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Everything posted by Mickyk

  1. Thank You to all that have replied on this ,some really useful information and i'm soakin it up man. I'm looking into having a couple of lessons if i can find anyone in my area,they are a bit sparse round here and don't want to travel. I must say i'm leaning towards one of these things maybe the mp3c one as my CDs have been made redundant some time ago like me,ah well not to worry i have more time to spend leaning my new found passion. Any more input is appreciated.
  2. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1497104968' post='3315892'] I've no experience with 'tools' of the sort, but it looks, to me, to be darned expensive for what it does. In what way would this be beneficial to you..? Do you have a bass teacher..? What, exactly, are you wanting..? Play more songs, or learn how to play the bass..? Do you play with others at all..? There is speed-up/slow down software out there for a PC which cost nothing at all (Audacity; there are others...) if that's what you're after. I may be off track, of course, in which case: ignore. [/quote] Hi bud thanks reply,agree they seem expensive,there's a lady that uses one on utube and she seems to have hit it off with this tool,i was just thinking that maybe it could do me some good,as i don't have a teacher to guide me as that is expensive ,so for around a £100 quid i thought give it a try,anyway i just want to play better and learn more songs basically.I don't actually play with others yet because my confidence isn't there .
  3. I'm thinking about purchasing one of these and by all accounts they are pretty good tool to have in respect of learning to play better,?or is that not true,anyway i am progressing but not as fast as i'd like to be doing. I have been playing about a year now and i have a few songs in my toolbag but i need to push myself on a bit i think. ?So does anyone reccomend these things and if so which one do i get.
  4. This might seem a bit corny/cheesy to some on here,but one of my favourite bass lines is the song by wait for it" Leo Sayer.....You make me feel like dancing"...Looked all around the usual places with little success . ?So do we do request ,if not just tell me to do one .
  5. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1490941214' post='3269144'] This it is a really easy job if you are unsure what to do youtube is your friend and that jack should be fine [/quote] Brilliant cheers.
  6. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1490909309' post='3269051'] I used a similar a neutrik on my bb614 was reasonably easy to fit,solder a couple of wires your good to go. [/quote] Thanks for that.
  7. Hi to all Overall,i am very happy with my above acquisition,but one thing i'm not to thrilled about is the Barrel Jack,although this is a minor issue and it doesn't affect the guitar's playability ,it's just that the connection on mine seems a bit on the loose side so i'm thinking i might change it,?would this one fit and if so will it make much of a difference as i'm looking for a nice snug connection thats snaps home nicely,a minor irritation i know but thats just me.Oh and how difficult /easy are they to fit. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Neutrik-1-4-6-35mm-Mono-Barrel-Jack-Socket-for-Ibanez-Steinberger-Guitar-Bass-/190816570970?hash=item2c6d8dce5a:m:m01YUTgN1ag2E47RDB1yLXA
  8. Well i did take the plunge and i ended up buying a Yamaha BB424,i've had it just a week and i'm loving it,i also bought some Marcus Miller Strings as well but i've yet to fit them,just a quick question,whilst i was playing around a bit with the current strings trying to get a sound something like a slap,i failed miserably so when i fit the new one s?would it be advisable to lower the strings a tad, if so at what sort of clearance should i be at to enable a proper slap sound.Thanks in advance.
  9. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1489699538' post='3259130'] Try some Dunlop Super Bright steels or their Marcus Miller set while you're at it. They are very flexible which makes it so much easier to play slap with minimal effort! [/quote] Just Ordered a set of those strings,worth a try.[quote name='Cato' timestamp='1489690916' post='3259050'] How are you balancing the pickups on the SR300? For a 'classic' slap tone I'd probably start with both pickups on full, if you decide you need more bass roll off the bridge pickup slightly, if you want more treble roll off the neck pickup. Might be worth turning down the mids a tad at the amp, whilst boosting the bass and treble, if that's an option for you. [/quote] I have the tap switch set to the middle,and on the amp i have the treble right down and the middle with bass turned fully up.[quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1489700416' post='3259139'] I used this group of videos by our own Scott Whitley when I started to learn to play slap: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GObmwIYwnMQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=GObmwIYwnMQ[/url] By the time you get to lesson 4 you should pretty much have it down to a T anyway - it's basically a technique which just needs repetition. Get your bass set up (as low as) by somebody who knows what they're doing, some light strings (35-90s are superb when you start) possibly a [b]compressor [/b]and/or a [color=#333333]Envelope Filter[/color]. After that it's just "practice, practice, practice". Can't see where you are - I'm sure you'll find somebody nearby who can help out so think about posting your location. Good luck [/quote] I'm based in the Derby area. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1489702331' post='3259157'] Are you going to do a lot of slap? I'd recommend looking for a set of super wound strings. They're the ones with just the core wire going over the saddles, the windings (round wound) start between the bridge and bridge pup. Very bright and good sustain. Hard to get these days I think but a real sound from the eighties. Is this the clip that you saw? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRusbYIyRNI[/media] [/quote] Yes mate thats the clip,very easy to take ones eyes off of the bass i might add
  10. Agree to a certain extent as regards slapping my sr 300,maybe it's just my technique ,i saw a video on youtube of a girl, Martha i think her name is and she was using a Yam 424 with great effect,playing the Patrice Rushen track,Forget me Nots a song which i like a lot and always wanted to learn,but cannot seem to make the right sounds slapping with my Ibanez sr300,maybe i need more practise,it was just that i am sold on that Yam 424x. Some great replies guys cheers for them,i am open to more suggestions however.
  11. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1489615715' post='3258463'] The 424x is a fantastic instrument imho particularly in its price bracket. My view on learning a style such as slap is that you learn it on whatever instrument you have. If you change the instrument you adapt the style to fit that new instrument. Personally i would persevere with the Ibanez and get the foundations of the slap style with that. Then maybe if you want the Yam go for it but keep changing instruments in my opinion won't help you learn. [/quote] Thanks for the reply,i take your point maybe will give it another go on the Ibanez. ?Which do you think is the better Bass between a Yamaha bb424x,and a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass 70s
  12. Hello there,I'm looking to upgrade my current Ibanez SR300EB which i have been playing for about 6 months,nothing against it ,only i want to try playing some Slap Bass soon and gave it a whirl on the Ibanez but couldn't seem to get the hang of it,so i'm looking at the Yamaha which is just about in my price bracket. ?You lads on here think much about the Yamaha BB424X and do think that i could get to play slap a bit easier using this guitar. Or am i jumping the gun a tad.
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