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Phil C

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Everything posted by Phil C

  1. Not recorded anything in a while - so here's a new old one from me.....
  2. That's very kind Steve - I'm in Essex, near the M11 but no rush. Start a UK tour next week with Deeper Purple - all over the place, so will take the 400+, plus I have a little Mark Bass head that will tuck somewhere as a back up - I'm not keen on it, but it will do for emergencies! The one time in the past I had to use it, I hid it and still had the Bass 400 on top..... Glad to hear what you say about the TT800, so will wait until I see one on offer or until 2023 or whenever they become available again. There is a D800 available in Germany (same shop I got the speakers from) but I'd rather wait and get the best!! Thanks for the info. Cheers
  3. Hey Steve. I've looked at the Subway amps, and I don't need the two separate channels of the TT-800. Do you reckon the simpler D800 will be as good - or is there something particularly special about the TT-800? Any feedback appreciated. Cheers
  4. Update! - After tonnes of thought, and thank you everyone for their input, I stuck with Mesa Boogie, which was expensive - but I am very happy. The diesel cabs were 2nd hand when I bought them 35 years ago, so it's about time I spent some money!! A subway 4x10 (25kg) and powerhouse 1x15 (32kg). Much lighter than my old rig, but sounds as powerful and punchy - and the quality of the cabs is amazing!!
  5. I did notice the rack getting a bit warm, and put the fan on high. I used it for four hours with no issues so hopefully all is well. Thanks for your input!
  6. Your experience with the PF15LF is worth knowing - many thanks!
  7. Blimey - they are cheap!! 4x10 for under £500. I'll have a hunt around for some reviews. Cheers
  8. Will have a look at that too - many thanks.
  9. Oh Ok - there is an option I hadn't considered before. Thanks for that - will take a look!
  10. Mesa Subways are super expensive, and hardly anyone seems to have anything in stock. I found a mesa subway 2x15 in Germany for sale, but with VAT it ended up at around £1500. I did look at the NV4x12 - pretty sure there is one for sale on here in Norfolk for a good price - however it is 49kg, so not really worth the change for me. Cheers Here is the link by the way -
  11. Hi guys. I have a mesa stack with bass 400+ head, and the band hates it, especially on tour! When the 400+ was in it's diesel ply box, the weight was ridiculous (over 42kg). Anyway, that is now sorted with an ABS 4 unit rack case - but I could really do with a couple of cabs that are lighter (I think the mesa cabs are 43kg for the 18 and 55kg for the 2x10. I also think the 2x10 is 300w, and the 1x18 400w.). Anyway - I have been looking at Ampeg, as the price range seems reasonable, and I have used Ampeg before when overseas (as hire gear) and have been pleased with the sound. So, I was looking at the Pro-Neo gear - which is lightweight but rather expensive. I have nabbed a 2x10 pro neo off ebay, and could put that with either a 4x10 Pro Neo or 1x15. There doesn't seem to be a huge difference in the spec. OR I could sell the 2x10, and get a Portaflex set up i.e a 1x15 and 4x10. They are a little heavier and half the price! Can anyone give me a steer as to the differences in sound - and which would be a good match for the Mesa 400+? Just to add, I have a mark bass 800w amp and 800w 2x12 speaker that I use for function gigs. I don't like the sound. Much too "hi-fi". The band is pretty loud on stage - check out some of the live videos on deeperpurple.band Cheers
  12. Hey all - I had to post this, as it was a labour of love. 17 Keyboard tracks, and 12 guitar tracks, plus bass guitar, drums and vox of course. At one point I tried to duplicate a track on Cubase, but it wouldn't let me, as I had used up all of the 48 available channels. Over the top - yes! Great fun, and I think it sounds pretty good. Bass is a Fender CS - precision body with jazz neck - into a Sansamp Bass DI - straight into my computer via a mixer. Cheers
  13. Hey - I'm seriously looking forward to a small tour for Deeper Purple in April and May (dates on deeperpurple.band). We're playing some new venues, and some new songs. No time for rehearsals, as the keys guitar and vocals all live over seas and are travelling over the day before the first date - BUT we'll have a lot of fun, and we're all capable of making it work (famous last words!). First gigs since COVID - and the last gig we played was March 15th 2020 - without any keys!! Trump had decided to close the border to the USA, so our keys guy had to travel home very very quickly!! Anyway, here's a video from that tour two years ago..... with Doogie White (ex Rainbow) who popped on stage for a sing whilst we were in Edinburgh. We hope he will be joining us again on our Scottish dates.... Burn!
  14. Thank you - sorry I've only just seen this! The Prelude is a great memory test - Sometimes I find it easier to record to a click - especially if there are a number of parts, but it always sounds more musical without.
  15. Thank you!
  16. Thank you! Looking at learning another Bach Prelude now.... - never a dull moment 🤣
  17. What is it about Bach, that makes it great for Bass!?? Here's one that wasn't too technical - but a real memory test to remember from end to end -
  18. Just seen this - very nice! I learnt this is in A a few years back - that way you can play it without any fancy harmonics. Although you still need a couple of extra frets. Luckily I have a Fender Jazz (deluxe I think) that has 22 frets! You need that last 21st for the last chord - and you can use the open bottom E which is handy. My not so perfect version is here. Good luck whatever key you do it in!
  19. That's exactly as I use it - plus it can be a pain having two volume controls to turn down in a gig situation! What I thought odd was two very similar basses - one labelled jazz, one labelled precision - both really Precisions! Marketing I suppose?
  20. 2nd hand is definitely the way to go!! Mine were around £2k or less...
  21. And then I have another one (again purchased on this site) - that has both P and J pickups, and a Jazz neck - but this time the decal is "Precision" - what's that all about!!?? 🤣
  22. I too had this issue and spent a lot of time looking and have now managed to purchase a couple of Fender CS precisions with Jazz necks (and the decal says Jazz!). They are both called "Postmodern Precisions" that have a very nice chunky bridge too . Both picked up second hand (one from this forum) - and exactly what I was looking for. I call them Jazzisions! Here's a pic of one - it's a "relic".
  23. Wow - Magnum - that is niche! I covered one of their songs many years ago - The Spirit. I can' read quickly from a score - I just work it out, and between the notes and my ear get there in the end! Good luck with the band, and hope to catch you sometime!
  24. I love JPJ's lines - and I guess it must be a challenge to learn a full set! I've not been in any other tributes - various Rock cover bands over the years, plus deps for a couple of "late night" bands playing in various Irish Bars around London and for the past 5 years, depping for a function band (with a rock edge). I have a gig with them this Saturday playing at a Parachute Regiment's Xmas party - now that should be interesting!! Apart from that I've been keeping myself amused recently playing classical stuff on bass guitar, which you can check out on my YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpOt0NpcN05elsRj5XLMmlQ Not many subscibers, but it's more for my own satisfaction than anything else!! I'll come and see Led Into Zep - if they're ever down my way (Essex/London). Cheers
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