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Everything posted by Mickyk

  1. I was told last night that my Bass playing was on fire,
  2. Currently working on this Jazz Funk classic from 1983 again its synth bass, but i just like the tune.
  3. Squeeze Nottingham royal Concert hall ,looking forward to it.
  4. A word of advice don't bother, unless you're thinking of gigging in Richmond or somewhere like that. London is a mess in most aspects.
  5. Back to the howling old owl in the woods Hunting the horny back toad. What is horny black toad? Horned lizards (Phrynosoma), also known as horny toads or horntoads, are a genus of North American lizards and the type genus of the family Phrynosomatidae. The common names refer directly to their horns or to their flattened, rounded bodies, and blunt snouts. Horned lizard. Question is ?why did he want to hunt them, i ll bet they taste good though with a bit of French Mustard.
  6. Glen Matlock Bath as we say In Derbyshire of the sex pistols,needs no introduction. Raymond Burns..Bass Player with the Damned alternated between him and Captain Sensible. Michael Bradley..Bass Player with the Undertones. Phil Lesh...Of the Grateful Dead. Mat Sargent... Bass Player with the 70s punk band Splodgenessabounds. What A line Up.
  7. Glen Matlock Raymond Burns. Michael Bradley Phil lesh Matt Sargent.
  8. One of the best instrumentals ever made ,from 1970.
  9. Thank you i 'll contact them.
  10. As title suggests ?anyone know the Allen screw size for these.
  11. I have a Mex player with the maple neck which i love,however the stock pick ups didn't do it for me so i changed them out for a set of Fender Vintage 63s now the tone im getting is sublime if you're into the Vintage sound.
  12. Im a Level 42 fan and ive seen them loadsa times ,this isnt too far away from the original if you can reproduce that sound on stage then great,i would certainly go and see you if you ever turn up at Rock City Nottm.
  13. Mine has moved so i had a go at resetting the thing ,epic fail spent 2 hrs trying to get it something like it was but cant seem to do it. Fender P Bass made in Mexico.
  14. Change it to the Pistols version....Very apt in this day n age as well.
  15. Anyone got any advice or tips on how to wire up a set of Fender vintage 63 precision pick up into a MIM p bass,before i dive in and mess it up. Thanks in advance.
  16. Those old those folks were right
  17. If you're after a small bass which looks just like a Fender P but is a standard scale length ,then the Sandberg Electra v4 is ya man.Ill Shortly (excuse the pun)be selling it on here.BTW im a shorty too at 5ft 8.
  18. Steely Dan,hated em back in the 70s,i thought this Donald Fagan Fella who told him he could sing,altogether different now i love them,in part i think that's Down to You Tube and being able to hear stuff one wouldn't dream of listening to back then as it costs money,they had very little Radio play back Int Daay.
  19. This has been in my head for 42 years,well ever since Sheffield city Hall 1980.
  20. ?Anyone got one,and if so whats the sound like with a Bass Guitar.
  21. When i was DJing in the early eighties,if the floor was dead and you felt the need to liven things up a tad,You're the one for me by D Train never failed to hit the spot,one of the funkiest Jazz Funk records or all time,the others weren't to bad either i might add.
  22. Eal Pie Island Twickenham iconic venue that must have been back in the 60s https://www.greatdays.co.uk/tour/eel-pie-musical-highs/
  23. ?What Pups are in the Bass Marc,it's a real looker i must admit.
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