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Everything posted by NicBass

  1. Still in good condition although around 15 years old. Easily, comfortably and securely fits in my 3/4 double bass inside its padded case. Bargain £500 and may be able to deliver! (..Currently in Edinburgh but leaving for Sheffield in a week and then Bristol ..)
  2. Anyone?😊🙏
  3. Hi. I'm playing double bass for the whole of August in Edinburgh and wondering if anyone has a hard case they - or anyone they can suggest - can hire to me? I'll be driving up from Sheffield so anyone along that route would be great however I'm quite desperate so if it means travelling further I might consider it Many thanks in anticipation of this last minute request! Nic
  4. Has anyone any tips for playing bass guitar after building tough pads on your right hand playing fingers from a heavy stint on double bass? I've tried playing with the EQ and changing strings to flat wound but it's not really helping. Just wondered if there's a miracle way around this that I don't as yet know about?
  5. Could you tell me it's weight please? Cheers
  6. Do you know how much this bass weighs? Cheers
  7. Thanks everyone. I have tried flatwound strings which did help a bit but weren't great for the more funky type stuff.. also tried experimenting with EQ and finger positioning and I do think I'm probably playing a bit too hard... However it's also good to know that it's not just me who's had this problem and certainly glad and kinda comforted that someone else, at least, feels my pain! Cheers Bigears!
  8. Hi I'm mainly a double bass player and am now starting to really want to get to grips with bass guitar. One problem I seem to have is that my two picking/plucking main fingers in the right hand seem to make scratchy noises on the bass guitar strings (from the pads I've developed from playing double bass) when I'm playing. Is my technique wrong? Has anybody else experienced this and knows what I'm doing and how to rectify it? If I flatten my fingers a bit and play quieter it helps but there is still scratchy noise potential.. Thanks!
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