advised him to contact me via Email, I will try to call again tonight. Justin.
  4. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='569030' date='Aug 14 2009, 02:06 PM']I would start using a web forum popular with the Californian biking community. I'd post a few contentious threads re: gang affilliations to see who the psychopaths are. I'd then PM one of these nut cases with an offer of $500 to go round and break the luthiers legs and/or fingers. Glad I could help.[/quote] LOVE IT!!! Thanks fella's. Yes he did have a few medical issues and his new work shop went up last year, He did have a comments message board but removed it as a few customers were getting a little hot pretty much asking the same questions as me!!! I will try and call him in a few hours as its around 7AM there now. Cheers Justin.
  5. Thanks to everyone who replied, That Address & Number is a great help and i will try it ASAP, My order is on the Current orders page under one of the custom tabs! - J.Ryan If all fails i will try using a new Email as a new customer!!! Cheers Justin.
  6. Has anyone had any experience using Christopher Woods Custom Guitar / Bass's? He is situated in the US and agreed to build a custom headless neck for me last year, Once i had decided on specs i sent the required measurements and detailed pics etc to him with 50% of the adreed fee = $270 via Paypal! This was all sent early September 2008. Since then i have sent a number of Emails REF = How things were going and requested pics etc as he usually posts a build diary on his website, His last reply was January 2009 which stated - The neck should be finished by Wednesday and there is an outstanding balance to pay prior to shipping! My name is still on his current orders page but has always been lablled (Neck in Mid process etc) I have sent numerous Emails regarding updates and advising him i just want to see the Necks progress and if he is just waiting for the remaining balance then i will send it once happy with the neck etc. Chris works mainly on his own using an assistant and has always made a point of saying, Answering dozens of Emails will take him a days work out of the workshop? I am now getting worked up, Should i just wait it out and see what happens? Its been far too long to open a Paypal dispute! Here is the Site = [url="http://www.christopherwoods.com/"]http://www.christopherwoods.com/[/url] Any thoughts! Justin.
  7. Unit now Swapped ! Thanks for all your interest. Justin.
  8. I would like to say a big thanks to Steve for setting up a couple of my Basses! Dropped them off, Had a chat & a brew, Went away on my hols for a few days then as promissed, Both Basses were ready to collect when i returned home. Neck/ Frets checked & Tweeked, New Nut, Strings and Action Set etc. All in all they are 100% more playable and having just done an 8 hour rehersal session everything seems spot on? Cheers Steve, J.
  9. As Advertised, Comes with power supply, Manual & Original Box/Packaging! As new! £150 Posted! (Will swap for Boss Tuner & Pedals!) Justin.
  10. BIG.J


    Welcome aboard! Myself = 4 strings enough? Tried going 5 string but always went back to 4! Cheers Justin (Cheshire)
  11. iy
  12. Not using it & need the cash! £165 Posted! Cheers Justin.
  13. Thanks for that Nik, Bump!
  14. Bump!
  15. Bump!
  16. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='549515' date='Jul 23 2009, 10:56 PM']pm on its way![/quote] PM replied to! Off to bed!
  17. Hi Folks, I bought this Nomad Bassman 19" 1U FX unit from Silverfoxnik a few months ago, I realy don't use it and i am cutting down on my rack gear! The Nomad seems to be quite a rare piece of kit and I've looked around on Ebay and Harmony Central amongst other places for more info on the company or the unit itself, but I just can't find a thing about either. The pics have been taken by Silverfoxnik and he has kindly agreed for me to use them for this add. It's pretty versatile, with an excellent Chorus sound, pretty good Octaver, an okay Flanger and a very good Compressor, though it's not subtle! The effects can be used independently or in any combination of the four. Soundwise, using all 4 effects together is just a bit too processed sounding for me, but using the Compressor and the Octaver together can give you some great P-Funk sounds! Anyway, I'm looking for around £45 + p&p. Am happy to post or it can be collected and tried out first for anyone who's nearby.. Thanks for looking and, any questions, please just ask! Justin.
  18. I think that case uses an Angled mounting plate! You could remove it and replace with either B&Q Ally angle bar, cheap option would be to drill the bar to your rack spec then use a piece of wooden batton to screw through using heavy screws with cup washers! Or get some rack tracks / plate from maplin.
  19. No Probs mate, Having a big clear out! Way too much gear. ATB Justin.
  20. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='548215' date='Jul 22 2009, 09:06 PM']I have been given a rack case very kindly, it's pretty sound and I have a nice paint job planned for it but I fear the hardware may be past it. I'm going to need handles, catches and the thingys the rack ears screw into. Where can I get those things from? It's this one. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=28790"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach...st&id=28790[/url][/quote] Maplin will have most bits! Glad it arrived ok, Justin.
  21. [quote name='deej' post='547997' date='Jul 22 2009, 07:03 PM']PM'd[/quote] PM Replied to!
  22. [size=5]Don't use half of my gear so time to give them a new home! Would consider trades for a 210 cab (Peavey Carpeted!) Boss Pedal Tuner / Boss FX pedals etc! 1 = 80's Nommad Bassman Rack Unit = £45 + P&P 2 = Korg DTR 1000 Rack Tuner, RED/GREEN LED's (Boxed as new) = SOLD ######### 3 = BOSS GT6-B Multi FX Unit (Boxed as new) = £170 + P&P 4 = Aria Pro APE-5 Bass FX unit 9v, (Chorus/Delay/Compressor & Bypass) this is a very lightweight unit (No Mains adaptor!)= £40 + P&P 5 = Korg AX30G Guitar Multi FX unit, includes a mains adaptor (not original) = £50 + P&P 6 = 90's Peavey TX210 (300w) Combo, Comes with manual, 2 x 10" speakers & horn! It has a graphic EQ and built in compression. It can be bi-ampd too. Very loud! 210w on its own 300w into 4ohm extension cab! (ex cab not included!) Horn might need a service (Diaphram etc) not sure if its working, I have never needed to use it! = £200 I WILL ADD FURTHER PICS ASAP! Paypal is fine, Please send as Gift or add 4%. Thanks [/size]
  23. PM'd REF = Pedal Board!
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