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Everything posted by Mickyk

  1. Just purchased an Ashdown Mag 115-300 Evo 111 amp very pleased with the sounds and tone im getting from it.Only one small niggle,it doesn't have an headphone jack for silent practice. So on that note(no pun intended) ?would it be possible to purchase some kind of Mini Amp that would convert the signal to use with headphones,and if so where would i connect it.
  2. Yes the existing one is loose when the cable is plugged in so that's the reason i want to change it.The red wire appears to go to the tip/hot pin and the white one goes to the left hand pin as we look at it in the photo. Thanks for reply.
  3. So I could use the Nuetrick one in the photo then, and does the white wire go to the sleeve thing which looks like a cable clamp..
  4. Hi all, I need to replace the Barrel jack on my Yamaha bb424x as its become a bit loose and I don't trust it. I already have a Nuetrik Jack which I have had for a while now but just got round to doing it now. Having opened up the crome plate and having a closer look, it appears that the original one is different as it seems to have two pins on the back plus a cable clamp I think. Question is can I use the new Nuetrik one in the photo or do I need to buy another one Cheers Ps hope you can see the photos clearly.
  5. The one i'm leaning towards is the C115 ,weighs in at 28 kg but i might just use it for home practice, interesting point about noisy fans,?would you say it is louder that a computer case fan,because i've just sprayed mine with some silicone spray seems to have worked . See your point about the 210 it says it weighs in at 35 kg.
  6. Hi guys,As a follow on really from my last post about trying to get that old school vintage sound,i have decided that i don't need another bass,i just put some Adagio Flatwound Strings on my Yamaha BB424x and i have followed members advice on here.However i,m not quite there yet so i feel that a new Amp may compliment that for me illusive vintage sound i'm after. So with that in mind i have been looking at the Ashdown MAG Series of Combo amps which i intend to use doing small gigs.I must say i like the look of them with the British Racing Green Front Panel,and the prices seem competitive from my local PMT in Nottingham. Anyway my question is bearing in mind what i'm trying to achieve,which one should i go for.There are 3 , Starting out with a single 10 inch speaker,and one with 2 ten inch speakers and lastly one with a Single 15 inch speaker. So come on help me decide will ya.cheers. Here's a link....https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/products/bass/bassamplifiers/basscombo?manufacturer=922
  7. Hi all.Just been playing my Yamaha bb424x and the Pickup selector switch has started to play up.I can select the Neck pickup and both pickups on with the switch set in the middle, but when i select the Bridge pup it doesn't work even when i wobble it around a bit.Any suggestions folks.
  8. ?Do you have a link for the pick up replacements you mention,i didn't know that the original pups for the Yamaha BB424 could be acquired thanks for that,and thanks everyone who has took the time and trouble to reply,there's some really good advice here.And i have tak4en on board what has been said.I absolutely love the Bass sound on that Crusaders record and it brings back some warm memories for me from that era as i was 19 at the time good good days. Astonishingly enough for me it seems that the SR500 with its Bartolini mk1s with some foam under the strings at the bridge is a great improvement over and above the other two doing the same thing.I have now been practising the line for some two weeks and i am slowly getting there .I might at some point post up a Video of me hopefully having cracked the thing.Once again thanks everyone thats posted.
  9. For me this guy has it nailed ,and this sound is what i'm after.
  10. I'll have a play around a bit tomorrow night with the knobs and see what it sounds like with all three.The current strings i have on all three of my Axes are Elixer Nanoweb Rounds.
  11. Some good info here,Thanks Frank.
  12. So these Flatounds you all speak of,?any particular make or model,?or are they all much of a muchness.
  13. I find myself playing or trying to play a more vintage type of sound.I watched a video earlier of someone playing the bassline for Street Life by the Crusaders ,which i happen to like a lot. I currently have 3 Bass Guitars in my Arsenal which are,1/ Ibanez SR 500,my favourite one right now, 2/ Sire Version 2 Marcus Miller V7 Vintage Alder 4 String Black, 3/ Yamaha BB 424x. It seems that none of them can replicate the sound i'm after,unless that is down to me anyway,I play through an Ashdown Vintage 12 at home only as i'm not in any kind of band or anything as yet. So i have a question. ?If you were to recommend a certain Bass or even An Amp which would get me on my way ,What would it be. Ps I have short ish Fingers so a neck like a pick axe is not going to help.
  14. I Learnt the whole song using this great guys Tabs,give it a try if your struggling.
  15. Cheers chaps ,that's rate lovleh instrument is that.
  16. In this video clip of this awesome song
  17. Only thing i may change is the bridge,other than that it's fine.
  18. No worries bud ,my Sr 500 will be resigned to the bedroom wall for a while now.
  19. Spot on mate,the necks are are lovely to hold .
  20. It will be much later mate ,all those knobs and things will take some digesting.Ahh the burnt Orange one is that this colour,if so i was after one and was told that they hadn't arrived on these shores as yet,Anyway that Orange one is a dream to behold i think.
  21. And dropped off a Sire Marcus Miller v7 version 2 vintage jazz.So far i'm lovin it,really nice neck and some nice sounds coming out. The truss rod needed a tweek as the strings were sat a little high for my liking sorted that out so it's just about right for me. Can't understand sire not providing an instruction booklet of some sort,but it's all available online i suppose so no real set back. Here's me hoping this relationship will develop into some meaningful love affair,and i'm sure it will.
  22. Next Level.In peoples opinions what would need to acquire to take me up to the next level of being able to hold my own in a band. I am currently in a band of sorts which does rock n roll covers but i am starting to get boarded with it slightly so i may decide to branch out a little but i don't think my gear is good enough to be honest..Here's what i currently own and play... 1/Yamaha BB424X .2/Ibanez sr500. 3/Ashdown 100 amp combi. Basically this is all i use at the moment ,but i feel i need to upgrade. So what should i be looking to buy to take me up a notch. I have a budget of 600 squid at my disposal so help me out.......
  23. Genius that is all,i honestly think this bloke cannot be copied or better'd ......
  24. Yep take your point about my BB and i love it bits,i also i have an Ibanez SR500 which i equally love to bits as well.I play in 60s/ Rock n roll type band and the BB has served me well for that genre,maybe i should try and impart a more rounded sound into the band by going for the Jazz,?what do you think.
  25. I'm in the market for one of these but i have the dilemma about which one to choose as i'm not good at deciding which Guitar to buy i thought i'd get some feedback from yous guys. So which one would you choose....and why.
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