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Everything posted by Mickyk

  1. I saw them live in Nottingham in 1975,no one back then ever described Roxy has being underrated, they where a massive influence on so many other bands over the years Even Bowie copied them to some extent, so the word Underrated is not valid at all really.
  2. Thank you so much ,will have a go at it tomorrow .
  3. No worries thanks .
  4. I have searched the depths of this here Tinterwebb thingymagig and came up with zilch, but thanks for the reply anyway.
  5. Been looking for a transcription in TAB for this fine song for ages, Anyone know where I might find it.Or maybe just maybe some kind person might Transcribe it and post it up here.
  6. This ditty for me just encompasses everything about the eighties Bass Sound Sublime stuff from Mick Anker. Saw them live in Notts in the Mid 80s.Fantastic stuff.
  7. Hardly any ... Gear 4music beginner Bass Ibanez sr200 Yamaha BB424x Ibanez SR500 Sire v7 Jazz Bass Sandberg Electra v4 Fender Mex P ....my last one ever.
  8. I have a Mex Fender P Bass with Fender 63 pick ups, with Adagio Flat wound strings and coupled with Sansamp Tech 21,and ill yell you what, the tone this thing pushes out is spot on imo.
  9. Same with me hated Steely in the 70s,a bit different now ,they are one of my faves that's fo sho.
  10. Come and give it a try with no obligation to buy, ,tis a wonderful Instrument, sounds amazing. Will only be available for another two weeks or so, after which it's going on Bass Players Market on FB.
  11. Well Dan You are a Marketeers Dream, they love people like you. I concede to your analogy regarding Fishing Tackle, I am also a Fisherman ,I own a Daiwa Pole which I have had for some 12 years, my mate has just spent nigh on 4 grand on a Daiwa Air Z pro pole which is one of the lightest poles on the market ,?does this now mean he will win more Fishing matches than me, I doubt it ,I'm just a better Angler. Its the same with Guitars ,it is the person playing it that ticks the boxes.
  12. The Great Kick N Rush.https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=323250788192315
  13. Prime example which is in an almost like new condition, Never been out of my house, so never Gigged, home use only. Reason for sale, one Bass has to go out of three and this one won the Toss, the other two being Fender Mex p and a Yamaha 424x. Collection only , Sorry I won't be posting this, it would break my heart if it got damaged in anyway. The bass is Circa 2017 if the previous owners info was correct when I bought it three years ago. The Bass can be played at my home address .
  14. I'm stopping cutting my nails.
  15. All those and you wont go far wrong.
  16. I was thinking of getting one of these,? could the old screws not be used to refit the Bridge.
  17. I
  18. New Gold Dream, SM ,takes me right back to Blackpool 1982,Imperial Hotel to be precise, with the Trader Jacks night club at the side what a weekend that was.
  19. Loved the one by Just brothers.. Sliced Tomatoes one from my Wigan Casino Days excellent, ? got any more Northern Soul Tunes lined up up Bro.
  20. Hi Bud? Are you ever around the East Midlands area,Notts,Derby at any time.
  21. Old Northern Soul stomper from the Wigan Casino Uk,love it ,well played,
  22. Jim Dunlop Big Subby Nylons 1 mm do it for me, makes 16th notes a walk in the park using these ,and the tones great as well.
  23. Here's my set up Focusrite solo.https://www.gear4music.com/Recording-and-Computers/Focusrite-Scarlett-Solo-3rd-Gen/2YSE These Headphones..https://www.amazon.co.uk/OneOdio-Bluetooth-Headphones-Professional-Monitoring/dp/B07MQSFW9R/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=AMTW0YFAXI9O&keywords=oneodio+fusion+a70+dj+headphones&qid=1670105337&sprefix=one+odio+fusion+a+70+dj+headphones%2Caps%2C52&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 which are great for the price Dont know what your Budget is but great set up, and a free download of Audacity will get you up and running, great sound for little money really ,and you wouldn't need your amp for silent practice all this assuming you have a laptop or pc that is.
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