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Everything posted by Mickyk

  1. Thank you bud,much appreciated.
  2. Iv'e looked but can't find any.
  3. Sublime Bass tone,are the words i would use.
  4. That's a semi hollow bass so obviously will be lighter,the SR500 has a solid mahogany body,but is still lighter than most basses.
  5. Phantom power is used to power Microphones in general,Phantom Power is a term given to the process of delivering DC (Direct Current) to microphones requiring electric power to drive active circuitry. Condenser microphones such as Shure's KSM range all have active circuitry and require phantom power.
  6. Because he acquired them for basically nothing ,curtesy of the record company.
  7. Precisely
  8. You need to Dremmel the nut off ,and then replace both.
  9. Either one maybe but he wasn't the first player in history to disrespect his instrument.
  10. I concur totally ,he was something else,nothing fancy ,just got his head down and played the damn thing,one of the reasons i took up the Bass Guitar all those years ago.
  11. That the one buddy,his quote was... "I'd chucked my basses around before and didn't have any respect for them in the first place. The moment I got a new bass I'd get a hammer and start bashing it around." - Paul Simonon. i saw the clash back in Derby(Kings Hall) in 1978 , i stood about 20 feet away from Paul,and everyone thought ,whats going on with Pauls bass it looks totally wrecked,and remember this was before Road Worn came into fashion,having delved into Pauls early bass exploits ,i now understand why.The lad was a great Player though,even if he had no respects for his instruments.
  12. Paul Simonon.
  13. Man boobs😂
  14. Thinking back maybe i shoulda stuck with the Geetar, as i have short stubby sausage fingers.😁
  15. Depends on how good your Tats are.
  16. This tune by this great band and a great album.
  17. Like no doubt many Bass Players before me have labelled this tune as one of the greatest Bass lines ever written, I myself have tried nail this tune down for yonks, but never quite got the sound.? So a quickie for you, I know that a lot of what Freddie's sound was about was his fingers, but I was just thinking what strings he may have been using.
  18. ?Anyone use it,if so is it safe (ie no spyware). Thought id ask anyone on here,already come unstuck with You tube Downloader,which is full of spyware.
  19. In this vid..
  20. A band such as ELO only ever achieved one number one hit, and that was because of Olivia Newton Johns Input(Xanadu), and yet a bland uninspiring act like Coldplay has two to their name, life was never fair, Coldplay aren't fit to lace up Jeff Lynn's boots who was an absolute musical genius ,that must p him off .
  21. Mr Gadd was leader of the gang,
  22. Last Train To London. Never played it live, simply because I can't play the damn thing, ever since well 1979 really.
  23. Spanish stroll classic that one.
  24. Unfortunately yes.
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