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Everything posted by Cybergimp109

  1. cool thanks for the ideas ive just never had to deal with it before. ill do that during the week i think ill have to leave it in its current state held together with stripped wires till after this gig though. cheers
  2. so i was in practice a few hours ago and my bass ( mm bongo 6) started changing volume and then eventually died. seemed like the battery was dying but i only hcanged both of them a few weeks prior possibly with sweaty hands... noticed one of the battery compartments has green corrosion around the edges(around 50% of the part the battery contacts) i stripped an instrument cable and put some balled up wire in the contact point and it works ok but i have a gig tomorrow and i use a weird bass i wont have an easy time finding a replacement if anything goes wrong. what should i do short term and long term? ill email musicman and see if theyll send me a new part anyway and im happy enough putting it in. if im wrong about this being just some sweat over a few weeks what would have caused this? any help appreciated, cheers.
  3. any interest in selling the stand on its own (im guessing not but if yes) how much?
  4. have been watching these and they seem good or atleast easy to get what hes teaching. obviously i dont know but just incase someone else is looking for similar things. [b] [size=4]Andrew Anderson Teaches the Double Bass - Part 1[/size][/b] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ4ctFAe7r0&noredirect=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ4ctFAe7r0&noredirect=1[/url] mostly arco lessons. just getting onto the art of the bow now. also i just remembered i have a roland cube 100 combo 12" i think. has anyones used one for upright? i checked the input impedance and its upto 1megaohm or however you say it think this is the minimum for the NXT preferably 3 i think. any experience anyone? cheers
  5. thanks for all the info, i have ordered that bass and bow ill go french for now especially if thats what most teachers/books will teach etc. also got a book and am downloading that art of the bow dvd.
  6. thanks for the info, yeh about the 5 string i just know ill want it down the line so ill just put in the effort now instead of later, btw im not trying to get into any orchestra or anything im just hoping to learn a new instrument as i love the sound. any other thoughts on german v french? ill probably go with that one if not anyway cheers
  7. im going to buy a ns design nxt 5 string eub, looking to get a bow but dont really know what to look for, so if anyone could tell me whats a fine beginner bow on thomann. ive been reading up on french v german i think id be better off with a german one but correct me if im wrong, some said it was easier and more natural to people if they hadnt played violin cello etc before. i am one of those, im ordering the bass from thomann so preferrably one from there but if theres a better place feel free to link me. also any good book recommendations would be appreciated(more on technique than theory preferably), i hope to atleast get a few lessons but this would help get me started anyway. any help appreciated anyway. cheers i think i will get a pre-amp at some point aswell as i hear this is pretty necessary to get a good sound. i have a gallien krueger 1001rbII and 1x15 rbh i know this isnt really good for an acoustic sound but i think with a preamp it should get something decent. what would be a good addition to help get a few decent sounds bowed and plucked?
  8. bought that big muff off leftybiskit, great to deal with. made everything run smooth and quickly cheers trev.
  9. hi would you be willing to post the EHX Big muff PI to ireland? its cheap usually anyway. offer 40 anyway if you can.
  10. [quote name='djhollowman' post='1097877' date='Jan 21 2011, 05:59 PM']Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help me here please. A customer asked me if I could try to finish a project he had started but had gotten a bit lost with. He wants to incorporate the guts of a BOSS SYB-5 pedal into his bass, behind the pickguard. As he'd already dismantled the pedal, I need help in tracing where the wires went before it was taken to bits. So, would anyone who owns one of these pedals be prepared to open the back up and describe to me which colour(s) of wire go where?? I'm particularly interested in the wiring to and from the switch, and the wiring to and from the Output A socket. Really appreciate anything helpful here fellas! Many thanks, DJ[/quote] hey i have one but cant find a screwdriver. if i can find one tomorrow ill take some pics and send em on. is there no wiring diagram somewhere? just a thought
  11. [quote name='ahpook' post='1100195' date='Jan 23 2011, 09:55 PM']i used to have one of these units, and did find the vocoder tricky to use. as far as i remember it was mainly down to tweaking the levels of the mic and rear panel input so that the vocoder triggers correctly. sorry, i can't really offer any more help than that... good luck ![/quote] ill take all the help i can get! thanks that give me somewhere to start anyway. i can get the bass sound through or the mic sound through connecting it up differently but cant seem to control it with the other. also sounds like the sound is being changed i might have an effect i dont know about on though. manual made it seem like it would be plug and play easyness.. maybe it is. anyway cheers keep it coming if anyone knows anything?
  12. all effects sound a bit weird to me so i think im doing something wrong mainly id like to get the vocoder working anyway. but any experience you can share would be handy. got this multi fx unit and cant seem to get the vocoder working can anyone give me a step by step guide to setting it up right or a link or anything basically . i have a mic plugged into the front mic jack, instrument (through a synth pedal) to the left mono input on the rear and output to an amp through the left out on the back. am i doing something wrong? i only have my practice amp with me usually id have it in the effects loop i think would that help anything? i have read the manual and i think i have everything set up right. any help much appreciated,
  13. [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='941272' date='Aug 31 2010, 07:29 PM']That's rather nice of you, thanks! I'll drop you a line (and fund postage and pint, of course!) when the time nears. Again, it looks really nice. Glad to hear it sounds good too. This is the kind of stuff you want to hear just before you embark on a similar project! Well done![/quote] no worries, cheers sounds good though its the only fretless ive played but to me sounds like a fretless should, nice and mwah'ish and can get a great tone messing with pickups and eq etc. pulling out the frets is the only thing that can go wrong anyway just be careful during that and youll end up with something good and woodfiller works this is my second try at defretting, the previous attempt was on a piece of cr*p bass i bought off a friend for 2 euro, when i took out the frets i got a good few chips due to rushing possibly and a very dry brittle neck i dunno it was years ago but used filler on that and due to the chips it looked weird, with the veneer i thought itd be easy to cover up and you can use the wood to fill the chips if there are any but didnt really need to on this one anyway.
  14. had a similar experience when my band was recording a song. picked up a strange guy in a field somewhere in the us broadcasting and talking about jesus and tabernacles though the guitar stack. we used a bit of it as a sample then like a month or two later i picked him up again in my house through my amp its only ever been him and only those times.
  15. i have the korg 1000 and its good, not perfect but very good. ive used my guitarists boss tuner and i find it alot more awkward to use and harder to pick up low notes.. low b it has alot of trouble with but that might not affect you either way. if you find one second hand id definately go for it.
  16. cheers yeh im really pleased how it ended up thought i would screw it up. re-atached the neck and it sounds really nice too just a few setup things to be done and waiting for flatwounds then itll be finished properly. few pics anyway [quote name='JimBobTTD' post='939547' date='Aug 29 2010, 07:41 PM']Looks great! Where did you get the ebony veneer from? I'm planning on doing this to an Ibanez 5er in the near future.[/quote] couldnt find any veneer anywhere other than a supplier as diy shops here in ireland are useless and the minimum they would sell me is like 9x9 feet.. so i have a ridiculous amount lying around. if you want some i can post a few bits of it over aslong as the postage isnt much anyway. though the veneer is a bit fragile when youre cutting it up it can be awkward though it looks nice has little stripes through the frets.
  17. cool, yeh its nice down there, was around there alot as a kid
  18. hey how do, im down south living in waterford but mostly gig around tipperary/cork but wherever we can. never been up north atall myself
  19. cheers im checking both of those out, keep the suggestions coming anyway im in ireland by the way so postage to here is a must
  20. hi just defretted a bass and wanting to get some flatwounds to save the fretboard from wear. the only set i can find for a six string(on thomann atleast) are infield jazz at €64. does anyone know any good sites that would sell a decent set cheaper or just same price but better? never bought flatwounds so dont know which are good etc. i usually buy strings from america as the prices here seem crazy for 6 string sets usually half price or so but the sites i use over there have no six sets. any help is appreciated anyway cheers
  21. defretted my ibanez sr506 as i dont use it too much atall anymore and wanted to breathe some new life into it. been thinking about doing this for ages, gave up thinnking and started doing. Happy enough with how its gone so far so thought id throw up a few pics anyway.. removed the frets with a soldering iron and plyers/knife(plyers didnt work too well and couldnt find better ones anyway no chips as i was very careful and wouldnt recommend anyone else do it this way. i had to use the bass so restrung it for a while sounded great even like this though lost something when i went over the empty frets. sawed the frets straight with a hacksaw so i didnt have to radius the veneer, which turned out very handy as the ebony veneer i bought was quite brittle and hard to but in straight lines so curves would have been impossible. while sawing i made a few mistakes but only surface scratches really. anyway cut the ebony into strips and glued in witha decent wood glue left to dry for a few hours sanded with a sanding block as i couldnt find a radius block. if anyone can tell me where i can get a fairly cheap one in europe somewhere(16mm i think) then i think i may get it and tidy it up a bit but as of yet i havent reatached the neck so i may be happy with how it is. the frets are alot darker than they appear in certain pictures looks really nice against the fretboard anyway visible but not too visible. all thats left is to get a set of flatwound strings sand it a little smoother for asthetics and possibly finish with a wax, oil or epoxy. how necessary are any of these? is a raw board ok? i have read that no finish is normal enough and gets a different sound to epoxy but does this mean wax or nothing atall? either way can someone recommend me anything i need.
  22. ah damn no worries, another one will pop up im sure
  23. hi, would you be willing to post to ireland? its usually cheap to anyway.
  24. Hi im interested in the Soundlab 9V Powerbank i live in ireland can you check out postage and see if its still included
  25. hey, thought you said the eq was gone? if not can you tell me the model number.. id be interested
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